UtemboMcjib0's Forum Posts

  • Strange, I hope it works out, I thought it saved your projects only locally to the folder you chose at the start of your project.

  • Apparently it can. Justed tested it myself.

  • caproj? I dont know, It may have destroyed your project, when you closed it last did it crash or something?

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  • I am making my own Z order system, its not working the way I had imagined it. However you cant physically manage a container using Z Order functions without first calling them from another object, so I was wondering if anyone had managed to do something like this? I am trying to manage them via values but its not working.

    In fact this code doesnt work either:

    If Group.Families Value < Group.Families Value

    Group.Families Sort to Back of Object Group.Families

    I mean it SHOULD work, but it doesnt? I dont understand. Even For Each loops doesnt fix this.

    I want each object of the loop to check if its value is less than another member of its own families Z order value and then move behind it. It should work. And I even tried selecting the container from another object to move behind it, or above it based on its values however you still need to pick its components and move them to the layer value of the container HOWEVER the objects contained WITHIN the container lose their bloody family grouping when attached to it!

  • Hmm, I guess I have to cycle through the array and just keep using the first element of the axis I want shown? I wonder why you can directly show the .Front with only the X axis but not the others without using the For Loop function for the array.

  • Seems like it should work the same as the standard X, and I saw how arrays work so I don't understand?

    I'm trying to retrieve data saved to specific locations on my array but all I want it to do is read the next set of data pushed:

    on enter: set text to <ARRAYDATA.Front> but how can I read the Z or Y data as well? I want to add those values to the text that have been saved but just the most recent pushed ones. Since I can push to Z and Y I assumed there would be a way to read the last ones pushed onto those axis aswell?

  • Yes I agree there is a time delay so its not going to be exactly 1 second each time.

    EDIT: Well I checked yours out and although I cant understand it I think its way more efficient and it taught me that you can list Values in one variable? GlobalVar: Stuff1;Stuff2;Stuff3;

  • With float(x).

    So if you enter string you can convert it if you put it into brackets after float.

    Wow thanks alot, here everyone I did this to make it work:

    float(INPUTDATA.Text)<enter math operations>

  • I need to be able to type numbers in and then do math on them and save them/export them. Is this possible?

  • Alright everyone, I hope this helps you all:I am hoping someone knows of maybe a better way to do something like this, but this is the 'proof of concept' as it were. It needs more polish. Right now its set to a 1.0 second cycle. Which should be made longer for more use but is convenient for testing purposes.



  • You could use the Array.At(x) expression, where x is the index you'd like to get the value for and 'Array' is the name of your Array.

    Assuming you have a global variable called "CurrentIndex", you could do something like this:

    Every 30 seconds:

    -- Set text to Array.At(CurrentIndex)

    -- Add 1 to CurrentIndex

    Thats almost exactly what I had tried.. but perhaps I forgot to assign the value as an array.

    EDIT: I'll let you all know how it turns out and post a capx.

  • I have a simple premise, you see every 30 seconds (a date keeper) I want a text value to change to the next array value I've placed on the x axis. Now, I have a faint clue as to the use of Curvalue but my attempts have ended in failure. If someone can let me know how to do this I would be grateful.

    Note: I've read the Array tutorials and know about appending values and such but not how to cycle through the NEXT value. As in there isn't a "do next value". Unsure how I would even loop them.

  • You're a programmer, but be specific about what type you are so they can understand should they have an interest in your knowledge.

  • 0.99 * 400 = 396

    Minus 0.30 = 278 towards your upgrade.

    "The individual is permitted to make up to $5,000 USD lifetime revenue (or equivalent in other currencies/payments/benefits) from their creations. This includes but is not limited to revenue generated through advertisments, in app purchases, sale of content, licensing of content, contract work.

    If you generate more than the above stated revenue you must ugprade your Personal Edition License into a Business Edition license within 14 days regardless of if you intend to continue use of your license or not."

  • Pretty much.

    Minus the emulation part.

    Its a little like the exe versions of flash games.

    So this is like a pygame game needing python installed before it can run? Does the node webkit wrapper wrap the necessary chrome files inside of the folder to make it a stand alone app? I searched videos and it seemed to do so but I was not sure if that was the case. It also showed me a .pak file inside of the video which I assume houses all of your games assets when packaged and installed onto someone elses PC? Is this encrypted or just easy to open and view? I'm trying to understand how easily it is to distribute games made in construct 2 as stand alone apps is and what form these distributions take when on another persons PC. Although one thing I like is apparently all node webkit apps made in Construct 2 are cross platform from the start meaning it is supported on multiple platforms (windows, mac OS X, linux) however I am hearing some bad news about newer versions of this node webkit slowing down peoples creations. And I notice a bit more lag when playing the ghost test in a browser than it would from the construct classic stand alone version.