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  • Hey all

    I would like to make a prototype (or not, if it performs well enough) of a game, but I want it to be heavily integrated with smartfox server.

    I have the knowledge in making smartfox work, but how do I tell my custom code to call construct 2 functions with data from the socket server?

  • Both look very promising, although the UI of 2d tileset generator is more appealing imo....

  • Aphrodite, I was having a hard time trying to understand why it seems you dislike CocoonJS so much, since their API is pretty awesome, and aside from their support, their API is VERY unified between platforms, until I saw your signature

    I'm still with mix feelings about cocoonjs, really, but now, after ios8 and webgl support, I think it'll much easier to look elsewhere.

  • >

    > Analogy: Heck, I dont think a success factor of a novel is determined by the tools used by the writer, it can be notepad, ms word, or just pencil and paper, but CREATIVITY IS.


    This. As someone who has written several manuscripts, and published one, I can tell you that it all boils down to creativity (and good grammar, of course:P). As long as the tool is capable, and the person using it knows what he/she is doing, there shouldn't be a problem. I think people tend to get a case of grassisgreeneritis, and want to hop platforms just because "someone did something cool over there, I can too" and then jumps ship every time something new comes out. Those are the people that never finish anything. Just my opinion, of course.

    You're right, but for my company (and me in personal), the first thing to check is stability, performance and capabilities. Ludei's cocoonjs looked like a viable way of getting good performance and great API, but they're lacking support, to say the least. We've been working on our first game using pixijs and Ludei's cocoonjs, and now we've found ourselves chasing after them, and have yet to get any response...

    Stability, Performance and Capabilities are the main things I have to check before recommending anything to my company, and while Scirra capabilities are great, its integration with some good 3rd party plugins/adaptors is still lacking (not because of Scirra fault)

  • Thanks a lot for the input everyone, while the event system of C2 looks nothing short than amazing (still has its own quirks though), me being a ******** developer (c#/web/as3) developer, I've decided to keep testing out Starling and Unity 2D for my company for now. On the other hand, I'm tinkering with my own little game using C2

    Much appreciated!

  • Thanks a lot for the effort fisholith, I ended up using a variable for this...

  • I've finally decided to thoroughly check construct 2 (bought it 7 months ago), and it's awesome!

    Thing is, I've yet to see a REALLY successful game in the play store/app store. By successful I mean generates enough revenue for a pretty decent living, Maybe even enough to focus on games rather than work.

    Is there any game like this? reason I'm asking is that we open a mobile game division in our company, and I'm looking at several frameworks (unity 2d, starling, cocoonjs+pixijs and construct 2). We have a massive user base to publish the game to, so marketing is not an issue.

  • Aphrodite, I suggested "events sheets for the objects themselves rather than the layouts" yesterday as well! the way Unity2D handles it is pretty awesome!

    But I was told I could just have a separate event sheet for each sprite with its own logic. Still I think it could be cool.

  • I've read about "Pick All" that resets the picked event instance, but couldn't find it anywhere... Took me a while to understand it's a "condition"...

    I thought it should have been a System action...

    All's good, it's working now.

  • Hello all.

    Wasn't sure if it should be in the "How do I" section, since I do know what "For Each" is for...

    I have this event sheet:

    I get only one alert with the Portal I'm currently overlapping. I suspect the "overlap" event causes the For Each loop to lose scope? If so, how do I get the Scope portal instead of the triggered one (or, how do I loop ALL portals and not just the one triggered?)

  • Well, I'm ashamed of myself... I just found out there's an "invert" command on events... It sure looked strange there isn't any "NOT" condition...

    Thanks LittleStain for the help

  • LittleStain yeah, but since the loop is a sub event, so if IsInPortal is 1, it shouldn't have looped again, until the frog exited the portal...

    I've shortened my code above to a more logic way, still occurs...

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  • Hello all

    My events are:

    [ul]	[li]If Frog is overlapping portal AND IsInPortal = 0 (touching a portal for the first time)[/li]
    [/ul]             IsInPortal = 1
                 For each portal Alert portal.Type
    	[li]If Frog is overlapping portal at offset(-Frog.Height, 0) IsInPortal = 0 (finished operlapping)[/li]
    I would have expected the loop to occur only once, at the entry. However, it happens on entry, and when it fully overlaps, it runs the loop each frame until it exists the portal... so I thought if the pivot of the frog is 0,0 then that would explain it, since it does overlap a lot. but the pivot is in the middle of the frog (16, 16)
    What am I missing?
  • I think the ability to associate an event sheet to an object could be cool. So when you create an event sheet to handle a specific object only, you can select it from the object properties and open it directly from there, instead of skimming through lots of event sheets.