ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • I've updated it to use a container - it makes the picking easier as you don't have to store the UIDS for all the different parts. capx: angletriggerplatformer2.capx (r221)

    Dude! You have totally made my whole week. Thank you very much!!

    EDIT: Also, sorry, I saw this post after the first one.

  • ramones Yeah, in my project the x and y planes are not static (they rotate around pretty frequently). I tried doing a switch for closest x *or* y depending on the angle of the platform objects but the code became pretty convoluted and in some instances the platformers would break transitioning from one set of angles to another, leaving them standing in place. I thought something like this would be much more reliable in that it doesn't rely on the Cartesian system and would require far less code, once solid and functional.

  • I am so sorry to hear about your car! You weren't hurt, were you?

  • Sorry to post so often about this but I was thinking that I may have been wrong in not using families as was suggested by gumshoe2029 . I tried using family collisions with a function to check UIDs but my success has been limited (Items are setting their overlaps states inconsistently, or not at all. Sometimes 1 will work consistently but it still appears tripped up when overlapping other detectors that don't match it's UID variables). I feel like I'm on the right track though. Here is what I have currently:

    What might I be doing wrong?

    Thanks to anyone for any suggestions. I appreciate any consideration.

  • Oh jeez - sorry about that (And thanks for bringing that to my attention - I thought I'd removed it from the project) ! Let me upload a version without it!

    Here it is with the standard platform behavior: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lsa9klbwgvhav ... .capx?dl=0

  • bump.... I believe my issue is with events 12/13, with setting the state of my angular sprite...Just not sure what I've done wrong there, I've tried pick by evaluate for the overlap left and right sprites as well...

  • Sure thing . More than welcome.

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  • Hmm, unfortunately that isn't fixing the issue. Thanks for the suggestion though . I hope someone can figure out why this is happening! I've been spending so much time on this issue that it's becoming obsessional haha.

  • Hey there,

    So I posted yesterday with an issue about pinning objects correctly, which I managed to figure out later. However, my new issue is regarding triggering a platform movement correctly when a bunch of my platformers are near each other. I have "overlap detectors" on either side of the platforms that are triggered when a rotating spite overlaps them, while also overlapping the player (the rotating sprite checks a variable to ensure it matches the UID of the detector). They work fine so long as they are not near each other, with their detectors overlapping. I need them to work regardless of whether these "overlap detectors" are, themselves, also overlapping. I hope that makes sense.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!!

    Here is my capx for further clarification:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/lsa9klbwgvhav ... .capx?dl=0

  • Hey there, here you go!

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/08v67pz22ef2l ... .capx?dl=0

    BTW I love your artwork.

  • I'm not sure why that example wouldn't work but you could try adding a dash variable that is turned on when spacebar is pressed.

    if dash = true => set speed to (whatever speed you feel is good); wait 0.5 seconds set dash to false

    if dash = false => set speed to (whatever your normal speed is)

  • make a text object,

    every tick-> set text: fps

  • So I thought I'd look into this further and found this:

    Since it runs fine on the idevice and the PC perhaps there's a connection

    My next idea is trying it on other android devices and making sure it isn't something specific to your S4.

    Otherwise I honestly feel like I'm grasping at straws. If you're previewing over the network you can try an full export and see if the issue persists. I'd also try moving the preload event to the top of the event sheet, though I'm not sure that would achieve anything. If all else fails, make a bug report and submit the capx.

  • That's odd, can you post a link to the capx? I think your rep is too low to post it with a period in there but if you removed the "." in the ".com" maybe I can see what's going on there. That or maybe a screenshot of your event sheet? Either way, please leave your preload audio event in so I can see where you have it.

  • I'm unable to duplicate this issue. Can you describe how you have your events set up with the 8directions? Also, are you doing anything with them aside from setting their angle toward the mouse coordinates?