Tobye's Forum Posts

  • jayderyu - Great, thank you! :) Let me know when it comes about or if you need help testing or something.

  • - I actually spent a long time on this after your suggestion, and eventually decided on adding the variables for the condition to the object was in fact just easier to manage. But for additional details like time remaining, times hit, etc. that might be used by the status are stored in a dictionary that is created when the status is applied and linked to the object via UID.

    I know it probably sounds a bit much, but it has really made it much easier to manage and debug. With arrays it just takes a little more eventing time to extract the information and when you run into a problem there's a lot more possible reasons for it.

  • jayderyu Velojet - Hey guys, I made a little game where you make an action (like 'move here') then the game plays out by itself for a while before pausing and asking for another input.

    It is currently a single player game, but I designed it this way in case multiplayer did come along one day, to get some live-action happening without input lag being a problem (so say all players have 5 seconds to make a command then it plays out).

    So I'm wondering if what you guys are doing could work like that, where the server determines the times to make moves as opposed to each individual player's game, and whether there are any special considerations I should allow for? For instance, I now have a boolean that says whether it's a friendly or enemy unit, would I be able to easily assign that boolean to a player or should I use IDs or...? And how easy would it be to save results, like kills and exp gains, for each player? (Currently I only want 2 players)

    I'm not asking that you hurry along or do anything specifically to cater for my game, I'm just after some pointers on how I should be structuring things in case it does come about one day :)

  • Hey all,

    I am wondering if there is a way to load up a single text variable with a bunch of different words, and be able to check if it contains one of those words and be able to delete just the specified words.

    I am trying to make a single variable that can store all the statuses applied to a character (like poison or haste) to try to cut down on instance variable, as there are already heaps.

    Or if anyone has any other ideas how to manage statuses it would be nice to hear :)

  • BluePhaze - Thanks for the additional testing ^^ I had just started with it and wasn't aware of any of those yet. I also found if I boost down and hit the ground before boost ends I will float off the ground a little.

  • OrangeTapioca - yep! Although I can't get any direction to work off it, ever. Yet I can still get it to destroy itself under the same conditions, although it works a little sporadically. All individual buttons and other combinations work fine.

    - Thanks! Maybe that does have something to do with it.

    EDIT: - That must be it. I found if it press left, then up then B extremely quickly one after another it works. Dodgey keyboard I guess. Thanks!

  • - That link is to this post.

    But strange it works for OrangeTapioca. Also Yarfapet - it still registers the keys are pressed for everything else, just specifically the boost event (which just adds speed to the bullet behaviour) doesn't work for me. I'll try a completely new project and see if I get the same issue.

    EDIT: Just tried on a completely fresh project and get the same problem :/

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  • Hi all,

    I have this little idea for a game but one feature just won't work. I want it so if I hit 'B', the character will boost in the direction I am holding. This works for 7 of the direction, but for some god unknown reason up/left refuses to work!

    The weird thing is that it definitely recognises that up and left are being held, as if you put another action in there like 'destroy player', that will trigger no problem. It's only that the bullet speed won't fire.

    And the plot thickens: if I change the buttons to A & W instead of up and left arrows, it will work fine, UNLESS the arrow buttons are also held! Even if I disable all other commands except A & W, holding up and left will still render it useless. It really is very peculiar.

    If someone could have a look it would be very much appreciated:

  • I use "layer(0).x" for example, where '0' is the number of the layer. I always keep that layer's scale etc. the same so it will always work well.

  • Yeah I'm 100% on firefox. Actually I should note that in firefox it will have the issue even on the starting layout, where that always seems to be fine in chrome. I just tested them again in 128.2.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Start preview on layout 'start'

    2. Travel between layouts by moving onto the blue squares ('transitions')

    3. Explore the layouts

    Observed result:

    On the starting layout there is no problem at all (regardless of which layout it is). However, when you transfer to a new layout while playing, you'll find certain sections, particularly those with narrow passes, get buggy with pathfinding. You have to click several times or click somewhere else and re-approach the pass from a different angle.

    This only happens when music is playing. If you toggle the play music event off, it will all run as normal.

    Expected result:

    Pathfinding to work like normal

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: No (this glitch does not occur with IE, but another one does when you enter layout 'inside', where all the images go weird and cover up the screen - but that's a whole other issue I guess)

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8 and don't know

    Construct 2 version:

    128 (was the same on 127)

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Load layout 1

    2. Click anywhere on screen

    3. Click anywhere again after arriving at original path

    Observed result:


    No matter what happens to the angle of the object after arriving at the pathfinder destination, it will resume pathfinding as if the angle never changed.


    Crashes on load-up:


    Message from webpage


    Javascript error!

    Argument not optional

    localhost/pathfind.js, line 164 (col 4)

    This is either a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer!





    Crashes on load-up:


    Javascript error!

    TypeError: postMessage requires more than 0 arguments

    localhost/pathfind.js, line 164 (col undefined)

    This is either a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer!    

    Expected result:

    When 'move along path', it will begin moving from current angle as opposed to previous angle.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8 and don't know

    Construct 2 version:


  • Ashley - Great! And I also wanted to know if this was a bug or the way it was intended:

    When you find a path while not moving, it will automatically set the angle of the sprite to the same angle it was at when it arrived with the previous pathfinding, even if you wait ages and rotate the sprite in between.

    If it's a bug I'll make a more exact report.

  • BluePhaze - Yeah the problem I was having was tricky though, because I wanted to add the variable information of one instance to another instance of the same object. So, if I pick by UID I can access it's info, but then I need to pick the other instance before I can apply the info, so the UID picked instance is longer picked. So if there was a way to just select by UID in an expression I would get the information and be able to apply it straight away, without any of the extra fuss I have in there right now.

    Ashley has a good solution, thanks! It takes a little more work to setup than what I had (as it's a long list of variables), but it's less liable to run into problems.

  • rogueNoodle - Thanks for the idea, I mixed it a little with what I was currently working with and it seems to work okay now. I stored the IDs in local variables instead of a dictionary though which makes things much neater, but might not work for you if it's a long running system.

    I also was concerned about the IDs changing as things were destroyed, but it's all contained within a function call for now and I was able to work the creations and destructions in a way that it isn't currently a problem. But, if later on it does become a problem I'm scared it'll take me a long time to figure it out! xD Since the objects I'm dealing with are dictionaries, there no visual issue I can notice.

    Let me know if you do find a simple expression for this!