ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • Mode7 isn't included in C2 and the plugin that was created doesn't have support offered anymore because it's so difficult to use effectively. If you're looking for a curved appearance, I'd recommend using the bulge effect on a layer to get the curved effect. Look at the 'old tv' example included with C2 to see what I'm talking about.

    That being said, the mode7 plugin is here:

    Good luck!

  • In the project bar, scroll down. Right click family and then add new family. From there simply select the objects you want and click the right facing arrow to move them into your family.

  • Try setting all your relevant objects into a family and use the "Set object timescale" option to se the timescale to 0 instead of the overall timescale.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Sure,

    On touch control touched - set platform speed to whatever speed you want the run to be, wait X seconds, set speed to original speed.

    You can make it more robust by setting up a variable and a timer:

    If variable = false, when key pressed, set variable to true.

    If variable = true, set platform speed to X speed; wait X seconds, set variable to false

    if variable = false, set platform speed to original speed.

    You could also add a cool down variable if you wanted to make sure the player couldn't run repeatedly without a rest. So if the variable you set up is false, and the cool down timer is greater than 0, you subtract 1 from the timer every 1 second. If the variable is false AND the cool down is 0, then you can run. When the variable is true, you set the cool down to whatever you'd like (maybe 3 seconds is good for the sake of argument).

  • You'll want to upload it (as a single file) to a site like drop box and post that link here.

  • Can we see a screenshot of the event sheet or, even better, the capx?

  • I got your PM, messaged you back.

  • Can I ask what you mean by "conflict with each other?"

  • So the issue is stopping the character from sliding on landing? Try Platform on landed - set x vector to 0.

  • <_< Oh shoot, read a bit quickly on that one, sorry! Listen to Oosyrag lol >_>

  • There's actually a flappy bird example in construct, you can find it when creating a new project <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">.

    Also, there's this: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/857/fl ... 10-minutes

  • I'm really interested in this. Upon release, will it be free to use in commercial projects? Plan to put in the Scirra store?

  • Can you please post a capx? I get the feeling there's something going on with the local storage implementation.

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  • Magistross The links appear to be dead for the behavior file.