ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • Sounds more like a Webgl issue.

    Thank you for responding!

    Yikes!! This leads to new questions! newt have you run across this before? What makes it feel like a webgl issue? And perhaps most importantly, can I do anything about this?

  • So I've been tinkering around with exporting my current project as a UWP 10 app and testing on the Xbox One. In Chrome/Nw.js the game runs at a smooth 60fps and has very manageable cpu utilization. However, when running in Edge on PC the cpu utilization is over 300% greater (growing as high as 94%), with a dip in fps from 60 to the 40s (at times). Even worse, when testing on the Xbox the game becomes completely unplayable - or at least, enjoyable due to the severity of these issues. I have to believe this is an issue with the Edge browser and the way it handles javascript (at least on PC, I assume the UWP wrapper is contributing to problems on the Xbox). I'm wondering if others have run into these performance issues and what they've done to try and counteract them??

    What I've tried regarding rectification:

    1) lowering polygon points

    2) lowering amount of every tick specifiers to make triggers more dynamic (which did benefit performance few percentage points)

    3) Lowering the amount of objects on screen (This works in this project, but is still too constraining to develop cross platform)

    My general feeling is that object count should be the culprit, as objects (with collision/poly checks) appear to hit Edge performance in a separate project, but after testing this does not seem to consistently answer the question as to where the problem lies. Perhaps it is more global? Any personal experience developing on Edge and Xbox One, regardless of outcome, is welcome and appreciated.

  • Congratulations! The game looks so fun!! It's obvious a lot of hard work went into it .

  • Hey, would something like this work for you?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/7pynia3xvje43 ... .capx?dl=0

  • Would you mind posting a capx with the logic you’re using? If it’s moving through to the end, likely it isn’t being accurately bound by clicking (or perhaps your variables are repeatedly adding until hitting a limit while you click)

  • Hey! You'll want to disable "default controls" for the player 2's platform parameters in the editor.

  • hmmm, would you mind trying another method(?) like having the player and platform be stationary but then ave everything else moving from right to left? You can use an overlapping image as a texture for the sprite and make it appear as though it is moving continuously. In that way you would have what appears to be an infinitely scrolling floor, while eliminating overhead. Alternately, you could have a floor that scrolls from right to left and resents it's position upon meeting certain criteria to make it appear as though it goes on forever.

  • Hello all!

    I've tried looking around the forums for an answer to this (and if I missed it, please link me!), but I'm having an issue remote debugging to an Xbox in Dev mode, from the newest version of VS2017.

    The C2 application runs "fine" (there are strange issues cropping up in app I'll need to address but it's playable) on my local machine but when I attempt to run over the network the deployment fails and I get these 2 messages (though both have the same error code, so I'm assuming there is one root problem):


    Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State

    Warning MSB3842 Project "AppTest1" depends upon SDK "Microsoft Universal CRT Debug Runtime v10.0.10240.0" which supports apps targeting "UAP 10.0". To verify whether "Microsoft Universal CRT Debug Runtime v10.0.10240.0" is compatible with "UAP 10.0.10240.0", contact the SDK author or see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=309181. AppTest1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore\Microsoft.Cpp.VCLibs120Universal.targets 103


    Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State

    Warning MSB3842 Project "AppTest1" depends upon SDK "Visual C++ 2015 Runtime for Universal Windows Platform Apps v14.0" which supports apps targeting "UAP 10.0". To verify whether "Visual C++ 2015 Runtime for Universal Windows Platform Apps v14.0" is compatible with "UAP 10.0.10240.0", contact the SDK author or see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=309181. AppTest1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets 2319

    The link provided in both messages is the same and directs to info on Windows 8 and 8.1 development, but the program is most definitely exported using the windows 10 exporter.

    Also, I've tried loading a different, non-C2 based program onto the Xbox, and while it's not as smooth sailing as tuts make it seem, it does indeed run on the device. This looks to be a potential issue between the kernel of the xbox and the VS2015 C++ reference? But I'm assuming there must be a fix since developing for the Xbox.

    I'm hoping that I am not the only one who's run into this and that there is a nice, simple fix.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!!


    I tried re-exporting and now everything works. I'm chalking this one up to a fluke occurrence.


  • beta 256

  • Taz The gamepad works to request full screen here.

  • I'm at work so I can't look at this but in the browser object there's something like "on resolution changed," I'd use that to call a function that resets the placement of your buttons.

  • > I'm concerned, will C2 not get an update for rumble features since it's already stated Scirra is only bug fixing... I know that there has been focus on NW.js but I'm wondering about support for platforms that are more standardized regarding this feature (say for Xbox or Playstation) . Ashley I"m wondering if there is any possibility of this being added to something like the Xbox Live or Gamepad objects in the future? If not, is there any possibility it will find its way into C3 for consoles?


    Even if Ashley for some random reason decides to fully be against adding rumble support to the gamepad plugin, the community will come up with a custom "gamepad +" or similar plugin to get everyone covered. (Armaldio is already providing a paid plugin despite the current "experimental" status, it just costs a buck.)

    In terms of gamepad rumble support on consoles, Playstation is out of the question since it isn't supported at all and Xbox is as far as I know running "Edge" as the backend browser and there is currently no public support for this feature on Edge.

    Oh wow. I'm super surprised by all of this lol. Thank you so much for letting me know! Maybe I'll take a look at that paid plugin and see how it goes for PC.

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  • I'm concerned, will C2 not get an update for rumble features since it's already stated Scirra is only bug fixing... I know that there has been focus on NW.js but I'm wondering about support for platforms that are more standardized regarding this feature (say for Xbox or Playstation) . Ashley I"m wondering if there is any possibility of this being added to something like the Xbox Live or Gamepad objects in the future? If not, is there any possibility it will find its way into C3 for consoles?

  • Hey! Is it possible to alter horizontal movement like the vertical movement in the effect? also, are there any plans to implement the color parameters?

  • Unless I've misunderstood the manual, local variables reset to their initial value every tick unless set to "static" which allows them to persist in their value and have that value updated (like global variables).