TRMG's Forum Posts

  • 99Instances2Go

    Hey, sorry to bother you again, but I don't know how to fix a bug with the chain...

    If the object attached to the chain is moving pretty fast, the chain begins to bug out.

    (Here's a video: ... g.mp4?dl=0 )

    (And the capx: ... .capx?dl=1 )

    Do you know how to fix this?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Well, do you want just gravity, or do you want all acceleration?

    With acceleration:

    X = -Touch.AccelerationXWithG

    Y = Touch.AccelerationYWithG

    Just gravity:

    X = -(Touch.AccelerationXWithG - Touch.AccelerationX)

    Y = Touch.AccelerationYWithG - Touch.AccelerationY


    Angle = angle(0, 0, X, Y)

    Oh my god! Thank you so much!

    I've been trying to switch to Unity in order to get this to work, but you saved me a lot of hassle!

  • You need to download a construct 2 theme first, after its downloaded you have to put it in the construct 2 theme folder.

    See this thread

    Well, I've already made my own one... I just don't know what's the name of the thin bright line surrounding the "On Touch" and the "lineSprite" which is only like that when selected.

  • Hey, don't know where to put this, but whatevs =D

    I want to change this outline's color (when selected):

    But I don't know which option from Preferences - Colors tab it is...

  • Hey Ashley , I know you must be busy developing C3 and with bug fixes in C2, but I really can't figure out how to do this and it seems like no-one else knows... So, could you please help me with this?

    EDIT: Solved thanks to Johncw87 :

  • Phoenixbowman No problem, let me know if it doesn't work. =D

  • Try adding a "Trigger once" condition when setting the variables. I suspect that the game is setting those variables each tick to random 1-5...

  • bump

  • kiko2015

    Have you tried adding the "Persist" behaviour to it?

    I haven't tested it, but it works with other objects so it may work with the audio player too.

  • Hey there!

    I want to make a sprite point downwards relative to the world in real life (img bellow showing what I mean better), but I can't figure out how to do it...

    (High rez link: ... n.png?dl=0 )

    I tried with Touch.Alpha, but apparently that's the compass orientation... (As I found out here: touch-alpha-orientation_t191586)

    Touch.Beta and Touch.Gamma don't return the right tilt... (I'd want the tilt on the Z axis, if I'm not mistaken...)

    (Code: Sprite - set angle to Touch.Alpha (Adding extra degrees didn't help))

    The only thing in Touch that's left is either "motion" or "touch" (tapping the screen), so I'm kinda' lost...

    Is there no way of making this work in C2?

  • I am curious about this too.

  • Touch.Alpha gives the compass bearing, so you're using the wrong value here.

    Oh, sorry... Thought that would be the right one to use...

    So, what expression would I need to use? I also tried Beta and Gama, but neither of them worked.

  • How about a video on Arrays? It's not that intuitive for a first-timer and I think it'll be quite usefull.

    I, for one, didn't use them until maybe 3 months ago.

    The peer to peer or multiplayer online theme is pretty difficult to understand in the manual, that would be nice to see in a video


  • Problem Description

    When using Touch.Alpha to rotate a sprite towards the ground in real life/ the center of the earth (img bellow to explain what I wanted to happen better), the outputed value from Touch.Alpha is not correct/ consistet.

    (Higher rezolution link: ... n.png?dl=0 )

    This has happened on 3 phones from different brands.

    Attach a Capx ... .capx?dl=0

    Apk files already packed: ...

    Description of Capx

    Sets the angle of the sprite ("Circle") to the device's Touch.Alpha. The user can also add 0, 90, 180 or 270 extra degrees to the circle's angle by pressing the buttons at the bottom left of the view.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Instalation: Open and install the .apk file that works based on your device's processor. if the device is based on an Intel processor, run the file that has "x86" in the title; if it is arm-based, run the file with "arm" in it's title. This can be determined by serching for the device's specifications, or It can also be found trough trial and error, as the wrong .apk file will not install. The device may prompt you to turn on unknown sources. It can be done from settings - security - unknown sources and is required for any .apk file that does not come from a known source (ex. Google Play).
    • Usage: Once the app is installed and opened, rotating the phone on the Z axis should rotate the sprite. If the ball is not orientated correctly, you can add an offset to it by pressing the buttons in the lower left corner.

    Observed Result

    The sprite rotates when the phone is rotated and points towards the ground irl when held vertically, but if the phone is laying on it's side (horizontally), or in any other orientation, the sprite does not point correctly.

    Expected Result

    When the phone would be tilted, the sprite would point downwards relative to the ground in real life (like in the images from above)

    Affected Browsers

    Not applicable, as it is a standalone application.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10, service pac 0, I belive (In pc - properties, under windows version it only said "Windows 10 Pro")

    Android V. 6 and 7 (Xperia z3 and Samsung S7)

    Construct 2 Version ID
