UberLou's Forum Posts

  • I fixed the 404, I was right clicking and saving the file, which prompted me to save the zip but was actually just downloading the 404 page (I never bothered to check). Thanks for the real link in the meantime zephyrus.

    About the controls...I think I remember the devs saying that configurable controls will be coming. So hopefully that won't be a problem for too long. Sorry Deadeye, I guess I'm so used to FPS that WASD is standard for me.

    stainsor: Thanks for that second dialog bug. I forgot to remove the trigger for that when i moved the enemy.

  • Hmm...I only got the level switching crash a few times, but definitely not often. I'll try to figure out whats going on with that and re-upload it.

  • Sorry, not sure why the link won't work...it seems to be good for me.

    Deadeye: Thanks! Yeah I'm still trying to get that camera smoother. When I first did the camera zoom and you jumped, the enemy went out of view. So now I'm trying to keep the camera in between both characters on the Y axis. I just have to get the right numbers so the camera doesn't jump when you get far enough away. My math is garbage

  • <img src="http://www.louisferina.com/games/AAG_test04.gif">

    I've finally gotten around to updating my game. Still lots to do of course, but I've finally settled on an art style and player character that I like. The fighting engine is getting there, as well as the chat system. Still playing with the camera, not sure if I'll scrap the zooming or keep working on it. Anyway, here it is. Let me know what you think.



    Extract both files into the same directory.


    A - Left

    S- Duck

    D - Right

    J - Attack

    K - Ranged Weapon

    L - Jump

    Enter - Interact and Forward Chat

  • Hey congrats guys! I found Construct through a neogaf post a few months ago. I had my doubts since I'm a big fan of GameMaker, but after a few tests I decided to stick with Construct and haven't looked back. Thanks for all the hard work.

  • Awesome! Works fine for me. Thanks a lot again!

  • Thanks for fixing it Ashley. Going to roll back to .5 for now like you suggested.

    I'm in the same boat too deadeye... ah well, that's why it's a beta.

  • That would probably work as a workaround, but that would make the project bar extremely messy. I already have about 50 layouts (and growing) and Id have to convert around 20 external event sheets. Those 20 event sheets would turn into 40 assets in the project bar.

  • Not sure if this bug has been reported or if it's just affecting me. I can't add an action to an event on an external event sheet (one not attached to a layout) it just crashes Construct. I can't continue work on my game due to this.

    Here is a test cap file. Just go to Event Sheet 2 and try to add an action to the existing event. It crashes when adding various actions, like setting visibility or angle of the sprite. Does it crash for anyone else?

  • Good work on the game so far. The engine definitely feels a lot smoother then before. Just a few crits for you:

    1) I think she slides too much before she comes to a complete stop. You need to stop quickly to avoid falling into the lava pit or running into blades so its frustrating to slide everywhere

    2) I had problems with the wall jump also. I think mostly because its counter intuitive to have to hold jump when on a wall, but press jump when i'm on the ground.

    3) Im sure this will be fixed up, but the perspective feels weird on the ground. It looks very flat and 2d. Maybe some shadowing or proper ground tiles will fix that up.

    Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

  • Thanks guys, definitely appreciate the crits. Yeah some of the stuff is temp. The sword on the back is kind of experimental. I want to have swappable weapons so they have to be rendered seperately and attached onto the back. I also don't want to render a ton of animations for them so I can save some memory. I'll get that looking better though. I also seem to be having an image point problem in the idle, it doesn't seem to be matching up with the sword. Not sure what that is. I see what you guys mean about the wallslide, I'll fix that up too.

    dfyb: I use 3D Studio Max to render out the sprites. I also use photoshop to clean them up.

  • Hey guys, thanks for the comments. I updated the game http://louisferina.com/games/AAG_test01.exe adding a few different screens, wall jumping, sliding down walls, cleaned up the character graphics a bit and smothed out the movement (curing the "Leftitis" too...thanks deadeye!). You can also now push "K" to do a sword attack. Still have a little ways to go with the controls but it's getting there.

    The next step is to finish building out the world and get everything working with temp graphics. If you walk all the way to the right of the first screen, you'll drop to the next screen and see the beginning of that process.

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  • Thanks for the reply. However that didn't seem to fix the problem. If you still look at the debugger there are multiple instances of the objects, when i just need one. I guess I'm looking to be optimized. Also, Im trying to use events so that if I change the objects in the player container, it will automatically update the other layouts, rather than paste the new objects into 100+ layouts.

  • I have a container for the player and all his parts. When the player overlaps a door object, I change to the next layout and spawn the character in the new layout through an event. This seemed to work fine, but when I looked at the debugger, it retained the character from the previous layout. I figured then that I should destroy the player object when he exits the layout. When I destroy the player object though, it doesn't seem to destroy everything in the container. When I look at the debugger, I can see that there is only 1 player object but multiples of everything else in the container.

    Here is a cap file: http://louisferina.com/games/AAG_help01.cap

    If you debug the cap file, move to the right (by pressing D) and fall down the hole. You'll pass one layout and enter another. Look at the debugger and youll see one Player object (only one because im destroying it on exiting the layout then creating it again on the new layout). However, the other objects in the player container don't get destroyed and there are 3 of each: CameraObject, detectorR, detectorL, and Part_Dust. Shouldn't they be destroyed also? Is there a better way to spawn the player per layout?

    Thanks, appreciate any help.

  • Thanks man. I made the initial post in a rush and forgot to mention the controls.

    A - Left

    D - Right

    J - Attack

    L - Jump