Hi all,
I've come to the end of a long road with my game engine and will start importing art now. So, now is the time I need to seriously wonder about screen resolutions. I've looked around and asked people, but it's generally only ever discussed about getting full-screen to work. I'm in a different boat however.
I want my game to be released as a web game, so the resolution needs to be 800 wide max to fit on most portals. But then I want to release an exe version as well with higher resolution, so it can look really nice full-screen as well.
Now as far as I understand it, I would need to make 2 versions of the game, reimporting all the assets at a smaller size for web version than exe version. And this just does not seem right. Surely there is a way to downscale the high res version when putting it on the web? Maybe something that can be changed after export?
If you have any information or ideas about this, please let me know!