unknowndev's Forum Posts

  • Thank you so much for trying my prototype and finding two minutes to drop some very useful suggestions.

    1) i know it would be nice to have a even simpler control system, just click right to dig right for example. Can not implement it though, for different reasons, mainly because i have some interactive objects that i will deploy later in the game that requires you to be able to stay at the left or at the right of a brick and press/hold left or right without trigger a headbutt.

    2 ) all the consideration about the resolution assets are true and i will improve it following what you have pointed out.

    Nice idea about the sun, what i use is not a timer, but its based on how many bricks you have destroyed.

    Thank you so much again for your feedback, it was really useful!


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  • yaomon17 thank you for trying my low rez game!

    They are actually eggs, but its up on the immagination of the player.

    What do you thing about the game? Got stuck a lot? How long time it required for you to figure out how to dig?

    Thank you!

  • Nobody?

  • Hello guys!

    Unknowndev here again.

    This time I d love to pitch a long term (I hope) project I have been working on, this time I have I playable demo!

    About the project.

    Guido is a struggling newyorker from brooklyn, looking for a job opportunity. One day he stumbles upon on some adverts about an interesting job opportunity for a private space company...

    Controls and mission

    Dig around on the asteroid, collect the eggs and go back to the base, think about each movement, dont get stuck!


    Up - jump

    Right - moves right

    Left - moves left

    (hold) Down - dig down

    (hold) A (if close to a rock) - dig left or right

    R - Restart

    It's a very early prototype demo, though i have been working on this with patience and passion, there are a lot of interactions and puzzles ready that I couldnt just incluce here in the first stage.

    Please leave some feedback, suggstions, critics are more than welcome!




  • it's a great idea and I would love to put in the OUYA the project I am currently working on or provide ideas and graphics for a new project.

    Technicaly, we should be aware that since the DEV kit will not include any browser in it, it's pretty unlikely that the a html5 game will run in it, at least not at first: even if you compile the game you still gonna need a browser to run it.

    Recently though I was thinking that in future, a brave and skilled dev could develop a sort of html5 game optimized app (sort of a browser but ''pimped'' like a market place) where OUYA owners can connect and play our html5 games.

    Imagine how cool it could be, we will no have any compiling issue and we have just to export the game in standard html5 to have it running on the OUYA.

    Since the console it's pretty powerful there is no reason why this should not be possible

  • Thank you for reply, we already have some ideas to solve the problems you pointed out, thank you so much to give us such as an important suggestion.

    Please guys, keep posting!

  • The forum is a decent way to submit your project, but it only covers games made with Construct2 and you are pitching the game to other devs only.

    I was thinking about something wider that could cover every engine/language as long as the final product run on PC, Mac or Android and the ''testers'' are actual gamers.

    thank you for your opinion though

  • Hi everyone, hope you are doing great and enjoying your holydays!

    A friend of mine and I are thinking about a new startup, not a game itself, but a board where developers can submit their games (even at early stage) and gamers can test them and leave feedback and suggestions.

    I realized myself that even if making a game got easier thanks to game engines like Construct 2, still, there is not a place where a dev can just submit a prototype or a demo to a community (an outside community, of real gamer, not other developers) and get some consistent feedback.

    In addition I strongly think that it will also help to create ''the buzz'' since early stage and help the devs to get known faster.

    What do you think guys, another useless idea or something that can solve someone's problem and at the meantime providing some fun for others?

    Please find two minutes to reply, we are really curious to know your opinion!


  • It works very well, thank you so much!

  • trying it right now

  • Thank you for trying to help me, but as I said its really too messy to take care of the collisions using Set position, cos the stage its made by elements that you can destroy.

    So using custom movement and simulate control already take care of collisions.

  • Hi guys!

    This time I have an apparent easy question, but this is making me crazy.

    Hope somebody is willing to help.

    I need to move an object 30 pixel to the right or to the left after a collision with the main character.

    I need to use custom movement or (platform) simulate control, cos if I use set position i ll need to take care of collisions with other object and exeptions.

    Please help!

    Thank you in advance

  • Hi everyone!

    I have been working on a puzzle prototype, it s a variation of a classic ''miner'' game, where the player dig around to collect some items.

    I am going crazy dealing with collisions, in general it seems that i haven't understood anything about it.

    Here is the problem

    I have a 30x30 brick, which can be destoyed and it's all over around the stage. There is then the character and some, lets call em ''otherbricks''.

    When the character is at left of ''otherbrick'' and push A, ''otherbrick'' is moved 30 pixels to the right.

    Now, I can do that, but the problem is keep this working in all the possible situations:

    1) if there is a 30x30 brick on top of the ''otherbrick'' and the player tries to push ''otherbrick'' it doesn't move.

    2) I can solve the above, but in this way when the player push otherbrick, the movement is always allowed, even if at the right there is an object.

    Using the ''if overlaping at offset'' how do you indicate the middle of the the left side of the 30x30 brick?

    This is not clear to me, i checked everywhere and what i found is not clear to me, please help.

  • here is a HD snapshot of the game (cannot post images or active links, yet)


    I wanted to providea better idea of the game look, the video shows the mechanic but couldn't get a good quality in term of resolution.

    I took this snapshot from the game, using Bandicamp

  • Hi Aruche, thank you for finding 2 minutes to write us!

    I had this idea since quite long time, I wanted something different, funny to play with both pc or tablet.

    We are actually thinking how this could be like played on the OUYA, as the controller will have both analog and touch pad.

    We are at the beginning though, so the first step will be releasing a nice and functional html5 game.