tulamide's Forum Posts

  • ??????????, ?? ?????

  • You do have the problem because of an inconsistency. Almost everything in Construct is one-based. And it makes sense when you think of array sizes. So your arrays need to be set up as 18x13x1, not 18x13x0. An array logically has one dimension on z, if you use only x and y. The problem is that Construct allows you to set it to zero when using it in ram, but as soon as you save it to a file, the one-based-rule applies and the file seems to get corrupted.

    To cut things short: set the z-dimensions of your arrays to one and everything will work fine

  • Is there a way to create exceptions in families using events?

    For example, say I I have a Family called "Soldiers" of which there are 20 different types of soldiers.

    >"Bullet" On Collision with Family Soldiers=>Subtract 1 from Soldiers "HP"

    Say I want to make one soldier invincible using events. How can I exclude this one type of soldier, say SoldierEngineer02, from this action?

    By using pv's for example. Use the family manager to setup a pv like "shield". Pick the members you want to make invincible (for example when creating the sprites) and set their "shield" to 1.

    "Bullet" On Collision with Family Soldiers

    Family Soldiers: Value 'shield' not equal to 1 =>Subtract 1 from Soldiers "HP"

  • As far as I'm aware of, there shouldn't be a problem using unique pv as well as family pv.

    Attributes are more like states, as you can set them on or off. But you can use them in whatever number of events you want. (I'm not quite sure if I understood your question correctly)

    Objects can be members of more than one family. If you use a family with an event, you always pick that members of the family that match to the condition, so you are free to pick just one member or a whole family, based on the conditon. If you would set a pv for all members of a family to 1 and later test against that value, you would pick all members of that family.

    But I'm sure there are more advanced users who can answer more specific.

  • Music:


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    more single instrument loops than full music loops or sound effects

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  • I thought about it too, and had another basic approach. In a quick&dirty test I simply copied the game layout and used two layout objects on a third layout. But I did not really test, if full functionality is given. Communication (or "syncing") between the two layouts have to be done through globals, of course, and that could be a hell of work. Another downside could be the higher demands of RAM/VRAM...

  • There are a lot of things in your cap, that may interfere. There are two Mouse/Keyboard objects, the mixing of autoplay/channel play, triggering sprite clicks without testing against visibility, etc. To get rid of them and so to see, if the basic functionality is working, I've set up a cap that only mimics your design (main menu, level layout, extra sheet controlling the mute menu) and placed the mute menu to a seperate layer using inheritance.

    This one works perfectly on my pc, so try this one by just replacing the path string to your path and see if it works. Then you could try to implement it.


  • You're using seperate XAudio2-objects per Layout. I guess just using the one from the first layout and setting it global will solve the problem.

  • Thanks for the link, I left this out somehow when looking through the wiki. Exactly the informations I was looking for.

    I still hope, someone may help on the other problem (an algorithm for pseudo random numbers maybe?). I'm not that deep into programming, that's why I ask

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  • It may sound silly, but could someone give a definition of the following variables?





    It seems straight forward and self-explanatory, but sometimes I get unwanted results or can use whatever I want and get the same result (and not the one I intended). Please, don't laugh at me

    The HLSL intrinsic functions list one called noise. If you look at the reference on msdn, it says that the function ist fully supported with shader model 2 and above. But when I try to use it I get an "cannot map expression..." error, if using a variable as input (noise takes a vector of any size as input). With values as input no error is raised, but the output value is always the same no matter what input values I use.

    no error, but always the same output value:

    a) noise(0.6f)

    b) noise(float2(0.25, 0.5))

    c) float nseed = 1000.6f


    error message:

    a) float nseed = Tex.x


    b) float2 nseed = Tex.xy


    c) float2 nseed = float2(Tex.x, Tex.y)


    d) noise(tex.xy)

    e) noise(float2(Tex.x, Tex.y))

    The only thing I could find on the web was a thread on the msdn-forum, posted 2 years ago, where someone said:

    "noise() is only supported for tx_x_0 profiles, i.e. software shader implemented by D3DX TextureFill functions."

    I have no clue what this means, but the tx_x_0 profile restriction is only shown for shader model 1

    Any ideas?

    And if it comes to the point, that the perlin noise function is not usable, how can I setup my own random noise function?

  • germany 1? let's raise the number

    tULAMIDE - Germany

  • Tried exactly that (smaller resolution fullscreen with one event to close application on escape key) with 99.42 and had no problems. I think, posting a cap wouldn't help. Complete hardware/driver description could possibly help more if posting it again to the bug tracker.

    EDIT: also tried the posted cap without problems.

  • Thanks Ashley and all the others. That's another great plus: With this community, even learning is fun with Construct

  • You could use the "Angle is clockwise of..." condition in the system object. Contrary to the name, you can actually check if an angle is counterclockwise of another one as well.

    Ah, thank you, now I see! So, this is to be used always? Even for a simple test of a certain value? I'm asking this, because I use angles very often to trigger actions, so I better change all "Angle Greater than n"-conditions to the "Angle is Clockwise of n"-ones...