Thanks for your reply, and I would be really grateful for your help as I am really stuck.
I am trying to create a shape matching game. I have 2 groups of matching shapes which I have placed in families. 2 shapes from the first group are selected at random and placed on the screen at random angles. The player then needs to select 2 shapes from the second groups to match these shapes and angles within a time limit.
I need to work out a way to check that:
1. The player only selects 2 shapes
2. These shapes match the 2 shapes on the screen
3. They match the angles of the 2 shapes on the screen
I�ve been working on this for some time. The solutions I have come up with so far have achieved some of the things I want but the events I�ve created seem rather over complicated to me and I think you were correct that there is probably a better way.
Unfortunately, I am still very new to C2 and programming concepts, and it was the best solution I could find with my limited knowledge.
I created the text boxes just to check if my variables where being assigned correctly as I thought these variables would help me reference each shape so I could run my checks. These are not part of the game.
Thanks again for any help you can give me.