urkokan's Forum Posts

  • urkokan, check the other thread about best practices related to text updating. I left you an answer there. :)

    And, as dop2000 mentioned, effects might be the problem if you use lots of them.

    i use just one effect when enemy is destroyed spawn a explosion but is small just blend mode... "additive" and stop... this is soo strange... cause all game actually is 20 mb and when you play is 135mb

  • I normally suggest that you avoid "Every tick" actions when updating GUI. Usualy the best practice is to have a Function that updates the GUI that you call whenever it needs updating, that is, after events that change one or more information shown.

    > On updateGUI
    -------+ TextScore | Set text to "Score: " & score
    -------+ TextGoldDiamond | Set text to golddiamond

    Hope this helps.


    i think is better your solution but have some problema to make this.. i try but no found "On updateGUI" where is???

    anyone can teach me???

  • I don't understand your question.

    You can have 100 levels = 100 layouts.

    All 100 layouts can use the same 1 event sheet.

    If you want to use the same HUD layer on all 100 layouts, set it as Global=Yes.

    yeah i know that... but my game is soo slow.. and want repair it

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  • Set Global=yes for HUD layer.

    please take a look i think a problem is here.... is 1 event sheet have 6 screen

    in order screenshoot


    here you can see a event sheet main... where i build a lv1

    all start from here...

    i try various solution but no one working have everytime 135 mb

  • Set Global=yes for HUD layer.

    yeah.. is already on yes...

    i try various solution. no see a way...

    this is veri strange

  • ibb.co/Jcp63N8

    for do a great job is better make all action in 1 everytick?? or every action take him every tick??

  • I can't answer these questions because without seeing your game it is just guessing. 20px is hardly anything. You must have HD images present in the level or something to reach 141mb. You can delete objects and run the game to see how drastic the drop in memory usage is and what are the problem areas.

    i discovered another error... a layer invisible.. if i touch a button.. this button work...

  • I can't answer these questions because without seeing your game it is just guessing. 20px is hardly anything. You must have HD images present in the level or something to reach 141mb. You can delete objects and run the game to see how drastic the drop in memory usage is and what are the problem are

    this in red is enemy spawn in game...


    but for put in hud i have take a new object...

  • you can see how to build a "go back "

    this store is for game.. player can entry in shop and buy hp or power for bullet... and other thing...

  • If it's on mobile it is better to load as little as possible. For my game I have shop menu in a different layout, you tap on shop button and go to it. Then in shop you have an exit button to return to game. If you build all your menus in one layout and make them visible/invisible you come across the performance problem. Let's face it, the shop does not need to be following you through the game set to invisible.

    this is my work


  • and for image??? 141... is too much

    i have a hud in this hud i repor score and stats.. for each enemy different.. i have take a icon and put 20x20px on hud for count how many enemy for each type you have destroy... this icon is a new image.. taked whit clone object type... and i do that whit all image that cause my problem?

  • Yes you should use another layout. Setting a layer invisible, the objects are still loaded. For energy etc they should be global variables so unaffected when you go between layout.

    ??? umh

    you say that??

    instead build layer on the level layout where player is...

    i build a layout "store" in this layout i build a layer invisible and set visible when player go in to door? then?? for go out??

  • That's your image use in the current layout so you have too many images and animations loaded. Could also be particle effects but I've never really used them.

    this happen cause i build a shop on layer...

    cause i not know hot to buil on layout...

    i have door in game.. when you go in collision set layer visible and inactive group of monster and player.. when i push n exit set layer invisible...

    i think no is this way correct..

    is simple do.. "go to layout" but when you do.. you "start layer" and i no want.. cause have other check.. "energy bar, gold, score, enemy killed" if i do go to layout all reset

  • For mobile 141.5 is high so you will probably see some performance drop. Should really be no more than 80

    why is 141.5?

    this happen cause i build a shop on layer...

    cause i not know hot to buil on layout...

    i have door in game.. when you go in collision set layer visible and inactive group of monster and player.. when i push n exit set layer invisible...

    i think no is this way correct..

    is simple do.. "go to layout" but when you do.. you "start layer" and i no want.. cause have other check.. "energy bar, gold, score, enemy killed" if i do go to layout all reset

  • Depends how many are on screen :) check your memory usage

    here my debug
