Hello Cipriux,
I think at the moment it would be kind of hard to make a "fake" wireframe out of that, because the dots (which are simple 2d sprites) are generated by Construct at runtime and they do not know with whom they were connected in the original 3d-animation. To make this work I would have to pass that information into the json files I export from Softimage.
I think it's not impossible, but surely a lot of work.
My original intention for this export was not to display 3d models in Construct... my goal was to use a "professional" animation package to make animations for Construct.
I would use it to animate for example the different patterns in a bossfight or crazy enemy flight maneuvers in a space shooter.
That would be kind of hard to do in Construct with just behaviors and expressions.
I was just using this as an example to test the performance... which is not as good as I first thought.
In my first test I was exporting just the skeleton of the 3d-character and everything was super smooth with easily over 60 fps. That was with around 30 objects.
Then I tried to export all the positions of the 3d-mesh points... these were around 7000.
And that kills Construct completely .
Interaction is completely impossible at less that 1 fps.
I guess Construct 2 is quite capable of moving 7000 sprites at a decent performance, but I think it's too much that every sprite reads its animation data from an individual array every frame.
Maybe it would be better to write all the data in one big array that all sprited can access.... but who knows .
But I guess for the stuff i am planning to use it it's fast enough.
I don't think i will ever build a boss with more than 30 sprites.