I’m working on a blueprint, and I want to add a file saving system. How can I go about exporting files to the computer inside of the game?
I'm making a multiplayer horror game, and I've set up multiplayer. However, the players wont sync with the host. Any clue how to make it work?
The animations are playing from the beginning instead of current frame. It is constantly resetting the animation.
I would make it so every time a fish spawns, the square would move right by the grid size. If offscreen, or reaches a certain x, it should go back the the original position and go down by the grid size as well.
I'm making a rougelike with platformer movement. I want to make randomly generated terrian. How would I go about this? I tried using construct tutorials and youtube tutorials alike.
I am trying to make a randomly generated island for my game. How can I go about this? I've tried using the noise texure and procedural terrain generation demo, but it didn't help.
Kinda like this
Scratch that, it works... ok... now. The event sheet wasn't connected to the layout.
But I need it to follow the player, just stopping before leaving the set area. Is there a way to do it?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I am trying to set the viewport to a set area for my metrovania. Is there a way to do this?
I am trying to make a dungeon-type roguelike but I can never find a good room generator. Any idea how to do that via tilemap?
Edit: If someone presses a key(we'll say A), they will be player 1. Then someone else connects, they'll be player 2. And if player 1 disconnects, then player 2 will become player 1.
I want to make a local multiplayer game(that part is easy). The problem is I want the game to connect like this:
So if a controller connects to player 1, then they will control player one until they disconnect. Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance,
Thank you! This helped alot!
I forgot to enable pixel art. Is there a way to turn it on after creating the project?
Look at the picture