TILK's Forum Posts

  • Ok I have delete a lot of stuff of my 2 projects. Can I send you these two projects using private message ?

    I need to know as soon as devs if the problem could come from the fact that the backup slots between my two projects have the same name "sauvegarde". I just realized this now.

  • Sorry, there is very little we can do without more information. Please see the bug report guidelines which describe specifically what to do if you don't want to share your project.

    I cannot put my project here because it's a professionnal work. But if you want I can record a video of the bug ? But I think the bug come.

    I think the bug comes from managing the layers backup in the browser cache. Because in both projects I have similar pages but on some with an additional layer. It is on these pages that when the two applications are loaded in the cache of the browser that the bug begins to occur (layer becomes black).

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  • Yes, thank you I already thought about this but the name is different. It's very a strange bug, maybe it's not the reason but the background of the second layer can be black.

  • Problem Description

    I created two application and put them on my server. I'm using my two applications with chrome. My problem is that 2 applications use similar interface (layer and sometimes objects) and when I'm loading the first application and after the second, the interface is like mixed. I can solve this problem by cleaning the cache of chrome but I loose my data. How can I resolve this problem.

    Attach a Capx

    I can not post here my Capx for professional reasons but it you create an application with certain elements and to redo the same application by copying and modifying some elements and you will be able to see the bug.

    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create application with 2 layers and buttons/inputs
    • Upload your application on a server
    • Create a second application (with a different name) by copying the contents of the first and add objects/move objects (don't change layers)
    • Upload your second application on a server
    • Start the first application
    • Start the second application

    Observed Result

    Bug with objects and interface like "black layer"

    Expected Result

    No mixed elements/interface between two differents applications

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 10 64bits ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ 244 (64bits) ____

  • Hello,

    I know that I can export my data from the array in JSON but I would like to be able to use this data with a software to be able to easily edit them. Is there a way or a plugin to allow this?

    Thank you !

  • Thank you very much for your example ! This will help me a lot.

  • Thank you for your answer but i don't find a solution.

    Look my capx example : https://mon-partage.fr/f/aoUvHiVH/

  • Maybe it's my question was not clear but it's possible to reverse the process ?

  • Hi everybody !

    Construct 2 is very powerful and useful tool !!!

    But I do not know if it is possible to detect the direction in which our finger goes when you touch a sprite.

    [SPRITE] = (finger goes to LEFT ---> RIGHT or RIGHT ---> LEFT)

    Thank you for your help !

  • Ok thanks i will try this

  • Hi everybody !

    I have a scroll menu on my menu layer and I was wondering if there was a method to save the position of this layer when moving from one layout to another because my layer menu always returns to its initial position when I go to a layout to another.

    Thank you for your help !

  • Hey I come back with one question about this manipulation : someone has an idea to avoid format each time you click on the button to format?

  • you append "character" (word)...........-append just character (variable).... remove "quotes "..

    Thank you !

  • Hi, I tried to insert your code in my project, it works but there is a bug because normally it's supposed to be a text in French :

    I call my function when i click on the button and wait one second :

    My function :

    My interface :

    It's very strange because your code is exactly the same except that I use a array (because text is link with id of patient in array (i do an app for an hospital))

  • if you type:

    then no...(and you deserved to be all in one line..)
    function works exactly what is written..on export...find first " "(empty space) after 30 character and add newline..
    function don' break lines in original text

    OMG! Sorry i understand my error. Thank you so much for your code it's work! I will try to implant this evening in my application. Do you know if can I call the same function for different textbox?