I am making my own Z order system, its not working the way I had imagined it. However you cant physically manage a container using Z Order functions without first calling them from another object, so I was wondering if anyone had managed to do something like this? I am trying to manage them via values but its not working.
In fact this code doesnt work either:
If Group.Families Value < Group.Families Value
Group.Families Sort to Back of Object Group.Families
I mean it SHOULD work, but it doesnt? I dont understand. Even For Each loops doesnt fix this.
I want each object of the loop to check if its value is less than another member of its own families Z order value and then move behind it. It should work. And I even tried selecting the container from another object to move behind it, or above it based on its values however you still need to pick its components and move them to the layer value of the container HOWEVER the objects contained WITHIN the container lose their bloody family grouping when attached to it!