Txori's Forum Posts

  • Hi again,

    I took a two days break on my current projects to update Botibol's JERK. The new physics engine from stable r200 is awesome. Since everything in the game is based on that, it works altogether better. I've also added a fullscreen button and you can rotate the screen at will, everything should be fine. Finally it "should work" with the pesky iPhone/iPad under iOS 8 (still no fullscreen and a lot of audio problem that I had to work around or simply ignore...)

    Go try it at and be the lady killer!

  • Oh by the way, I totally forgot... I wrote the post mortem for JERK a while ago: http://www.txori.com/index.php?article7 ... ost-mortem

    It's in french, but basically it says that Construct2 is a great engine once you have overcome to understand the way it works. And that you should avoid IOS and Facebook if you don't want to waste your time since they will ruin what you have done behind your back at some random point...

  • Thanks everyone

    MrGoatsnake, good luck with your project because it's quite hard to launch events at an exact time in the music... That's why I dropped the level design and simplified the game to the max. If you are interested, I'm going to write a post-mortem for that game in a few days. Mostly for spitting my anger against iOS and facebook

  • Thanks KSLR

  • Hi everyone, my very first game made with Construct 2 has just been released!

    I had the chance to work with Botibol on the game that promotes the release of his last single JERK, from his upcoming EP "Murs Blancs".

    Drink, bump up the girls, break some hearts and share your best score for gifts!

    There is no more morality...

    You can play it at http://www.botiboljerk.com !

    Thanks to Botibol, Animal Factory Records and Holy Soakers for making this project possible.

    And a special thank to Colludium for helping me out with the pesky ragdolls <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • Perfect! Thank you so much.

  • I was stupid enough to save my game project with the lastest beta (r170). And now I'm stuck with this bug:

    The exported game is not working on iOS.

    So I reverted Construct 2 to the lastest stable version (r168). The problem is that I can't open my project anymore because it was saved with a newer version...

    I there a way to edit my project so I can open it with r168? Maybe with some text or hexa editor?

    Thanks for your precious help ! It was almost finished, and my client expects a release in two weeks... Panic mode.

  • Thanks Colludium for the hints !

    This time it is good. Disabling and enabling the physics did the trick. The overlaping limbs don't seems to cause any problems. And finally, there is no need for the .05s delay.

    Here's the final duplicate ragdolls .capx

  • Oh ok

    So Colludium , I've prepared an example with the ragdoll I'm actually using in my game. You'll see that only the first one is ok and the others are quite messed up... You can move them using the arrows, try to keep the good looking one alive


    here's my last thought, maybe the problem comes from the limbs that are overlapping the body for a perfect connection? Maybe the bounding boxes don't like that...

  • So after a bunch of more tries, it appears that

    Head - Set position (Body.X, Body.Y-10) works, but

    Head - Set position (Body.ImagepointX("head"), Body.ImagepointY("head")) won't...

    Seems like a Construct bug to me. Either way, I'll try that solution in my game and see if it finally works.

  • Sorry but after a lot of tries in my game, I still have weird behaviors with the physics...

    So I went back to your exemple and I deactivated the limbs to keep only the head to discover what's going on.

    You'll see that the only ragdoll with the head in the correct place is the first one. The others have the head far from the body. Here it's not really a problem, but in the game I'm trying to make, it's very visible since the body have a neck...

    I've spent several hours today trying to comprehend what is going on. Is that some kind of weird bug in Construct 2?

  • Thank you so much Colludium!

    I've learn so many things with your explanations. As I started from the example given with Construct 2, I thought that square and stretched limbs would work. And I would have never find out about the .05s time delay...

    I'll make a good use of your example!

  • Hi, I've spent one week trying to attach the limbs correctly to the duplicated ragdoll without luck.

    It should be very basic but I don't understand the logic here.

    The limbs don't take the position into account and they're giving a force to the body when they are attached to it...

    Here's a simple example, with only the body and the head, you'll see what I mean.

    Does anybody know how to do that please?

  • Help, I'm still trying to attach the limbs correctly to the body once it has been duplicated...

    I've tried "set position" or "set position to another object" but nothing is taken into account, and the body appears with a force that seems to be related to the limbs attached to it... I don't understand.

    Thanks for your help !

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  • Hi, thanks for your help!!

    So I used container and function but I have trouble attaching the limbs correctly to the body. It don't seems to take the set angle into account. Furthermore, attaching limbs to the body seems to give it some force at a random angle. Or maybe is there something that I don't understand?

    I've attached a short exemple. Just press spacebar to create a ragdoll.