Toya Aponesto's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, this issue could be one reason why its takes a bit too long for a project to finish, since you'd expect only one person is and can do the project at a time.

  • I seem to get a little frustrated when doing a large test project. It is because only 1 person can work on a project at a time and it cant be done by several people at once. Can the future Construct be able to allow users to like uhh work on separate parts of a project and just combine them or something? This way, it would be much more faster to make games in construct.

    I'm thinking it could be done through layouts, like copy pasting a layout into another construct project and everything in that layout is transferred and etc.. you get the picture.

  • If it went to around 900mb, I'd say ITS OVER 9000!!! Or 900... . Anyway, I figured it was the tiled BG after looking at the layout like a CSI investigator :p . THanks for the help guys! Appreciated it. Cheers!

  • I only have a built in 256mb video card . I think the one causing it is the tiled background. Cuz its one huge image imported as a tiled background lol. And its size is greater than the game screen which is 640x480.


    Now someone explain why is that happening? Is that even right?

  • Wait, I can load graphics from folders? Does that include sprites I use in the game? Like people and monsters? My game is pretty much an RPG with a card game in it much like Digimon Digital Card Game. Would it had been better for Construct to like, once building the .exe is done, it would export all objects used in a I dunno Objects Folder? and then all that would remain in the .exe is the events or something which would probably cause it to be less than 1mb just like those other .exe that other games use. The .exe would just read the stuff in the Object Folder and show in at runtime. I think this kind of algorithm is seen in the RPG maker series.

    Normally, games would have their .exe to be less than 1mb or so.

  • I have made a project see. A very simple one I guess, but its already around 130+mb due to uhh you know, too many objects in it, cuz I used so many sprites like monsters, people, etc. And when I test run it, it takes too long to load the preview which usually ends up not responding.

    So what should be the average file size of Construct games? Oh yeah, I have a little question or just want a clarification. In a finished project, will the only thing a user will download is the .exe file? Or can there be folders included in it, which I guess is a Sound Folder or Data folder. But is there any other? Will the whole game be comprised in one .EXE file?

  • I see, well thanks a bunch!

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  • Hmm at the moment, I'm just putting every object there is in my game in one layout, and just call them if they are needed in other layouts using non layout event sheets. Would that be efficient? I was also thinking, what is more efficient in terms of making some maps, make events to create them at start up or build them in the layout?

  • Are objects being placed outside the layout included at runtime? I mean are they being ran too just like objects inside the layout? And what happens if I destroy an object at runtime, will I still be able to create the same object at runtime using some events? This has just been bothering so yeah... Just wanna quicky know about it.

  • Well, I was actually able to do it, but just a simple fade in/out effect. What you need to do is simple make a black tilebackground covering the whole layout, then set its opacity to 0 by default, when give it a private variable which is also equal to 0.

    Now when you need to use a fade in transition, just make an event like this (lets say the private variable of black is called opa, and the black tiled bg is called black:

    If black's opacity < 100

    --> Every 1000 millisecond

    --> opa = opa + 1

    --> black's opacity = opa

    Yeah, something like that. Just do the opposite for the fade out thing.

  • How do I count down to zero? Am I suppose to print a random number while the real values are actually decreasing and will only show the real value once it reaches it designated... value?

  • How do you make a simple number increase/decrease effect like Yugioh's LifePoint thingy?

    Like from a 4000 LP, it will show up random numbers in a decreasing fashion until it ends up with 0.

  • Alright, so I have an objectA that would do random stuff like go here, go there, change animation angle randomly etc. I also have another objectB which aims to mimic that objectA. I practically am able to make objectB mimic objectA at most parts except for its animation angle.

    I can't find an event that checks what animation angle objectA is playing. I tried the "Compare angle" but it doesnt seem to work. I'm trying to make objectB mimic objectA in a way that if the animation angle of objectA is 90 degrees, objectB will also change to having a 90 degrees animation angle.

    FYI, they both have the same animation names and animation angles, they just differ in the images of each angles/animation.

  • I see. I'll try that thanks.