Unconnected's Forum Posts

  • Is there a large difference in calling a Function vs Activating/Deactivating a group?

    The only difference I have noticed is one extra event where you have to deactivate a group. I actually only used groups without any issues before knowing of Functions.

    I may be using Functions wrong as well.

    It seems they are meant for single use only. As in spawning an object.

    Will using the same function constantly(non-stop) for something long term or possibly a loop cause issues? Possibly as in a timer that restarts when hitting 0, or controlling an animation frame based off of a variable?

    All of the Capx files I have downloaded used function or nothing at all. I haven't seen anybody activating/deactivating groups as I have. Am I missing something? Is there a difference in performance?

  • Okay, now that I am able to look at the example, I can see that the Aliasing isn't as bad as I though it would be.

    You did it a different way than I was expecting.

    I was expecting object copies that moved in a single 4-way direction depending on the need, basically tiled objects.

    Thanks, Will try it out.

  • alanziy That is more like it. Was wanting to avoid objects if possible to prevent a foreseeable issue later on. I'll manage with it. Can't seem to be able to fill pixels between points without a plug in, which would have been the solution.

  • I already have it done. I just made two tile-maps into half of an isometric grid and put them on each other to make a whole, I removed blend and added erase tiles on contact. I'm using a large invisible object to erase on contact, this prevents visual problems. I was trying to avoid many objects since the area that needed to be a solid color is large. To prevent visual problems I would probably need to use 8 or even 16 objects, at that point I might as well just render large tiled objects for the ground instead of using tiled background and remove the black/white blend layer.

    I thought tile-maps didn't take up much CPU/ memory vs objects?

    Is it better performance wise to have 8/16 of the same objects, or 2 tile-maps that repeat the same single tile to make the black area outside of where the diamond is supposed to be?

    I'm not sure how each is processed, seems to me tile-maps uses less of everything somehow.

    Is there a huge difference or should I just tile objects for the ground and forget the black/white mask?

  • The "int(x/10)*10" Will always round down. 19/10 is 1.9 so it gets converted to 1 and then the answer is 10.

    You did answer my question though.

    "round(x/10)*10" rounds to nearest (x.5 is rounded up)

    "ceil(x/10)*10" rounds up. (1.000000000000000001 = 2)

    "floor(x/10)*10" rounds down (1.999999999999999 = 1)

    This brings up another question, What is "int()" for if "floor()" already does that?

    I saw that if there is text after the numbers it can get the numbers.

    "33xx" would = 33

    but "xx33" would = 0

    What would a reason be that letters and numbers are mixed up?

    I have never come across a reason for this.

    The only thing I can think of is X,Y coordinates, but I have always had a variable to go by.

  • Nothing that I asked in this post can be found in the Manual. I asked for a formula or for a built in expression. It wasn't in the manual so I wasn't sure. When rounding 5.5 is in the middle and can technically be rounded up or down. Was asking if Ceil and Floor was hard limit or not. 5.9 and 5.9999 are different. One has 10% missing while the other has .0001% missing.

    Int is in the manual. I didn't know the use of it at the time, so reading it and it sticking with me are two different things. I will admit I misread your post at first. I hope it didn't come across as me being a jerk.

  • I saw a "%" symbol used before and wasn't sure what it meant. I didn't know int() even existed, figured that was what ceil and floor was for.. Still a bit new. 5.5 is kind of half full half empty kind of thing. Wasn't sure if there was a built in expression or not, this answers it. Thank you.

  • Hello World, I wanted a tiny Rep Boost..

  • Lets say I need a number to be rounded to the nearest multiple of 5, 10, 32... etc


    Multiples of 5:

    0, 5, 10, 15, 20 ,25

    12 would = 10

    Multiples of 10:

    0, 10, 20 , 30, 40

    16 would = 20

    Multiples of 32:

    0, 32, 64, 96, 128

    89 would = 96

    What about rounding up or down and not to nearest? As in:

    Rounding down to make 14 = 10 or

    Rounding up to make 11 = 15?

    I am aware I may have to create a variable, just not sure if there is an expression for this already or if I have to take the number and put it in a formula.

    Also will Round(5.5) = 5 or 6?

    I have only read 5.4 = 5 and 5.6 = 6 in forum examples.

    I never read what would happen if it was in the exact middle.

    Does it just pick up or down randomly?

    How sensitive is Ceil and Floor?

    would floor(5.99999) still be 5?

    would ceil(5.00001) still be 5?

  • I figured out how to use tile-maps to fake it. I am able to stack two tile-maps and erase on contact.

  • I could use 4 sprites that overlap each other and move each one independently to make it look like a single sprite, It is still rather large in size though. I tried a single large sprite and it said images over 2048 isn't always supported in other systems. I didn't want to use a ton tiles(since they are the wrong shape) and I am seemingly unable to have tiled-backgrounds on different frames. Thanks. I will try a different method instead. I will explain what I came up with when I come up with it.

  • I usually try not to have plug-ins to try to prevent Issues when exporting to different platforms. I only have one and I hardly even use it. I like to know how to do everything manually. I will look at it though, maybe I can learn from it.

  • I am using Tile-Background.

    Note: I changed the numbers around. I was in a hurry when I typed it and it was bad math.

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  • Just to keep it simple I will use simple math.

    From 45,45 to 90,90 I would like to know how to tile an object until it touches the other point.

    The two points may change at times. It may change to 0,0 to 45,45 or 45,45 to 135,135.

    The angle will always be the same 45° and only the length will change. The length will only change in increments of the tiled object, meaning when the length increases one more object should be tiled at the end.

    I am just unsure how to tile an object at an angle.

    It may be more simple to have a line drawn and then tile on the line every X pixels, not sure how to do that either.

  • I have a layer that is above the other layers. It is only black and white, where the white part of the layer shows what is on the lower layers.

    I am aware I can use a sprite, but the white part of the top layer will adjust in size as the game goes on. I don't want to have to make a sprite large enough so it doesn't pixelate when the sprite is at it's larger size. Is it possible to pick 4 X,Y coordinates on a layout and have the game fill in the area with a color? Or will that take up as much CPU/Memory as a large white diamond shaped sprite?