tyetheczar's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • What I want to do is not let my character move off the platform using the 8-key directions, but instead move off when the mouse is clicked on another platform. Would the solid blocks allow that?

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  • What I want to do is have a player sprite be able to freely move around specifically on this platform in a top-down game. However, it would have no way of escaping the platform or moving off of it.

    What I have so far is code that enables the sprite to be controlled via the 8-direction arrow keys as long as its on the platform. If it tries to move off, some other code is supposed to reverse its movement the moment the sprite isn't colliding with the platform.

    However, I came across the problem of the sprite still slowly moving off of the platform anyway.

    Can anyone give me some pointers?

  • Oh silly me, I forgot the code:

    Event: If Player Bullet Speed = 0

    Action: Player Set Angle Toward Target.x Target.y

  • So, I've recently come across a strange bug. First, I implemented the exact events of your click-move project. Then I added my own event that rotates the sprite according to the mouse position. However, when I do this, clicking exactly below the sprite causes it to move straight left or right for no reason.

    Do you know any way I can alleviate this problem?

  • 4 posts