TMAJA's Forum Posts

  • Hi everyone,

    Kitten Chaos is a game about escaped, very rotund Kittens. It is your job to save the kittens by rolling them back to their baskets, avoiding distractions, trapdoors and various other hazards along the way.

    Earn Catnip Coins by saving kittens, achieving the awesomeness award and by beating your high scores. Also look out for bonus levels in which you can find extra Catnip Coins and even treasure chests full of them!

    Spend your Catnip Coins on the Lucky Kitten, where you can win lives, boosts, tricks and even adopt more incredibly round Kittens.

    Check it out below: ... s&hl=en_GB

    Screen shots:

    Any feedback at all would be hugely appreciated especially if it involves any bugs -

    I am currently aware of two bugs which seem to be device specific:

    A) poor sprite font appearance on some devices causes lines to appear at the edge of some letters.

    B) Screen *sometimes* doesn't reposition after watching an advert with coin reward selected.

    If anyone runs into these feedback would be SO welcome.



  • I know you have said layer scale didn't work for you - have you tried layout scale?

  • > Wow that is an incredibly elegant solution to my example, thank you very much oosyrag. Sorry to ask more of you, but I've clearly not had enough coffee today - how would you expand that system to include more barrels, 3 or 4 or 5 say.


    Use an incrementing variable. So after each shot, add one to that variable, and use that to chose imagepoint, animations, ect... After it reaches the number of turrets, reset it back to 1. Remember imagepoint 0 is reserved for the origin). Or, you can do variable+1 when spawning from imagepoints.

    A fancy way of doing this is with a conditional operator:

    Assuming you have one imagepoint per barrel, and are not using imagepoints for anything else on that object...

    Upon firing, set ActiveBarrel to "ActiveBarrel<Object.Imagepointcount?Object.ActiveBarrel+1:1"

    This says "If the ActiveBarrel variable is less than the total number of imagepoints, then add one to ActiveBarrel. Otherwise, set ActiveBarrel to 1."

    This will cover any number of imagepoints you decide to add, and cycle through them one at a time.

    Hi Oosyrag,

    Wow what an excellent solution - before I saw your reply I had tried an incrementing variable system and while it worked it was no where near as simple and clear as your conditional operator suggestion. Thank you for not only providing a superb solution - but also taking the time to explain what the condition operator was doing, I appreciate it very much!

  • Thanks for the input guys!

    Wow that is an incredibly elegant solution to my example, thank you very much oosyrag. Sorry to ask more of you, but I've clearly not had enough coffee today - how would you expand that system to include more barrels, 3 or 4 or 5 say.

    I guess you could go the other way around - create an animation of the ship shooting with alternating barrels, then check the current frame. If frame is 5 (for example) spawn a bullet from the left barrel. If it's on frame 11 - spawn from the right barrel.

    Thats a good suggestion too, thank you but I'm always hesitant to trigger things on frame because I've found it to be notoriously unreliable for some reason!

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  • Hi everyone,

    So I am looking for a bit of advice on firing weapons with more than one barrel - specifically spawning projectiles and animating the weapons.

    For example, I have a weapon with two barrels. I would like to alternate spawning the projectile at each barrel and to know which barrel is firing so I can animate it.

    My current projectile system attempts to emulate swapping barrels but it is visual only and I cant control the order in which the barrels fire - therefore I can't animate them accurately.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

  • You could actually do this in a lot of ways depending how your game is set up.

    You could have a 'detector' sprite just above the window which, when an enemy enters it, spawns the arrow directly below on the screen before the enemy enters the screen.

    Alternatively if you are spawning those enemies right above the window, you could simply spawn the arrow at the same time with the same X but a greater Y.

  • Hey SputnikCZ, so your ResBT is fine for me - doesn't disappear at all. Your ProducBT button does disappear though .

    When I'm debugging, I usually do two things - I first use the search in the events tab at the top of construct to search for the object which is causing the problem. This helps catch any stray events which may be the issue.

    If that doesn't help I fire up the game in debugging mode and watch exactly what happens to the object as the problem occurs.

    In this instance I searched and couldn't find anything, so I watched the object in the debugger. I saw that it had been destroyed by the fade behaviour . The debugger is really useful!

    Hope that helped

  • If you PM me or quote me I'll check it out when its up

  • There isn't anything in that screenshot that I can see which would make your ResBT button disappear - maybe you would have more luck if you posted up a capx .

  • You can download the capx by clicking the download button in the black bar at the top of the page

  • I've seen other people post about this on other areas of the forum but no one seems to ever get an answer

  • Although I haven't come across the problem myself (because I haven't tried to record anything yet) I'd like to know the answer to this also.

  • Hi, so the problem is you aren't calling the code for each enemy, you are running it for both at the same time.

    A way around this is to use a timer system for both enemies.

    I added another variable to your enemies, called Timer. Timer is the part that changes, cooldown is simply the total cooldown for each enemy.

  • Haha can I say magic? Honestly I'd love an explanation too - both of your problems were effectively caused by nested every X second events within a for each loop. It seems that this generally doesn't work? My best guess is that the interaction between the way the loop is executed and the every X seconds basically breaks the every X seconds.

    Feel free to PM me/quote me if you need any more help, if you just reply in here I might not necessarily see it .

  • You could increase your var_attackcountdown by one, which should introduce some variation in the pace at which your enemies attack. I just had a go and got two groups attacking at different times. If you want to keep the 1s attack time you could subtract 0.5 every second. That help?