TRMG's Forum Posts

  • Local Storage gives you complete control over what to save.

    So they do... Thanks for letting me know =D

  • Hello, I have a problem, how I can create a save option, to remain even though close the game on android?, for example, if I put the sound to be silent, I want that value remains when re-entering the game (sorry for my english is not very good)

    You'll need to use the system "save" events.

    Ex: On left clicked on "ChangeSoundSprite" -> System - save "save1"

    And then: on start -> System - load "save1"

    P.S. The game looks really cool btw!

  • > I'd appreciate a capx, yes.


    > I don't know how you perform the flipping atm, but I'd just simply lerp (or qerp, whatever you prefer) the width to zero, spawn a new Sprite with the appropriate card face and width 0, destroy the cardback and then lerp back to the initial width.


    > You could simply put that card on top of the z-order at any point of the lerps.


    capx sent

    Hope, it makes sense?, Z-order construct does not apply here .....!

    Try when you click on the card to set it's z order to top of layer/in front of the other cards:

    (Ex code) On left clicked on object "card" -> card - z order - move to top

  • I think that the save functions are a bit restrictive...

    I normally use the save function for a couple of variables max and I have to save the whole scene to do so. This is more taxing for the device to save and load and it takes longer than just saving a single int value. (I usually work around this by having a different layout where I save and load the game and then redirect to the menu, but this could be done much easier if saving a value would be possible...)

    Also not having a way to clear save files from within the game is quite bad...

    I don't know how complicated these things are to implement, but I think they would help (at least me =D) a ton...

  • is your screen higher or the same size as that image?

    if its not and the screen /template/ game screen resolution is lower then the image needs to be adjusted...

    The project's layout size/view size is 1080 x 1920px, but I don't think screen size has something to do with this as on my phone the image shows fine, but on a lower end phone the image would not load...

  • Hey yall!

    I have a credits sprite in my mobile game witch is 2108 x 897px and I'm afraid it may not show up on some phones...

    I had problems in the past with credits sprites above 2400 not showing up so I had to cut the image and use 2 sprites.

    Do I have to cut this image too, or is it ok at that size?

    Thanks in advance!

  • As long as the game is not too intensive with stuff like physics or particles I think even a 1080p game would be fine.

    If you are pushing for 5-6 year old phones too, I think a better way to handle this would be a good options menu to toggle these things off. (This way people with higher end phones can enjoy a better looking game)

  • Thank you!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Try image compression sites ( ... compressor)

    If that is still not small enough try setting the resolution of your images lower...

  • Hey,

    I want to know the distance from one point (X,Y) to another. Do you guys know a formula for this?

    Thanks in advance!

  • I tip my hat to you, sir.

    I'm at work right now, so I can't try the games currently, but I will make sure to try Quick Trigger as soon as I can. It looks quite promising.

    Keep working and turn that dollar into a full-time career! Right after making back those 125 bucks, of course!

    PS: I think your mom should be considered a shareholder of Moon Light Games, by the way.

    Thank you very much for the nice reply and for the interest in my games!

    For me a full-time career is my 'wet dream' since I made my first game and I wish I'll be able to make it a reality one day. =D

    And my mom is way more than a shareholder; every time I have an idea or a prototype, she's the first person to hear about them and to give me suggestions on how to improve them

  • Hi,

    So as the title implies, I have only recently discovered this thread...

    I went on a little ramble so if you are interested in only the games, skip to the last paragraphs =D

    So right around the age of 12 I got my first smartphone: a nokia lumia 710. It's an alright phone but since I could not play the games my friends were playing got me asking: "How hard can it be to make a game?" and ***** The curiosity flame was lit. (Also I think that because I had this phone and not an android phone I got to experience more unique games, rather than flappy bird or clash of clans and made me try to make interesting games rather than flappy bird clones. I'm proud that I can say I never made a flappy bird clone, witch is something not even Google can say =D )

    I type on my little phone: "how to make a game" and I see a lot of Unity tutorials so I download Unity, follow the tutorials and it works great! Only that when I tried and make something different other than what the tutorials were showing me... I broke the whole game... I uninstalled the program as I could clearly see I cannot learn it and I was now back at square one...

    About a year later, one of my favorite youtuber (NerdCubed) uploads a video of a small game he made called how to snooker. In the video he said the name of the program he used: Construct 2. I download the program and after I fiddled with the ui a bit I got annoyed because I did not realize I didn't start a new project... (I'm not a very smart kid...)

    A day passes and I again think about C2 so I look at some tutorials on youtube (side note: What's up with the lack of community tutorials? I like the scirra tuts but I prefer seeing someone impartial to the engine and who doesn't need to showcase the engine) I get an urge to try and see what I can do. I install it a second time and after working a couple of days I get my first game: a volley ball game made for two players using only the platform behaviour and the physics behaviour. I was quite chuffed with myself =D

    At the time I was going trough a school related depression (and still am, but nothing like what I was going trough then), so making video games became my safe heaven.

    When school started to drain me more and more I had to leave this "hobby" behind and focus on school. I started my last project to see how far I came and after making it I would then focus on school.

    Happily tough, that mini project took off and started working on it religiously. This would turn out to be, after about 5 months of work, my first game: Domino King! I asked my mom for 125$ (100$ for the C2 licence and 25$ for the Google Play licence) and put my game on Google Play. I also thought that I'd be able to make these 125$ back in no time... Again, I'm not the smartest kid...

    But from those 2 people who bought my game I earned 1 whole dollar. It's not a fortune, but what;s the most important thing about this dollar is that I showed my mom that I could one day earn money from this thing.

    I am now almost 15 and have made so far 3 games for android: Domino King , Quick Trigger an my latest and most successful by far Water Balloon Frenzy. (Here's a link to all of them: ... 2579275179)

    I am working on and almost finished my fourth game called Fine Tuned (an arcade game where you have to match the colors of your enemies to destroy them) witch will be out very soon. From there on I'll try to expand my games a bit more and see if I can push into the pc market =D

    Now my first game Domino King costs 1$ (This if because I thought I could earn back the 125$ my mom gave me for the licences...) but if you want to try it, send me a private message and I'll send you a free code for listening to my ramble =D

    Pictures: (I don't know how to make them smaller, sorry...)

    Domino King:

    Quick Trigger:

    Water Balloon Frenzy:

    Work In Progress - Fine Tuned:

  • Use event: Is Between Values and use these:

    Value: int(right(str(<your value>),1))

    Lower bound: 0

    Upper bound: 2


    Thank you!

  • > Wow!

    > I didn't know you could compare two values! This helped me a lot, thanks!


    You're welcome. Good luck to your project.

    Hi again,

    I got another related question (if you don't mind...):

    how would I do the same thing with a variable that would jump by 1,2 or 3 at a time?

    I basically want this:

    "If var X is equal to 10 or 11 or 12 then execute code"

    I want it to happen every 10 units (10 or 11 or 12; 20 or 21 or 22... and so on) and the var would also go indefinitely (so I can't hard-code it)

    Do you have any idea how to do this?

    Also, if you don't have the time to help me with this I will start a new entry in the forum; I replied back because you knew already what I wanted and it is easier to explain =D

  • Hi!

    I've downloaded the beta and it works flawlessly on the latest chrome browser!

    Even tough I probably won't use this feature in the near future (As I export only with NW.js and Cordova) I think this will be huge to someone who does export to the web!

    P.S. Thanks for making CC and C2! I think they are the best 2d game engines!