Welcome to the new forums! We're aware of some issues which we'll be cleaning up.
The forums have moved to Construct.net
Our new forums are now hosted on Construct.net. The old forums on Scirra.com now redirect here. However the rest of the content on Scirra.com, such as Construct 2 downloads, is still there. Here are some links:
Construct 2 downloads: https://www.scirra.com/construct2/releases
Construct 2 manual: https://www.scirra.com/manual/1/construct-2
Scirra Store: https://www.scirra.com/store
Scirra Arcade: https://www.scirra.com/arcade/top-addicting-games
The plan is ultimately to move all of those to Construct.net as well. However this is a big job and will take some time - until then you can keep finding them on Scirra.com.
Known Issues
- CSS needs improving on mobile view
- CSS needs improving on post rendering
- Post formatting needs cleaning up on imported posts
Page performance of main forum home needs improving
- Search feature needs to be implemented
- Username references need to issue notification
- Mods needs to be able to see reported posts
Active users to be shown
- Pagination for topic too cramped when hundreds of pages of posts
If you come across any more issues, please post here and I'll add them to the above list. Bear with us - it needs to be working before it can be made better :)
Your Private Messages
PMs on the old forum will be permamently removed on June 4th 2018! Until then, you can access them from https://www.scirra.com/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&folder=inbox