Hey guys,
Ludum Dare has just begun, and we have a team of 6 Scirra users. Most of us have never spoken to each other before now and it's our first time using SVN, so who knows how it will end up!
The main reason I tried for this is because of a real lack of collaboration between C2 users, and I think we are really missing some big potential here. So I grabbed together some willing participants and we are off to chart out a good collaborative workflow for C2. Maybe even make an interesting game while we're at it.
If you're interested in following the progress, you can follow my twitter: — or follow the Trenchrat twitter: twitter.com/trenchratstudio and/or tumblr: tumblr.com/trenchrats (the studio our artist runs - it will be updated regularly).
Here's hoping we all learn something and we can bring our experiences back to the Scirra community! I would really love to see more mid-sized teams getting together on C2.