UltimateArceus3's Forum Posts

  • Go to the View tab on the top of the Construct 2 Program, then go to the places where there are check boxes (Top-left) and find Properties Bar.

  • I'm making a Level maker in my Game, but for some reason, the prototype won't work.

    Here is a few second video of everything I think you need to know to help me fix this.


    (Also, I'm using a Tilemap)

    If you need more information, just ask me.

  • I want to make it that when you close your game and open it back, the amount of coins you collected would be saved. I tried with Local Storage but the value of the coins would be stuck on zero. Help.

  • you start animation over and over if Lives>0 &Helth = 0 (frame0,frame0,frame0....)

    add System Trigger Once or use some other trigger..

    How do I add System Trigger once?

  • I'm trying to make it that when The Player loses a life, the player would go into an animation. But, the Animation is stuck on Frame 0. Help.

  • I want to make the user able to change the players color without me having to make a whole new Animation folder. The Player is all Red with Black eyes and a Mouth. I want it to be able to change the red part. How?

  • There are a few ways but It can be easily achived by boolean and set size.

    Try make a boolean that increase Portal size by x every tick for Zoom In effect and another boolean that decreases size by x for Zoom out effect.

    When portal is spawned, set boolean to true. When it reaches your desired size then set boolean to false then.

    Can also use 1 instance variable that set states instead of two booleans.

    Thanks! Now The Zooming in and Zooming Out effect of my Portal looks beautiful. If you want me to send a video of it, just ask me.

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  • I'm trying to make a Portal that when created, It would do a Zooming in effect to a specific size, but when it spawns, it does go to that specific spot, but it doesn't do a zooming in effect, it just goes instantly to that size. Help.

  • Why do you have ENNEMYSPAWNERS.ImagePointX(0) has your Image point?

  • There is a problem with the pausing. Every time I try to pause it, it won't pause, and when I go into debug mode, and I change The Variable to 1, it does pause, and when I click the button, it un-pauses, but doesn't pause again. Help.

  • Can you send me over a Copy of your Game so I can go and fix it, impothep85? If you don't trust me enough, you don't have to send it to me.

  • ImagePoint should just be 0.

    The Image Point doesn't have to be 0 if you went in and added more imagepoints. If you haven't, it should be 0.

  • The Illuminati is the Enemy (Don't Ask) The Player is, Surprisingly, the Player, and The IllumSpawn is the Enemy Spawner. Put your enemy off the layout and put that it will be destroyed on the start of the layout so the player won't be annoyed with an extra enemy. Also, set that They will spawn on your Game Layer and The Image Point depends, All Sprites come with an Image Point 0, called the Origin, which is the center, but you can set your own. If you have, It will tell you what value it is. (Ignore the fact that I put 2, That is because I'm using 2 Spawners that are not the same). You then type in that every *blank* seconds, it will spawn (The seconds really doesn't matter, you can do 1, 5, or 100 seconds. I did that it will pick randomly between 1 and 3 seconds) Then, it should spawn pretty Fine. If you have any Issues, just ask me.

  • I would use two sprites, one for the enemy, one for the eye.

    You can pin the eye sprite to the enemy sprite so that they move together.

    The eye sprite should be slightly off center from its origin point.

    Every tick, set the angle of the eye sprite towards the player. You can get this angle by using the expression angle(eye.x,eye.y,player.x,player.y)

    Thanks, I'll try it!

  • Can you take a screenshot of the Event Sheet that triggers the Death Animation and the Character/Enemy being Destroyed?