tm2000's Forum Posts

  • I tried this but its still not working

    Basically the player sometimes is teleporting through the block and either dying or going through the blocks then on to the platform again on clicking the jump

  • Everything is working fine apart from when the player hits the side of the platform and pressed jump, so you don't make the jump and hit the side. Two things either happen. You teleport above on the platform. Or it teleports you behind the platform and you flying behind the platform then eventually dying or go back on to the platform.

    Happened ever since adding this, line 19. Which works great in not making my player fall off the left of the screen (other issue in forum post FIXED). But now this issue has came about.

    Sorry really hard to explain without testing it and seeing the bug yourself


  • OddConfection dop2000

    So this seems to have fixed the player moving backwards. But there is another issue now.

    If i hit the side of a platform and hit jump my player teleports either on to the platform or is gliding in the air behind the platforms, then eventually falling and dying or teleports onto a platform.

  • Nevermind! Fixed it thanks to your help both of you! from looking at the example i realized i set the wrong set X. But I amended this now and is working.

    Thank you guys means a lot!!

  • This is based from the endless runner template and the Set X bit was already put in there. (this is my first game created so fairly new) <-- Maybe i have messed up something here? <-- From the debug the platform Vector X isn't changing. But the Layout X is going down, would that be it? If so how would i change this?

    Thanks for your help

  • Try replacing all those events with this one:

    On every tick-> Set player X to 105

    See if it helps.

    Doesn't seem to be doing anything, eventually the player just from running goes of the left side of the screen. It wouldnt be anything to do with the animation would it? As on landing the run animation starts from the beginning so it will twitch slightly form the falling animation.

    Another thing maybe.. Because the platforms are different heights you are jumping to, all the jumps don't last the same length of time, some small jumps some long jumps. Maybe that? But i wouldn't know what to do with that

    ^ to give you an idea of the game and whats happening


    Or maybe something to do with this?

    Fairly new to construct so i don't know exactly what everything does and effects yet

  • I'm guessing when in the air, your character's horizontal speed is slower than the levelSpeed. You need to compensate this somehow. Maybe simply by setting character X coordinate to a fixed value on every tick.

    It definitely looks like its jolting back on the land i tried adding this but it had no impact (see 21 & 22)

    Also this did the opposite. Everytime i jump the player moves forward when jumping (in the air not on landing) <-- see 22 (player vector X to levelspeed)

  • I have made a general endless runner game with a double jump. On landing when reaching a certain speed (starting at 200 then reaching max 600 speed) every time I land at a higher speed my player slightly jolts back a bit. So if you jump enough etc you end up going off the back of the screen just from landing. <--- Got this at the moment, seems to of fixed it moving back just changing the player on landed +1 to +2. But now does a little glitchy thing on landed and twitches


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  • Ah right, your events 3 and 4 need to be sub events inside the touch event, at the moment you have them outside.

    Thank you!! All fixed now

  • Might be easier if you see the numbers i guess ;P

    I have done this but its still starting from frame 1 (grey)

    and upon clicking still flickering

  • That looks reasonable, what's the problem?

    basically its starting on frame 1 (grey). When i click the button the animation just flickers rather than staying on the color.

    also should be starting on frame 0 (orange)

  • Hey guys i am following this tutorial

    He has done with 2 layers? i am guessing that are on top of each othere.. Is there a way to do this based on 1 frame using frames this is what i have so far..

    One image to be orange when music is on then same button but grey for when music is muted.

    Thanks guys

  • also another thing, as i want this button on all my 4 layouts. How would I make it work on all the layers.. I tried including the event sheet but it bugs the game. And when i just copy and paste the events and actions along with the button the sound loops.

    As i have the sound only playing on the menu screen as they will never be able to launch it from the scoreboard or game over screen etc. Then this music sound is playing over across all the layouts i have from the menu screen.

    Basically i want a mute button exactly what i have done, but on the other layouts i got.

  • I think your "toggle silent" action gets executed twice, once in On Touched event and once in On Mouse Click event.

    If you are testing on PC, both events are triggered at the same time.

    So it toggles off, then on again, that's why nothing happens.

    You can set "Use Mouse Input=No" in Touch properties or remove the On Mouse event, and change your code to this:

    > On Touched button
       Set Toggle_music to (Toggle_music=0)      <-this will toggle the variable, 0 will become 1, 1 will become 0
    System->Compare variable->Toggle_music=0
    System->Trigger once
         Audio->Pause "music"
    System->Compare variable->Toggle_music=1
    System->Trigger once
         Audio->Resume "music"

    Thank you! Working now. I even tried changing it to "or" But turns out on touch and mouse button click are basically both working as a mouse button click (on a mac)

  • Add else to your second toggle event.

    Something like this?

    Still isn't working. If i change the toggle to set silent it makes the music silent but of course cannot turn it back on. Maybe the toggle action is bugged or am i still doing something wrong?