tulamide's Forum Posts

  • The guy earns like 200.000$ a day, ...

    Since start of selling, minecraft made 7,641,938.3$ total volume of sale, it made 219,666.15$ volume of sale only yesterday, and a total of 768,034 people bought the game. Notch's company, Mojang, just enlarged to six people. Hard to tell the exact profits, but I'd say Mr Persson is a multi-milionaire already.

    Source: http://www.minecraft.net/stats.jsp

    And here is a personal page where he lists all the games he made in the past. By clicking the links you can directly play the most of them: http://www.mojang.com/notch/

  • This cap is an example of an elaborate mini game of skill, complete with sounds, music, persistent hiscore and more.

    It started as an example for the Color Fusion (Masked) effect, but I soon thought this could become a good example for many of a beginners questions and issues. That's why every single event is explicitly commented. By looking at the cap you will learn a lot of the basics, including organizing your events in sheets and groups, using object groups for a better overview in the wizard, a lot of math, or reusing graphics. Many of Construct's objects are used.

    There is just one aspect that isn't covered and that's behaviors. There's nothing wrong with them, you should use them whenever possible, they are a bit faster than events and make use of timedelta. But sometimes you will not get what you need from behaviors, and that's the moment when you should remember, that there was that wierd tulamide telling you, that almost anything can be done with events. You shouldn't be scared of doing something on your own, using events and your imagination. Therefore, many things in this cap are unnecessarily realized with events instead of behaviors, and it may sometimes feel elaborate. But it's worth following my thoughts, and if you later need to find your own solutions based on events, you might remember.

    <img src="http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/5620/verve1.th.jpg%5d%5b/URL%5d%20%5bURL=http://img152.imageshack.us/i/verve2.jpg/" border="0">

    Verve! features:


    An animated start screen

    A complex game screen with restart and hiscore table



      Just the basics, like checking the player controls


      In detail. Loading files to channels, autoplaying files, fading the volume of music, setting the frequency of a channel relative to certain events, looping sounds, trigger sounds by functions.


      In detail. Setting up functions, calling them, calling functions while passing their parameters directly, interaction between the function object and other objects.


      Just the basics. Loading ID3 tags from a file, releasing a file to be accessible for other objects and displaying ID3 tags.


      In detail. Creating, resizing, inserting, loading, saving, sorting(!)

    Tiled Background

      Just the basics. Scaling the image of a tb and reusing tb to effectively create a game layout.


      In detail. Using panels as a repair indicator and for special animated effects.





    *A complete "divide & conquer" sort algorithm

    *Sound and music management with interaction to certain game events

    *Conditional expression

    *Menu handling by keys, including aborting, scrolling through the hiscore, retry and exiting the game

    *User independent creation, deletion and altering of sprites to form complex shapes

    *Lots of lerp, qarp, modulo, sin, cos, min, max, int, round, abs

    *Accessing and altering layer effect parameters

    *Including event sheets

    *A workaround to stay time-based even if the time scale is set to 0.0

    *A bit of math to get real world values like km/h for the speed or meter for the distance

    Verve! is completely time-based (frame independent) and is therefore using timedelta almost everywhere (there are just two or three situations, where "every x milliseconds" is used instead). You will need the Color Fusion (Masked) effect, just follow the link to download and install it.

    The archive contains the cap, all sounds, the music and a hiscore of some of my attempts (but not the effect, see above). You may safely delete the content of the folder "hiscore", a new hiscore will then be created.

    The sounds, the music and the textures used in Verve! are free for commercial and non-commercial use, either cc or my own work (look for the ugly graphics - that's my work for sure <!-- s;) --><img src="SMILIES_PATH/icon_wink.gif" border="0" alt=";)" title="Wink"><!-- s;) --> )


    Verve! (game of skill example).rar

  • This effect should be used as a layer effect only.

    Although it shares the same name with Color Fusion, it works a bit different.

    Basically it recolors whatever is beneath the layer it is applied to. But, other than the original Color Fusion, this version uses the layer it is applied to as a "cut mask". Whatever objects are placed on this layer are used to cut holes into the color field, letting the original colors shine through. Color Fusion (Masked) handles semi-transparencies (fog of war, spotlights, etc.) and even mixing the cut mask object's color.

    Example cap 1

    Example cap 2

    This effect might be the most simpliest way to do day-night-cycles with daytime independent light objects or fog of war with remembered spots and much more.

    How to use it

    There are 5 parameters:

    Red The red channel of the color as a color value (0-255)

    Green The green channel of the color as a color value (0-255)

    Blue The blue channel of the color as a color value (0-255)

    Intensity Defines how much of the new color is applied to the original colors, as a percentage value (0%-100%)

    Mix Mask Color A percentage value that defines how much of the mask object's color is mixed with the original colors (0%-100%)

    The color of a mask object is retrieved after other coloring methods. That means you may use an effect like Tint on that object or set the color filter, etc. This way you could get a yellow shining lamp or a red flashing signal. There are no limits. Resize the mask objects, rotate them, change their opacity, recolor them, Color Fusion (Masked) reflects all changes.

    How to install

    Download and place "Color Fusion (Masked).fx" in the effects folder.


    Color Fusion (Masked).fx

  • New version.

    -renamed to Color Fusion

    -RGB parameters expect a color value now (integer 0-255)

    Download link updated in the first post

  • A day-night-cycle example using Color Fusion (Masked). You will find the effect here.

    This is just one of many possible ways to get such a cycle working.

    Download Day-Night.cap

  • This is a quick example of the combination of physics objects and particles. Nothing spectacular, but shows the basics.

    Download Rocket.cap

  • After a bunch of resets without ever passing nr 5 I exited the app. But then I changed my mind, restarted the app but clicked too fast and the app ran in the background. Immediatly I had a winner. I then started to test a few running conditions for the app. Here are my results:

    (1) Starting the app

      No winner after many tries. It always fails at 5

    (2) Starting the app, set the windows focus to another thread, but don't cover the app's window

      The rate of winners raises strongly. Fails are either at 3 or at 5

    (3) Starting the app, set the windows focus to another thread, and cover the app's window

      Same results as (2)

    (4) Starting the app, set the windows focus to another thread, and cover the app's window, but randomly force the app to draw again by moving the covering window away

      Highest rate of winners. Almost always it works. The rare times it fails, it is at either 3 or 5

    I don't know what to think about this. It is strange.

  • Also, I could upload the mp3 to gamejolt if you like, with credit to you of course.

    No need for credits

  • I managed to get a score of -13 Well, at least 50 something kids will be happy...

    Also, nice use of the song

    And I like the way the jaw serves as a spring.

    Don't you want to link it in the thread? That's what it was created for

  • I used Else here too :

      + Balle: On collision between Balle and BricBrique
            + BricBrique: Pick closest to: Balle.X, Balle.Y
            + BricBrique: Value 'hitme' Less or equal 5
                -> BricBrique: Add 1 to 'hitme'
                -> BricBrique: Set animation to BricBrique.Value('hitme')
            + System: Else
            + BricBrique: Value 'hitme' Greater than 5   <== EDIT : i think this line can be removed
                -> System: Add 1 to global variable 'briques'
                -> BricBrique: Destroy[/code:3adycjmx]
    Anything wrong with it? I just wanna know if i can improve this. I like to keep the code very short, if possible.

    Oh, I'm sorry, I overread this. You are right with your edit. That line can be removed. Nice improvement of the code

  • The events order things is weird, but anyway, if it works I won't complain.

    Je comprend si tu parle en francais, mais stell dir mal vor ich w?rde die ganze Zeit deutsch reden

    To understand what really happens, and why the event order is so important, you may want to have a look at this thread: Introduction to branching

    Another way to do it without reversing the order is using "else" (see the thread above)

    + BricBrique: Animation "0" is playing
                         -> BricBrique: Set animation to "1"
    + Else
    + BricBrique: Animation "1" is playing
                         -> BricBrique: Set animation to "2"
    + Else
    + BricBrique: Animation "2" is playing
                         -> BricBrique: Set animation to "3"
  • Finally I'm posting some new content for Talbot's Odyssey:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Awesome as always! If this is not going to be the next topseller on Steam then the world is crazy

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  • With the first advent sunday we can't ignore anymore that christmas is coming. This thread is for all of you who want to make a present to the community, one that is somehow related to the christmas season. It could be a song, a picture, an animation, a game, a poem, etc. Just don't link to other peoples work, it wouldn't be a real gift if it wasn't created by yourself

    Here is my gift:


    And all the people among us who don't celebrate christmas: Please don't feel offended. This is nothing religious, just a thread to make presents to the community

  • + System: Always (every tick)
    -> sun: Set Y to clamp(.y,23,200)
    -> Sprite: Set horizontal skew to [b](sun.y/70)[/b]*(Sprite.x-sun.x)
    -> Sprite: Set height to [b]178[/b]-(Sprite.y-sun.y)
    -> sun2: Set opacity to lerp(70,0[b],clamp((sun.y-100),0,100)/100[/b])
    -> Sprite: Set opacity to lerp(70,10,[b]clamp((sun.y-100),0,100)/100[/b])
    Nice, but i wonder how you come up with such things as "clamp((sun.y-100),0,100)/100". Why sun.y-100?
    Also, i know you didn't write all this code, but why is the shadows height set to [b]178[/b] ? random value?
    what about skew with sun.y /[b]70[/b]?
    This is making my head spin... also, i suck at maths, and that really doesn't help me at all here lol

    First question: with that clamp values devided by 100, you get a value from 0 to 1. This is needed to interpolate between 70 and 10. In result the opacity will be 70, if the suns y < 100, and 10, if the suns y > 200, in between 100 and 200 the opacity reduces from 70 to 10. sun.y = 200 happens to be the highest possible value, because it is clamped to [23, 200], so you could have used max((sun.y - 100), 0) instead of clamping as well.

    Second question: Sprite.y = 191, suns lowest y is 23, 191-23 = 168. The value 178 was chosen to have a minimum height of 10.

    Third question: I think, that's a decision based on the visuals. The goal is to let the shadows virtual origin seem to be the sun. I would have set this to (sun.y/23)*((Sprite.x-sun.x) / 2), so that when the sun is at its (visually) highest possible position, the factor would be 1.

  • What would be really nice is a gradient object that works like Tulamides Gradients shader.

    I totally agree, and it wouldn't be much of a work to enhance the current gradient object to be switchable between 'linear' and 'radial' mode... Ashley, ROJO?