Toddler's Forum Posts

  • You know it's bad when an "upgrade" is so awesome, users need to make plugins to *fix* it.

    Thank you for your effort rexrainbow.

  • Agree, which I *hope* will be implemented, maybe the load event can have the option to wait until the trigger happen, get that data from the returned trigger and assign it to the variable so that at the front end, it behaves JUST LIKE the good old friendly webstorage.

    Or else, we will soon have to say good bye to really simple one line codes like this:

    For this *new* & *improved* method that do in multiple lines, what can be done in one line in the past, YEAH UPGRADE !

    Who needs a cell phone when you have cups and strings !

    Let's rub two woods together to make fire, it's *better* because it takes more effort !

  • Thanks Aphrodite.

    However, no amount of gymnastics is going to cover for the fact that a freaking trigger is needed just to get a value from a storage system.

    Again, we are not talking about 1GB of game data to be loaded here, please stop this nonsense before it becomes the norm and everyone stop talking about it and silently accepts this is the direction Construct 2 is going...

    The next thing you know you will need a trigger to know that a sprite is ready to have its animation changed or else you cannot set the never know right ? I mean who would have expect that you need a trigger to know that a value have been retrieved when trying to load from a web storage and to be told it is an "upgrade" ? People would say that this crazy, but here we are !

    Ok, I can accept that maybe the old web storage is too far gone in the deep end of deprecation to be future proof or "accommodated", but surely this new "awesome" localstorage could be made to simulate the old simply more logical direct approach right ?

    Please implement the feature option right into this *new and awesome* local storage to internally wait and then when the value is retrieved continue the program.

    Please please please don't say that would cause a lag in the game if internal *wait until loaded* is implemented, cause isn't this parallel bullcrap supposed to be "faster" ?

    Oh suddenly it is causing a lag now ? OH WOW really ?

  • Please implement the "Check if Exist wait until respond received" or "Compare value wait until respond received".

    Nobody appreciate a trigger for this, nobody is loading 1GB of data for the majority of us, stop this nonsense.

  • Colludium is right, now things like this:

    Cannot be done easily anymore, now you need to implement some trigger crap.

    Now in the previous case, it might STILL be fine but what about this ?

    This code is called when a certain frame in a looping animation is reached.

    I know some might say you should load the data into some variable and not access the file system that often but I am telling you, the game works smoothly, webstorage is working well, no, I am not loading the ENTIRE INTERNET on every frame so it is not going to be a problem that this new plugin is so eager to try to handle [loading BIG ENORMOUS DATA because yeah that is what most game created using construct2 have to deal with right ? BIG DATA the size of the internet... pssh...]

    It was SOOOO easy presently.

    But now with the new and improved "localstorage", things are going to be more complicated than it has to be.

    "Oooo with the new *parallel* processing, things will be faster" and all that crap.

    If it is supposedly going to be so fast, and "along side", why do we now have to face the issue of not only re-writing our codes but have to implement some sort of "wait"/"pause" function like Colludium said to do what you are seeing here ?

    This "new upgrade" is not a even close to "good".

    It is Terrible.

    Just Terrible.

    Can Construct2 atleast make this *New and Cool and parallel and so awesome you should forget about using the old webstorage* plugin have like this internal build in "wait until the result is retrieved and then continue" option that makes it behave like the original supossedly *bad or OLD* system that is actually friendly to us ?

    I have been working on my game for four months now and this crap happens.

    I am just going to wait and see where this terrible direction is going before I continue, I have stopped the game development for now.

    This is Terrible...why is anyone even praising this new *improvement* ?

    To all the fans of this new *awesome new way of loading data* plugin:

    Yes I am glad you now have the ability to load 1GB of data into your game on a "parallel" thread without slowing down you game and be notified when your 1GB of data has been loaded.

    No 99.9% of us creating casual games don't have to deal with that, so thanks for messing it up for the rest of us, because we REALLY LOVE having to access a saved data that is like maybe 100kb and have to then wait for another trigger to tell us when that has been loaded for us to then access it, yeah that *awesome* we really love that...

    You know what else we love ?

    Maybe construct 2 will *improve* its sound playing system by making a function to play a sound but then create a trigger to let us know that the sound device is now actually ready to play the sound before we THEN play it, if we are going to mess it up why don't we go all the way ?

    Hey check that, why don't we ALSO implement like when pinning a sprite to another sprite, we make it so that we have to wait for a trigger after calling "pin to object" that tells us that the sprite is *ready* to be pinned which we will then call another function to *actually* pin it ?

    Let's do that, lets *improve* construct 2...

  • The problem with early game developers are when they say they are making a HD game they are LITERALLY MAKING A HD GAME !

    Like FREAKING 1920 by 1080 !!!

    Here is a Slap in the face heads up, even the latest games wasn't built with that resolution in mind, here is a few SHOCKERS, but be clear that the list GOES ON!

    Call of Duty 3: 1088 by 634 (2 x AA)

    Call of Duty 4: 1024 by 600 (2 x AA)

    Conan (Demo): 1024 by 576 (no AA)

    Conflict: Denied Ops = 1280 by 720p (No AA)

    Def Jam Icon: 1152 by 648 (No AA)

    Devil May Cry 4: 1280 by 720

    GT5 Prologue: 1280 by 1080 (2 x AA)

    No your platform game doesn't need to be 1920 by 1080, no your next flappy bird doesn't need 4K resolution, wake up.

  • I can really see it in my mind now...this "new cool" local storage is trouble.

    Twice the action needed to get what would have been a single line of code.

    All I see is the amount of re-write awaiting my game.

    Why can't Construct 2 handle this "On item get" trigger automatically ? Why isn't that an option [auto]

    Can't construct 2 assign/compare the value when the data "decided" to arrive in the background ?

    Why must we handle this...

    This is trouble...

  • Thanks

  • Yes I know the new localstorage is suppose to be this awesome thing but the way it works reminded me of implementing listeners for certain events in Flash and having to write another piece of code to catch the trigger.

    It is having to write *double codes* like this that makes me stop using flash to develop games in the first place.

    WebStorage, no matter how it is *supposed* to be outdated is awesome, because you access its property via one line of code and it makes for really clean codes.

    Yes, we know the new AWESOME LocalStorage is parallel processed and all those wows, but can't construct 2 handle the back end bull crap for us ?

    We don't have to *know* it is async, why can't we just access its value in one line and construct 2 behind the scene will execute that code when the loading or whatever fancy bull crap it does in the backend is complete ?

    We don't have to know how the car cylinder system works, we just push on the pedal.

    The golden age of Flash was when it was easy to execute basic stuff in code until Actionscript three demand event listener and triggers, then comes boiler code hell and all those bull crap that makes people wonder why we are using that if it is going to be such a pain in the first place.

    Can construct 2 avoid going down this path ?

    [PS: Can you imagine if Construct 2 have detect overlapping but we have to create our own on collision event to detect the overlapping only once ? Can you imagine having to manually wait for a *trigger* to let us know that certain assets have been fully loaded or having their memory resource cleared and all those amazing clean up that construct 2 does in the back ground that makes construct 2 such a joy to use in the first place ? Now we are suppose to be *ok* that a simple webstorage system we have that all the settings and retrieving of data in one line of code now require an asking and then later on a trigger to get the answer ? Why is this ok suddenly ? Yes yes I know it is *fancy* and *the future* and all but it is cumbersome and can construct 2 handle this in the background ?]

  • Is there a vertical shake feature ?

    The Shake in Scroll To Behavior is Horizontal and Vertical.

  • Thanks

  • Ouch...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • How do I create a local function just like the local variables that aren't visible outside of that particular layout ?

  • Two years ago, I used Flash to create my free game Pigazoid for iOS and Android.

    It took 6 months to develop.

    90% of the time was me FIGHTING with the SLOWNESS of the Flash Engine.

    It was a simple game, a VERY SIMPLE game, but what the player doesn't know is it is simple because Flash FORCES me to drop many features I want to implement.

    Play back rate was slow, refresh rate was slow, it is just terrible.

    I ended up having to experiment with Pixel Blitting within Flash alongside many other "hacks" to get the game going.

    Ever since then, I swore I will NEVER ever create a Mobile game using Flash again.

    NEVER, and I don't care how powerful new processors will become to make up for Flash's incompetency.

    Two years later, now, I have decided to get back on Game programming and using construct 2 is the best thing that have ever happened to me in the world of game creation.

    Would it shock you to know that games made with Construct 2 RUNNING ON A BROSWER in iOS can actually be faster than Flash's native exporter to ipa ?

    Speed [which is a big thing] aside, Construct 2 makes "sense" in the gaming world.

    Flash is like an old relic that is trying so hard to fit in, I have to create a mini game engine from scratch in Flash and yet will never truly know the performance of it until it is time.

    I have to re-write Pigazoid's game engine twice.

    Had I used Construct 2, 6 months of work would have been two weeks.


    And 90% of the time will be spend on making pretty graphics, playing with my 3D characters and animating them.

    I know because I am working on another game now and I cry from how easy Construct 2 is.

    Construct 2 is awesome.

  • Thank you Colludium, I hint your advise and used LiteTween, it works PERFECTLY.

    Wow, that VectorX thingy is USELESS.

    The Vector Y works though, but Vector X is Utterly USELESS with or without ignoring user input.

    I will never touch Vector X for Platformer again.

    I tried to work within the Platform's position placement feature because I don't want an external behavior that is not part of the Platform to affect positional movement to avoid glitches, seems like the internal Platform's vector X is a let down.