TMAJA's Forum Posts

  • So I have an immovable physics wall, which uses the rotate behavior to make it spin. When my character moves into the wall, the wall pushes it for a short time before the character physics just goes to sleep and the wall starts passing through it.

    a) How do I stop the physics object going to sleep?

    b) I'm pretty sure the character sprite goes to sleep because its X and Y velocity show as 0 in the debugger... even though it is being pushed by the wall. Any suggestions as to how on earth that's possible??

    Thanks everyone.

  • Hi everyone,

    Could anyone shed some light on this - is it possible to send a message/make a call from within a construct 2 mobile application?

    If so, how?


  • Same problem here, cant minify and blackscreen on Andriod and Ios devices.

  • Hi everyone,

    I am currently using "Time: " & floor(Timer / 60 % 60) & "m" & floor(Timer % 60) & "s" to display a time readout in game. I would like the time to be formated like 00:00 instead of 0:0.

    I have tried zeropad, but the results were a little unexpected.

    Could anyone make any suggestions?


  • Maybe set the variable using the 'Left' expression?

    Hi Zenox98,

    not exactly what I was expecting but I can make it work!

    Thank you very much for your help .

  • Hi everyone,

    I have an array full of string objects. My code chooses one of those objects and then writes it to a global variable.

    The catch is, each string has extra characters that I don't want.

    For example,

    in 0,0 the string is A.object

    in 0,1 the string is B.object


    How can I remove the "object" part of the string before writing it to the global variable (The result is ends up being just the initial letter in the global variable). Is it even possible?


  • make the timescale 0 or the object timescale 0.

    Thanks Usman, I had thought I'd tried that! Much appreciated.

  • Hi everyone,

    could anyone offer advice on how to 'pause' a physics object.

    But that I mean I have a rolling object and the player presses pause. What is the easiest way to stop the object and have it continue when the player presses resume?


  • by standing on the shoulders of giants

    angle(x1, y1, x2, y2) Calculate angle between two points

    self.physics.velocityx and self.physics.velocityy is the velocity (speed) in pixels / second so for example if velocityx is 4 and velocityy is 3 then angle(0,0,4,3) is going to give you the angle from 0,0 to 4,3 (30 degrees ?)

    Hope this helps ?

    Thank you very much for taking the time to explain! Yeah that helped a lot, much appreciated .

  • set angle of sprite to


    That's exactly what I was looking for, thank you!

    Just one question, I understand the self.Physics.VelocityX,self.Physics.VelocityY, but why put 0,0 in there first? And how did you work out you needed to do that?

    Thanks again for your help!

  • Hi everyone,

    probably an easy one, but can someone tell me how to set the angle of a sprite to the angle of its motion? By that I mean so the sprite is always 'facing' the direction it is traveling in (like a rocket).


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  • Any ideas at all anyone? This has me really stumped...

    I've removed all third party plug in's, removed entire layouts ect but to no avail.

    Interestingly the problem doesn't present itself on Andriod devices, just iPhones!

    Any help at all would be hugely appreciated...

  • Hi everyone,

    could someone suggest why I have started getting this JavaScript error when exporting with CocoonJS?

    Or any suggestions on trying to locate the source of the problem myself?

    JavaScript Exception (Line: 9177 File: 'C2runtime.js' Tag: Script'): TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.


  • briggybros

    Thanks for your reply, I ended up doing something very similar - simple- no idea why I was stumped by this at the time!

  • Hello all,

    Could anyone suggest a way of using the array expression IndexOf to return the value below (on the Y) a known value?

    Or forgetting IndexOf completely, if my array looks like the one below, and I know what the X value is (the object names in this case) - how can I return the Y value below it.

    Object A | Object B | Object C

    1 | 1 | 1
