tm2000's Forum Posts

  • Hi there,

    A previous developer created a game using TR_Leaderboard to allow posting top scores to a mySQL db, and it worked great.

    It was created in Construct 3 about a year ago

    When I try and open the .cap3 file - it says i'm missing the CB Hash plugin.

    After trying to find it - I can only find a zip file containing Javascript files - which is designed for Construct 2 - any idea how i can install it into C3?

    I hope this makes sense.



  • Thanks for your help.

    I'm just starting out with Construct so i used the template 'racetrack' as a starting point.

    There is a 3 second countdown at the start of the race.

    There is a global number called TimeStartLayout = 0

    But I cannot see that variable referenced anywhere in the event sheet?

    I'm not sure how to use what you have generously provided.

  • I have a racing game which has a timer and records your time.

    I have a button to restart later at the end of the game, but it doesn’t restart the timer.

    How can I completely restart everything as if it’s a new game?



  • Brilliant! - thanks for the steer (pun intended)

  • Hi there.

    Just starting out with Construct 3.

    I have started with the racetrack template,but wondered how I can add controls for mobile? (e.g. left, right, accelerate, brake).

    At the moment it's controlled by the arrow keys, but I can't see anything in the event sheet which controls movement.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?



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  • Thanks - yes I have been looking through and playing around with them, but I need a php leaderboard to go with it, which limits which ones I can use. I can probably work it out, but I don't have a lot of time, so wondered if anyone out there could help?

  • Hi There,

    I know the basics of construct 3, but I'm looking for someone to help with either creating a game, or selling their pre-made game to me so that i can reskin.

    Anyone out there interested?

    The game is for customers to play at Christmas, but the game doesn't have to be christmas themed!

  • Event 22, you currently have Platform is on floor inverted, which means it's setting X postion while in the air (jumping/falling), but you only want to do it while it's on the floor, so you need to remove the inversion Right Click->Invert

    Thank you! Was just going by what someone put in my other forum post fix that issue!... But now if I don't jump and hit a wall in front (that is up against the platform i am on it will just carry on running through that higher platform (hitting the side of the wall). Seems like i need another event in it telling it to stop running on hitting side of a wall?

    I guess that fix is only telling it when its jumping? not when something is in the way

  • I'm not using C3, so can't open the c3p to check, but is this the same one where the player is continually set to the same X position?

    If so, in the event that sets X postion, add in a Player Is On Floor condition, so it doesn't do it while the player is jumping/falling, that way the blocks can push them back.

    It is this atm (as suggested to do in another forum post)

    The crossed out bit above is the default it was at, which was using the endless runner template.

    Not sure exactly what you mean, first game for me!


  • > I have posted previously about this topic and still haven't found a fix


    > On my Endless Runner i have the play and the blocks as solids. But sometimes i still pass through the randomly generated blocks (platform) It seems to happen when i jump (i have double jump enabled also)


    > Surely having the player and blocks solid i wouldnt be able to pass through them? It only happens hitting the side of the block platforms


    > Still cant find a fix for this. Apart from this my game is all done!


    > Thanks!


    many things can influence this problem, can post a .capx?

    Hi! here you go

    My theory is that it happened changing to double jump as well as (what people suggested and fixed another problem) is line 22 on game sheet 1 (event sheet). As the player was slowly walking back and would eventually fall of the left side of the screen. But that is just my theory

    Thanks for your help!

  • I have posted previously about this topic and still haven't found a fix

    On my Endless Runner i have the play and the blocks as solids. But sometimes i still pass through the randomly generated blocks (platform) It seems to happen when i jump (i have double jump enabled also)

    Surely having the player and blocks solid i wouldnt be able to pass through them? It only happens hitting the side of the block platforms

    Still cant find a fix for this. Apart from this my game is all done!


  • Hey guys, this is the link to my .c3p as explaining the issues i cant seem to resolve are hard to explain.

    I have 2 versions of my endless runner game, and both have different issues. If one is resolved then i will go with that way basically. As fixing one issue lead to a new issue.

    The issues only are in Game and Game sheet 1. The rest you can ignore.

    So when the player dies from falling off the screen, or hitting the left side of the screen from getting caught on a block. It goes to the game over layout.

    As you can see on line 10 on the game sheet 1 i have that bit disabled as that is to do with the other issue trying to fix this one.

    ISSUE 1:

    As it is set up now the problem i have facing is that the player slightly moves back to the left of the screen on reaching higher speeds. Which will lead to eventually dying from hitting the left of the screen.

    - If you jump and hit the right side of the platform you are about to land on, sometimes to get teleported further in front of that platform, instead of just falling off the edge onto the next platform or falling off and dying.. or even trying to jump again.

    - If you disable lines 20 and 21. And enable line 22. This fixes that issue.. But then the character sometimes teleports all over the play on jumping against the side of the platform. And sometimes the player will glide behind the platforms then teleport either onto them again or fall to its death. I tried fixing this with the use of the disabled line 10. Which sort of did work. But with using line 10 it would just kill you hitting the side of the platforms, instead of pushing you off and then dying from going of the left side of the screen (which is what i want to happen).

    I hope this helps explaining my bugs? if you can call it that.. Or it is me messing up somewhere.

    This is my first construct game so go easy on me

    Thanks guys!!

  • Oh sorry my mistake!

  • I asked you already in the previous post - could you share the capx? It's hard to troubleshoot issues like this with just the screenshots of your code.

    Sure thing.

    As you can see in this i have added at 'death' hitting the side of the platform. But sometimes it still happens

  • With my game i was wondering if there is a way i can add a transition in going to my game over screen.

    I have an endless runner game and on falling off or hitting the side of the block instead of the top is there a way i can have a like fade in transition to another layout (GameOver Layout) instead of it jumping straight to it.
