Tuiii's Forum Posts

  • couldnt open project

    layout1.xml is missing

  • choose "is overlapping another object" instead of collision for the coins

  • lol thanks that was quite simple

    the example i used its not exactly what i'm trying to make but I thought it should work. it's a little bit more complicated than that, I will try later to see if I can achive what I want. If I can't than I'll be back hehe

    Thanks again

  • Hello guys, what I'm trying to do is create five instances of an object that has four animation frames, but I want one of those five instances (in a random order) to have animation frame number 3, while the others must have animation frame 0, 1 or 2 (random).

    I created a .capx with the objects and a event that create five blocks with random colors (0, 1 or 2 animation frame) so you guys have something to start. I really have no idea how to do that, please help me!

    Summarizing what I want to do:

    Click button --> Create 5 blocks

    one of the blocks must be green

    other must be red, blue or yellow

  • Is it possible to make a straight line object turn into a curve one by using events/behaviors only?

  • Well I don't know why sometimes physics behave strangely and seems to be not working, I hope someone can explain us this better.

    Although in your case what you can do that seems to be working fine is set the physics action to be the last one in the event that triggers it and set a wait action before it of about 0,1s. (I changed the apply force to apply impulse and it's working fine)

  • I made this for you:

    Clothes will go to a pre defined position when mouse button is released in a -15 to +15 pixels distance on X and Y to that position.

    Now if you want to release it over a moving object than you should make the clothes have a pin behavior and pin them to it in the third and fourth events.

    After that you should set an every tick event activated only when the clothes are in the righ position (you can make that using the system in the third and fourth events or using instance or local variables.

    This event should set the clothes to the character's position on the image points specified for them or you could use some math to set X and Y coordinates by the character's coordinates.

    Hope this isn't confusing a lot, i'm kinda drunk :P

  • +System Every Tick - Sprite set angle toward position (X: Mouse.X   and Y: Mouse.Y)

  • maybe this

    Object speed <= 3 or something small - set angle "Object.angle"

  • I first created like sqiddster suggested but VectorY is limited to the Max fall speed so if you want to make it die when falling from very high distances only, you would have to raise the max fall speed a lot and maybe you wouldn't want it to fall that fast.

    But if that's not a problem you could use VectorY and save space for more events if needed :}

  • This is how I managed to make it work using 2 variables:

    First one will control the initial Y position of the player from the fall and the other one will tell when the player is falling.

  • "random(first_value,second_value)"

    Something like "random(1,5)". But this will generate non rounded numbers like 3,412354

    For round numbers use "round(random(1,5))"

    Check this example out:

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  • You are setting the layout angle to stay always as 90.

    You would need to make the even recognize the layout angle and add or subtract 90 to it.

    I couldn't find this kind of expression for the layout so I simply created a variable that keep control of the layout angle with the additions or subtractions of 90.

    Check it out:

  • Oh, didn't see he said he wanted only the solid behavior. Well.. capx would help to understand better here indeed.

  • Make the solid object have a physics behavior and set this object to be immovable.