untune's Forum Posts

  • Thanks Quazi, this works brilliantly! Very in depth explanation, thanks for going to the trouble

    As for what Steven said, the Mouse/Keyboard object can set the X and Y position of the mouse but this limits the movement of the new 'custom' pointer aswell, and causes it to spring back to the origin.

  • Exactly 110% what I wanted it to do. R0J0hound, I love you.

    Here's a link to a picture of some cake for your trouble: Cake

  • Hi all,

    I've been setting my custom mouse pointer sprite to be at mousex, mousey every tick. I want to instead not let the mouse coordinates define it, but move in response to the mouse being moved - thus allowing me to set a variable sensitivity and effectively control the speed of the mouse. Would be ideal if it used sin/cos to smooth the movement slightly too. Can anyone tell me if there's a way to do this?


  • I have no idea how to use the timer stuff in Construct :S

    I've been looking into some tutorials on the implementation of heat seeking behaviour... technically it's the same thing, the target is just the mouse. Plus it'll be great for enemy AI later on. Can't seem to get anywhere with it though


  • Thanks for the reply victrium

    Yeah I started to figure out it'd take a lot more calculation - I did try this with the physics plugin before which worked to an extent, but was too unstable for me to be satisfied with :S Also, I'm avoiding using it now as those previous projects crash with the latest version of Construct.

    It's easy to get this effect with WASD or cursor keys but so much more difficult when you have a target angle... I was hoping mouse control would feel a little bit more natural...

    I've looked all over for examples and tutorials in other languages but had very little luck!

  • Any ideas on this? It's frustrating me to the point of making me feel sick Every example online just doesn't apply! I'm trying to get it to decelerate before it begins the rotation in the opposite direction but all that maths just gets confusing :S



  • I'd like to see more in depth access to the XAudio2 object and better control over sound data, as well as the use of filters and DSP effects etc to create more dynamic sound systems.

  • Might I ask how the layouts work in a project like this? I've always wanted to limit it to as few as possible, and with this being generated the way it is, I'm curious if it uses a few or maybe just one?

  • I seem to have migrated through all the BASICs since C++ was just too frightening for my poor brain

    I started off on PureBASIC which is incredibly fast and compact, and powerful too. I did use IBASIC for a while too but I think that one disappeared... which is a shame, I think I still have the bare bones of an OpenGL based '2d-using-3d' engine around here somewhere!

    After that I started experimenting with PureBASIC again and then I drifted away from coding altogether...

    It does make me wonder though, PureBASIC became quite popular in the DarkBASIC Pro community for it's ability to perform so well and do low level stuff, and build DLLs - therefore people used it to code DLL-based plugins. Can it be used for Construct in the same way?

  • I've applied this method to a basic kindof space ship type movements alike asteroids. I'm just wondering if there's a fix for this.

    If you set the speed of turning to be relatively slow, the turn takes longer to face the pointer, obviously. Due to the speed at which you can move the mouse, it's possible to 'overtake' the 180 point and therefore shorten the turning distance. What this does is it creates a little jerk as it switches from rotating clockwise to anti-clockwise, or vice versa.

    I'm wondering if there's a simple/efficient way to keep it rotating in the same direction once it's picked up momentum, as this little switch looks unnatural and it's really niggling me

  • That's awesome! Much neater and more efficient, and it's solved my problem too

    Thanks for the help! Any other suggestions or improvements would be great

    Now to try and get my diagonal movement working :S Haha

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  • Awesome

  • The look and feel of this one is really great, reminds me of an idea I had a few years ago that never came to fruition!

    Is the sound of the ball altered by adjusting the frequency?

  • Worked up until around level 3 or 4, don't remember... then it froze and I got a Visual Studio debugger

    Unhandled Win32 exception occurred in DarkAsteroids.exe [4356]

  • That's correct yeah, the torso never jumps directly to face the mouse pointer but smoothly rotates and then decelerates as it approaches the target angle