tunepunk's Forum Posts

  • Bumping as I'm still in need of this. Name your price, I'd be happy to pay for this kind of plugin.

    1. It can be useful as an alternative collision check without using or altering existing collision polygons.

    2. It can be useful for picking intersecting BBoxes, and sorting Zorder.

    3. It can be very useful for triggering a lot of other actions based on BBox overlap.

    The reason I want this as a plugin/behaviour instead of doing it in events as I'm doing now, is mainly performance benefits.

    As a behaviour placed on a certain sprite it could automatically pick any other sprites with BBoxes intersecting the sprite with this behaviour.

    Maybe a modification to current LOS behaviour can be done to achieve this? Instead of using a radius, using sprites BBox?

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    Awesome news!, I'm getting C3 as soon as Photon Cloud plugin is available for C3 so I can start migrating my main project. And I saw that ThePhotons are already working on it, so shouldn't be too long. Can't wait to move over.

  • I would love to see some numbers here too. My next game release is also mobile first, and I need to figure this out pretty soon so I can design around it.

    Well it kind of depends on what game you want to make. I don't think you should design the game around a monetization model, it's better to pick one that fits the game.

    From what I've read also.

    1. Pay once - This model most profitable for short mobile games. Games that doesn't have much replay value, that you play once then done, and that you can finish pretty quickly. You might get fewer downloads, but what you earn from sales is far more than you would from any advertising.

    2. Ads - This model is usually most profitable for games and apps that people play often or daily, during longer periods, in games with a lot of replay value or that are constantly updated, because players will continue to generate a lot of impressions, during a longer time.

    3. IAP - Is a tricky one. I think it's the hardest one to pull off, but if you do it right and can generate some ingame need this model can work really well. But I guess it takes a lot of planning and designing the ingame desire to pay for those IAP's. Candycrush, wait or pay, Crossy road, pay to get access to funny/special characters faster, etc etc. The games that pull this of best are games that you still can play for free, but impatient people will sometimes like to pay to progress faster and continue playing, or get access to special items etc.

  • I'm trying to keep up to date on Monetizing on mobile games, and still thinking about which route to go for my main project. Reading up on some of the latest data it seems like IAP is the way to go. At least according to some of the articles I've read lately.

    For example this one.


    [quote:1rn3rova]Only 5 percent of app users make in-app purchases, yet they drive much more publisher revenue than app-based advertising.

    Personally I totally despise ingame ads. Being an avid mobile game player, for me ingame ads is synonymous with low quality games most of the time. Yes, there are a few ad-monetized games that are pretty good, but they usually have an IAP option to remove ads. But most of the time... games with ads are of pretty poor quality, and it seems like the only reason people are playing them are because they are "free". (Not all games, but many)

    It seems like payed games, and games that use some form of IAP model usually are of much higher quality, and according to the article above, they still earn a lot of money. I don't know why developers chose to put ads in their games, as for me, they can sometimes ruin the experience and give an overall "cheap" impression. But this article tries to look why some developers choose ads as a monetization model.


    Most developers see it like this:

    [quote:1rn3rova]Ads are seen as a necessary evil, and not used as a way to engage players

    It's seems like they are not confident enough in their game or product, so the only way to earn money and get a higher number of downloads is to release it for free, with ads. I'm not sure though, but according to my own observations after playing hundreds of mobile games, it seems that AD based games, are generally of poor quality, and are slapping on this monetization model to attract "free" players. It's like they would rather have 100.000 free players, that play only because it's free, than 5% of those genuine customers.

    Just speculating here, but any one else come to the same conclusions or a different one?

    I'm not bashing all Ad-based games, It's just a general observation, that they are usually of poor quality, or you use AD based monetization because you intentionally want to attract a certain type of "free" player, that don't usually pay for their games.

    What monetization model are you going for and why?

  • I usually make a checklist of all the things i need to do and implement, with different milestones. For example different checklist for Graphics, sounds, music, controller, functions, game logic, Bugs that I find, and all sort of things, and I add new stuff to the lists as I go, and check things off when they are done. Gives you a pretty good idea of how much there is to do, and keeps you motivated by checking stuff off the list.

    Works pretty well for me at least, feels organized enough.

  • How to review spritesheets covered in this article, I can't find it anywhere?

    https://www.scirra.com/blog/198/constru ... chitecture

    Ashley And also is there any way to turn off this feature, or change how the editor bundles the sprites? I don't like my sprites scrambled up in random spritesheets to save a little bit of memory, because sometimes I edit exported sprites. (Color correction etc, for all character animation frames at once, level assets etc) Memory is usually not an issue these days, so I would rather have more control, or chose to optimize to use biggest possible sprite sheet, not smallest, and only bundle together sprites I chose to be bundled. I don't mind having a bit of transparent area space if it would mean fewer sprite sheets. Maybe an option on assets to be excluded from these scrambled spritesheets?

    Wishing for.

    1. Option to Select sprites that I want to exclude from the automatic spritesheeting bundling.

    2. Option to change optimization algorithm (ie. Less memory usage, vs fewer spritheets)

  • Tanks for the info Prominent . I'm just curious, if there's anything else about this method using paster, that is better than just using a single large layout sized sprite? (if you create the whole map in one sprite, that is)? I guess the main reason behind this is to reduce draw calls?

  • since the characters use very simple shaders. Try using something similar on the enviroment. You don't need that much detail.

    Maybe something like this.

    I think you can do most of your environment assets in 3D as well with similar shaders.. I think it would fit better.

    I saw they were a bit misaligned and not repeating well. Try using tilemap object for the ground instead and make sure it repeats nicely.

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  • What I did was size the paster object to the layout dimensions, and then resize the viewport to the layout dimensions, paste the tilemaps in the order I want them, then resize the viewport back to the normal size. You have to resize the viewport because tilemaps won't draw tiles that are offscreen. If you have a lot of tilemaps it may take a second or two to paste them all, which means you'll need to use something to cover up your level while it is sized to the layout so that you can't see everything. I used a separate layer with black background and I make is visible during that pasting, and then invisible when the viewport goes back to normal. I also delete the tilemaps as they get pasted.

    How exactly did you go about this? I couldn't find any actions for resizing the viewport. Only scaling for layer and layout. I'm curious to try a similar approach, to see if there's any performance benefits.

  • Have you guys found a way to use app mode on mac with multiple screens?

    App mode is fantastic but so far it's unusable on mac with multiple screens for me. You can't pull windows out of the main window which means you have to stretch the main window over multiple screens leading to tons of annoyances.

    Nope nothing yet. I think it's apple who is the crippling factor here. Haven't found any solution for this.

  • I already did, they basically use particles.

    Oh cool, That means we should start building games out of particles instead of sprites for max performance.

    Would it make any sense to have more object types then? that doesn't use collisions etc, kind of like a stripped down version of the sprite object?

    For I'm currently playing the Paster plugin, load my whole layout on to the paster object instead of sprites and tile maps, and then use hidden dummy objects for collisions.

  • Ashley Yeah it looks a bit better now. I got 740 bunnies 30fps on the same phone, with the old C2 test i got 300 30fps. Although I could wish for a bit more as Pixi's bunnymark was close at 8000 bunnies 30fps. Although my phone is quite weak. 2 year old midrange phone. (Nokia Lumia 830)

    Would be curious to see if there's any difference in C3 vs C2.

    C2 bunnymark - Updated. 740 bunnies 30fps

    C2 bunnyparticles - 2000 bunnies 30fps

    Pixi Bunnymark - 8000 bunnies 30fps (I know pixi is cheating a bit by rendering at windowsize/2) If you look closely it's pixellated. not 1:1 pixel density.

    Setting the render scale in runtime for lower/midrange phones would be nice, and maybe some other tweaks, so we don't have to design the game for low and phones, and scale up, for powerful phones. Some mobile specific tweaks would be nice. Maybe a windowsize/2 option would be good for mobiles, as they have really high pixel density, and you don't really see it.

    I'm currently recreating my game and all assets optimized for 640-360, upscaling to 1280x720, to save some memory and a bit performance boost for low-mid range phones.

    I hope you will get some time at a later point to investigate some further improvements to get a bit closer to the pixi score. (Maybe just mobile specific tweaks) I think it's quite important for us doing mobile games, as we could lose a whole segment of users, and bad reviews if we can't get good enough performance on midrange phones. Keep it up!

  • ThePhotons Awesome to see you're already working on a C3 plugin. Can't wait to try it out when it's done and migrate my project! Good job!

  • I'm curious. Would a layout sized Paster object use a lot of memory and use up a lot of fill rate? I was going to try to use it to paste footprints across the map wherever characters go. Would it be better than spawning a lot of footprint sprites across the map? And would it be possible fade those over time?


  • Good Job! Nice animations! A little bit of polish to the game graphics in general (World and the UI mostly) would make it even better, but keep up the good work! I like these kind of games.