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What are you talking about i didn't write anything inappropriate you really hate me i only said that i howhe will find his solution
I'm talking about lifetime
Just wanna ask that is making 7000 $ per month a good income for a family just needed to know
Hey guys i currently finished a game and wanted to know how can I make 1 billion a day I really wanted some money money hae tou honey hae
I hope you will find the solution
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I need 1$ for humble bundle please donate
MOD EDIT only PayPal
Newt shut up you pig nose
I don't have any resources to make money online I have money but not in my paypal never don online payment
Hey guys I'm giving away free copies of games to you guys for absolutely no cost some donations will help though here is my Paypal email : MOD EDIT
Cook,Serve,Delicious = Windows only ... 1.exe?dl=0
Hitman Go = Android only ... 3.apk?dl=0
Guys i desperately need 1$ FOR humble bundle sale it's gonna end in 13 hours so please do whatever you can i need 1 buck only please here is my paypal email: MOD EDITED
Funding your project in Kickstarter is not an work it to attract audience you need to make a good product and give good rewards to backers and contributors to reach you goal anyway Good Luck
Thanks Ashley you really care about us
Hey Guys I was wondering that if I learned Consruct 2 and then I want to work at game industry of course the industry doesn't use these type of engines so I need to know which engine Is best for me
There is no big audience in Shield TV that's why Scirra is also very small company with few people they don't even have exporter for PlayStation but the engine itself is very good for PC