Tunicate's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • Hello guys,

    I was working with GMS before, but hit headfirst a major snag. It charges money I can't spend for the module to publish to Macintosh.

    The game I'm planning will go to a really small segment, one I can already discount the idea that they would give me money, and I've got a friend in it, a very good friend, who uses Mac. Not being able to let the guy play my game feels pretty wrong, but I've spent like two months already learning the ins and outs of GMS. It's not quite a dealbreaker... but it's a darn bitter pill to swallow.

    There's a feature I need pretty badly, I need to use vectorials in order to draw in my game. Saw there's a plugin for that in Construct, but I've no idea what a plugin even is. I'm also kind of annoyed with the compiler in GMS too- I've had to replace a single letter in a script up to 20 times before the error message would show up. Avoiding the compiler would be damn sweet, but having to relearn everything, not so much.

    I'm not a programmer, I'm just an overly persistent dabbler, and if I have to export to Mac, surely there might be a workaround somewhere. On the other hand, though I'm already handy with GMS logic, I've heard nothing but good things about Construct and everyone seems to say it's faster to work with once you've hit your stride. The rare GMS bugs and unoptimized interfaces aren't so much fun either, but I think, maybe, this won't be the last time I make a game for a hobby (or, who knows, maybe not so much for a hobby). So a clear EULA like Scirra's might be in my best interest, too, in the long run.

    I've DL'd Construct, I'm wondering if I can handle it. Gonna do all the relevant tutorials and see how it goes after I'm done with this post and a couple other things.

    If I may ask a question now, would it be worthwhile to master multiple systems, or should I just make a choice and stick to it?


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  • Tunicate reporting for duty. Greetings!

  • 2 posts