Treshimek's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • I'm suddenly encountering this aggravating problem where a ship sprite will NOT set its position on top of its hitbox. This is from an entirely new project and the only event active is the event to set position. The sprite won't even angle itself towards the mouse! Pin doesn't seem to do anything, either.

    What's going on?

    Ugh, nevermind silly me. I forgot to link an event sheet to the actual layout.

  • I'm suddenly encountering this aggravating problem where a ship sprite will NOT set its position on top of its hitbox. This is from an entirely new project and the only event active is the event to set position. The sprite won't even angle itself towards the mouse! Pin doesn't seem to do anything, either.

    What's going on?

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  • I figured out that the problem was because I wanted to use a two separate objects for the orbs: a hitbox and the actual sprite. I wanted the hitbox to be smaller than the visible sprite so that I could use the hitbox for movement while the sprite remains "stationary." That way, the art wouldn't rotate towards the player and it would not look weird.

    In this case, how do I link two objects together so that they are considered one entity? Or is there a way to allow movement without rotating the sprite?

  • You got to make this gdrive link either public or accept my request ;)

    It should be public to you now.

  • You got to make this gdrive link either public or accept my request ;)

    Oh sorry!

  • Right, I'm going to have to share my project. I honestly do not have any idea why my project's "destroy" event is not destroying only one instance.

  • Thank you for the replies but all the instances are still being destroyed.

    To answer lions_'s reply, I am using the "On collision with..." event. How narrow do I have to make each event?

  • Hello, amateur here.

    I'm kind of a visual person so here's why I'm encountering:

    I used the "Ghost Shooter" events for the Monster object for the "upgrade orbs" yet they do not behave the same way as the template. They all disappear at once rather than only the orb that the ship touched. I have no idea where the problem lies and I'll gladly share my little project if need be.

    Any help is appreciated.

  • 8 posts