ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • I don't have time to work on anything right now but quick thoughts are:

    1) Use the speed x and speed y variables to change your angle of motion. It's moving using those variables so altering it's X and Y coordinates is going to look strange since every tick you're still using those variables to push the ball in a particular direction. You can create another set of variables (e.g. X and Y constants - perhaps 0 and 200, respectively) to compare to whatever you change your variables to. If your speed variables are greater or smaller you bring each variable back to your constants every X seconds or tick with a small sum.

    2) Create imagepoints around your ball to determine where it's overlapping to determine the angle of motion you want and create a system that alters your X and Y speed variables accordingly.

  • I was a bit late throwing this together but it's a slight bit different than what's been posted so I think it may be helpful in other ways. It's also a C2 file, but C3 should open it and it should work as a guide for what you want.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/qs8zx06jd6v9v ... .capx?dl=0

  • Hey, I'm not sure what your project is like but here's an example

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/yih5rkrzujmmu ... .capx?dl=0

  • I don't use the physics behavior myself but if I remember correctly it doesn't play well with other behaviors. If you use it, you'll want to remove the platform behavior and then program your movement with the physics behavior accordingly. Then sliding down slopes etc. should work as expected.

  • There are a few ways of doing this. Here's an idea for you:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/sp7kkvbns4n9s ... .capx?dl=0

    However, if you're using an invisible sprite and UID method, and that works, you may want to keep it. That will give you a lot of leeway in how you design your levels.

  • I'm not sure if there's a fancier way to do this with the spriter object but you can just select the sprite you want after importing your animations and add an image point in Construct.. Afterward you treat spawning your bullet like you would with any other standard sprite object, by selecting that sprite and the imagepoint you want to use. I know you've already added an imagepoint in Spriter but I don't know how to use those features so I can't help from that side.

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  • Does anyone still have the files for this effect? Thanks

    The OP was online yesterday. Maybe he'll come back soon and see this message? Pode - would it be possible to update the links for this effect?

  • Hey ultrafop , dop2000 , brunopalermo , Thank you guys!!

    I agree, my explanation wasn't very good :s...

    Ultrafop, I'm using clamp because the Slide Bar tutorial that I found uses it. I think it's the best way of keeping the Slider Button inside the Slider Line, you will understand if you see the .capx.

    A simple example:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/bt7rc1ydxzlg6 ... .capx?dl=0

    Note that the values change when the popup moves, because the buttons do not stay in their position inside the line... I tried pinning, but It don't seems to work <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused">

    Oooooooh. I may actually have a fix for this in a project of mine. but I need to get to class so I hope this works for you as I won't be able t check for a few hours. Here is what I do in my project (with my 'on start' set to every tick for your purposes. I use an array to hold my variable that's being adjusted, which you'll see in my example):

    every tick slider is not in touch -> set slider.x to (sliderbar.bboxright-slider.width) - (sliderbar.width*((5-array.at(your setting here)))/5)

    EDIT: I should add that you can change that 5 to any number you want depending on your variable and your purposes, but the set of 5's needs to be changed to the same number to work correctly.

  • R0J0hound many thanks!

  • newt

    Paster's draw textured quad action handles this well, notion special needed to be done for repeating textures.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/542 ... aster.capx

    Hey R0J0hound - would it be possible to update this link?

  • I'm wondering why you're using clamp for a set position? That feels unnecessary. It's possible I'm just not understanding what you're trying to do. Might you be able to post a gif or diagram explaining what you're doing?

  • How to i make this effect work?

    You apply the effect the the layout (i.e. not a layer within the layout).

  • I am already doing this method

    But image is bigger and duplicating them consuming lots of memory

    which method? I gave two options

    1) overlapping sprite

    2 )shifting frames with unique origin points

  • Are you using an overlapping animated sprite which is set to a sprite with a behavior (e.g. a player box with an animated sprite on top)? If so, then you can reset what that overlapping sprite is going to set as it's X/Y with events. Otherwise, as far as I'm aware, you only have one origin point, which is not subject to change at runtime.

    EDIT: The only possibility is to set frames with different origin points and then shift the frames based on a pre-determined logic.

  • He there

    Try adding a variable to your pickup (for instance: "picked_up")

    1) if pickup = 1

    every tick-----> pin to player

    2) player is overlapping pickup

    on (button pressed) -------> set pickup.picked_up to abs(self.picked_up-1)