twdead's Forum Posts

  • that's interesting. you built your site using c2?

  • html5 offers the option to access an image on the canvas as a data uri, and this includes any transformations made to it -- you can send this uri to a php script and have it processed by gd or imagemagick and saved as an actual image on the server, then maybe attached by mail.

    Alternatively, you could just send someone the uri and they could open it in their browser and save it from there.

  • I would assume you would need to take care of that using php.

  • I ran across Impact not too long ago: Doesn't appear to be a trial version of it so I couldn't test it out.

  • I was able to alert a variable I set in localstorage with:


    but I couldn't get it to work in Chrome (it showed null)

    also looking at the runtime I noticed there's a prefix attached to localstorage variables but I think that only applies to after they've been uploaded to the arcade.

  • you could try one of these.

    or if you can't I can later tonight.

  • sorry... I added the link to the capx in the html file itself:

  • Construct2 exports and uses jQuery anyway so adding the jQuery UI wouldn't be difficult if you did it manually, at least.

  • You do have to attach the peripheral though from what i read so it's not like you wouldn't know it's happening. Though I'm sure at some point the hardware will be built in by default and set to always-on just for your convenience <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    If you can also track pupil dilation though it could be useful to gauge emotional response. That and seeing what you're looking at and in what order would definitely be useful to advertisers.


    Whoa.... that would be awesome.

    Although I suppose there would be security issues with a website tracking your EYE MOVEMENTS!!

  • ok seems to work in IE now.

    If you want to see it completely in fullscreen find

    while( ch < $(window).height() ){

    and change .height() to .width(). No real way to use that yet but it might be interesting to play with ...

  • This is what I got so far:

    It isn't total fullscreen because you'd either have to stretch the canvas out to cover everything or have scrollbars I think, so this is the best I could do to keep the canvas proportional. Hitting the fullscreen text will make it resize vertically to the dimensions of the window and escape will move it back.

    The code for it is at the bottom of the html file where the runtime code is, it's just a few lines.

    Also apparently it doesn't work properly in IE. So give me a few more minutes to figure that out and it should work fine.

  • I just tried adding a jquery script to resize the canvas and it appears to work. I'll upload it in a minute.

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  • If it's a good story you can find a market for it somewhere.

  • I'm making a top-down shooter with Rexu's LOS code running for the enemies and the player, so a crosshairs object disappears if the player can't actually 'see' what they're aiming at.

    I thought it was working perfectly until I linked the player angle to the crosshairs (so that if the angle of the crosshairs is +- 45 degrees from the current angle, the player turns to face the crosshairs), what seems to happen is when the line-of-sight code runs, the position of the crosshairs goes completely random at every tick and as a result whenever you get close to a wall or aim behind it you end up spinning around randomly as well.

    What's supposed to happen is, the opacity of the crosshairs just turns off or on depending on whether they have line of sight.

    I don't even know what to try here because I can't even figure out what would be causing it.


  • It is... probably awesome, even though I can't see the effect in Chrome, Firefox or IE and I'm sure I have all of them updated (probably my graphics card is too old.)

    But for non webgl-enabled browsers, would you have to consider having the game be playable in 2d as well?