tulamide's Forum Posts

  • tulamide some people actually wants to share their goods and not have a reward for it, I am kind of ashamed to think I will be paid when I will work at a full time job, just for my knowledge and time. And I have kind of a bad feeling when I think about not paying a content that I could pay for, and I do not think I am kind of an unique holy representant of honor, like I am the only one thinking like that, pretty sure others also think like that, and I do not believe in life after death so I do not have this kind of motivation either, so this "wanting it freely" is not an as accurate description as it may sounds at first (but again, some people are like that)

    Glad to hear. I'm also one of those who share, as I have stated in my post. But this doen't affect my statements about piracy. I mean, if someone shares his own goods for free, then no piracy is involved, when I copy and use them.

    I stay to the statement that people using pirated software want it free and immediatly. That's the main motivation, despite all their sayings.

    Also why nobody mentionned the fact some people have to download a pirate copy to make it work sometimes? (Drm not working correctly makes us sad).

    And this is an example for the last sentence above. Why do you think so? Why do they "have to"? If your smartphone doesn't work, you wait for the manufacturer to repair it. And if it doesn't get repaired in an acceptable amount of time, you have the right to get refunded. The same is true for software. But why waiting for an acceptable amount of time, if one can get a pirated version that works, for free and immediatly. There we are again. It's morally wrong. Do you see my point?

  • Heureka!

    The fixed proportions issue is solved. And the solution is so silly, that I am really ashamed. When activating that option, the tablet will always send proportinal info, completely seperated from the rect setting in the driver's configuration window. Stupid implementation, but at least it works now.

    it sounds like you want to use the pen with your left hand and simultaneously control menus and such with your right hand, correct? That is not possible without some third party application that would enable a second cursor on your screen and even then, i am not sure the applications would support multiple actions anyway.

    Yes, that was my intention. Well, I will try to get comfortable then with my left hand controlling the screen via pen. It's more difficult as I thought. Just like you said, drawing with a tablet to a display isn't the same as drawing on a paper. Unfortunately. But I will train hard!

    Thanks once again, without you I would still try to figure it out!

  • It's interesting to read all the opinions. I don't know how old you, how wrote here, are. I assume pretty young. But reading 's "confession" reminded me of something.

    I'm 47 years old. I grew up in a world without computers or cell phones, internet or even video cameras. At the age of 11 I heard of something mysterious called "Pong". I was hooked.

    But since the very first "home computers", in contrast to consoles, there also was piracy. I remember my very first C64. A few days after I got that one ("Just to have an advantage in school, Dad. See, I can easily plot graphs of functions with it and calculate so much more complex than any pocket calculator could ever do!"), a datasette full of games fell miraculously into my hands. None of them were bought. And guess, what? We argued pretty much the same than you today, 30 years later. The excuses are so old as the pirated industry. And anyone bringing in almost philosophical aspects is just doing balony. It's a try to distract from the fact that one uses for free what he needs to pay for! It's morally unrighteous. At least back then I didn't pretend to be on some holy mission. Instead I was very aware that I was doing wrong. But it felt so good.

    And that's the point. It feels so good. All the freedom of getting anything you want, when you want it, where you want it, without paying respect of another one's good. By pretending there is no "another one's good", but "everyone's good". Yeah, right. Like you always shared your Halloween candy with your family.

    Sister: "Oh that's nice. I like it. Give it to me."

    Brother: "No, you can't have it. It's mine."

    Be honest and smile while remembering the scene. No, you just want other's goods to be shared. And the feeling of getting anything is nothing new. It's what people made to believe in higher entities. No matter the religion (yes, even buddhism), there always is some kind of overly rewarding situation or place. Christians know it as Garden Eden, ancient Vikings as Valhalla, ancient Egypts as the afterlife, the Koran tells of "Jannah", etc. All share the same concept. A place or feeling of everything positive in abundance.

    Piracy is just a try to shortcut to Garden Eden.

    Back in the stone-age. Gro has a flintstone axe. What a wonderful axe. Sharp and strong. Cuts through meat, can kill animals. A must-have for the up-to-date stone-ager! Sesh is an untalented follower of his tribe. Never had much luck in axe building. But he wants one!

    Sesh: Tonight I will use your axe, Gru. You won't miss it while you're sleeping anyway!

    Gru: No, you can't have it. I worked a week on it and is very valuable to me.

    Sesh: I don't care. I'll take it when you are asleep. You won't even notice it.

    Gru: I don't permit it! But you can have your own axe. For all the meat of a mammoth I will craft an axe for you.

    Sesh: Mammoth? I don't have that much meat. That's not fair.

    Gru: Then keep hunting until you get it. The axe is worth it.

    Sesh: That takes way too long! I want it now!

    Gru: Well, then you're out of luck.

    That night, Sesh waits for Gru to fall asleep, then takes his axe and plays around with it. He throws it as hard as he can. But unfortunately the axe misses the stone Sesh was aiming at, and instead hits Gru's sister, who was sleeping just behind that stone. She dies. Sesh takes the axe, cleans it and puts it back in its place near Gru, who was sad the whole rest of his life, without ever knowing who had killed his sister.

    Now tell me, and be honest: Who's right here, and who's wrong?

    Oh, and back to the C64 datasette with lots of pirated games. I got it from a close friend at that time. And it had a great influence on both of us. My friend later published a german magazine all about Apple Macintosh, called "MAClife", soon followed by a lot of other magazines and businesses. He became a serious and cunning businessman, making sure to get all the money he could get.

    And me? I never forgot how satisfying it was to get something without having to pay for it. It is so deep in my veins, that I since then always published for free whatever I created.

  • CandyFace

    Thanks so much for helping again! And sorry for the delayed answer.

    Here are my screenshots:




    On the second screen you see "Monitorbereich" (= monitor area). Options there are "Alle Bildschirme" (=all screens), "Monitor" (greyed out, since I only have one monitor) and "Teilbereich" (=partial area). The last one is "Feststehende Größenverhältnisse", which means forced proportions or fixed ratio. Although I selected both, partial area and fixed ratio, you can see that the rectangle on the left, where my desktop is displayed, is far from keeping the proportions.

    On the same screen you can also see that I can choose a "Modus" (=mode). Options here are either pen or mouse. But I still don't know what the difference is between penmode and mousemode. I can only say that in both modes the pen works.

  • I haven't used a trust tablet before but normally when you install tablet drivers, you get a configuration program installed on your PC where you (depending on your brand) can choose screen or modify active area etc...

    Yes, you're right. And it was that configuration, I was referring to. It's there where I have to set a rectangle that describes the active area. But this rectangle doesn't keep the ratio of my tablet, so that the result is biased, which makes it hard to draw (e.g. need to draw an ellipse when you want the result on screen to be a circle).

    Also no i do not believe that having different configuration profiles is possible, although sometimes program ie. Photoshop has its own panel where you can configure brush settings, sensitivity and such for your tablet. I am not sure but i believe GIMP has that too.

    Thanks for pointing that out! I will have a look at those configuration options in the applications.

    specialfrieddice.com/TrustSlimli ... phicTablet

    Thank you for the link. Unfortunately it didn't help me with the actual issue, since I have the newest driver, and I'm not working with multiple monitors. I was rather hoping for a solution to restrict the tablet to a portion of the view, not restrict it to one monitor (which is what I currently have).



    Thank you both for trying to help

  • Please consider helping me here. Thank you!

  • Hi all,

    I'm in no way a graphic artist, but I always had the issue, that I use the mouse with my right hand while I'm left-handed. This is for historical reasons. When I got my first mouse controlled computer (yes, I'm that old) there only was a right handed design, so I learned to use the right hand with the mouse. I simply can't control the mouse with the left hand.

    On the other side, on a piece of paper I am only able to draw with my left hand. So I never could draw with the pc.

    Now I am the proud owner of my very first pen tablet (yes, I am that slow). It's this one. But the handling confuses me. It covers the whole wide screen (24"), but I would rather prefer that it covers only a part of the screen that I define, so that I can use the right hand (and mouse) for the menus, palettes and such.

    Is there any way to do so? The driver offers a tab called "projection" (I'm roughly translating the words from german). There I can select "All screens" or "Section". But it confuses me. When activating "Section" I have to define a rectangle, but I loose the widescreen ratio, if I do so, since all sides move independently. Also, there's an option called "Fixed ratio", but that doesn't affect the rectangle that I define. And last but not least, I also have to choose between a mode. Options there are either "Pen" or "Mouse". What does that mean? How will that change the behavior? And how do I set a widescreen ratio rectangle? And isn't there any possibility to have settings per application? For example, a setting for Photoshop, another for GIMP, another for Inkscape, etc.?

    Would love to see some help here. Just imagine talking to a 4 year old child while explaining

    Thank you!

  • I am surprised! Am I really the only one with this issue?

    Try this:

    When logged in and on the forums, click on your name in the upper right. From the popup-menu select "Logout". You're now redirected to the front page. Note that you will see "Register or Login" instead of your name. Now click the forums tab. You should still be logged in, although having actively logged out.

  • This channel is quite cool. Egoraptor. Subline is "Cartoons about video games". You will enjoy it.

    Start with

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    . It's a video from his "Sequelitis" series, where he compares A link to the past and Ocarina of Time. Awesome! Be warned though, I might be wrong, but from the subtle undertones I vaguely guess he seems to not really like Ocarina that much...

  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't C2 a game creation software? As such, it doesn't claim to have integrated IAP for several platforms. It claims to be able to publish games on several platforms. Additionally it offers an interface to IAPs.

    I know it is hard to actually do the programming part on one's own instead of using premade code blocks, but that doesn't mean it's Scirra's responsibility to provide it.

    If I read correctly, you've already done a lot of research and noticed that questions about IAPs in "How do I" are unanswered by the community. So why not you being the first to share what you researched so far? Maybe others will add to that topic then as well, so that such a tutorial builds up from the input of the com.

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  • Ashley

    May I ask for a word or two? Just something like "Can't do that" or "Great idea! Will be in the next revision!" ?

  • That depends on the exact situation. In the example above, I made 3years ago, the angle is from the center's point of view. In this case it is easy: Just use the opposite angle. Easiest way to do so is by adding 180:

    angle = angle + amountofchangepersecond * TimeDelta

    x = center_X + cos(angle) * radius

    y = center_Y + sin(angle) * radius

    square_angle = angle + 180

  • When logging out I can only make it work by using the big Logout-link next to "Members". If I try to log out using the dropdown-menu the webpage tells me that I was logged out, but clicking on forum makes me magically being logged in still.

  • tulamide has already made some really good suggestions in this topic ( ) , but since then the audio plugin has been neglected from any advancements.

    In the very same topic, Ashley told about the issues he has. If it were web audio alone, it could have happened already. But since audio must also work the very same way on other audio engines as well, he is bound to use the lowest common factor that works on all engines. Unfortunately.

    Nevertheless, fading options integrated in audio actions make sense. It is rather simple code, should work with all engines (since it is just volume automation) and frees the developer of games from repeatedly do the same thing over and over again. A convenience option, so to say

  • > codah, yes, but I really don't wanna create variables for such trivial things.


    > Thanks R0J0, your solution of course work, too bad that I totally don't understand why this work...


    I think this creates an one dimensionnal array of the 3 strings, then it choose one of the 3 values (not sure why the +1, does CC needs a 1 based index?)
