TiAm's Forum Posts

  • A little unclear. Do you want to spawn an object along a line at random points? At the edge of an object (ie, at a point)?

    Image points are probably your solution. You can have a few and pick them randomly by putting random(FirstImagePoint, LastImagePoint) in the image point field for spawning an object on another object.

  • Mipey jayderyu

    I gathered that it's not reusing the images, but I don't understand why that triples the draw call. The total number of objects is the same, there are just three object types versus one. Not trying to argue, just understand. See again what Ashley says (relevant parts bolded):

    As far as C2 draw calls are concerned (when it asks a plugin to draw itself), it makes a single draw call for every single visible object on-screen, and that's it. Offscreen objects are not drawn, and objects set invisible are not drawn (although objects with opacity 0 are still drawn). It doesn't matter if objects use different or the same frames, are from different or the same object types, there is one draw call per visible instance.

    The reason I'm doing this is to try and divide up collision testing loads across multiple ticks. And it works -- for the collision testing logic. The extra draw call overhead just about cancels it out though. Very frustrating. Basically, with col checks having to be top level now, I can't figure out any other way of pre-filtering objects to test.

    Essentially, there little advantage anymore to testing collisions less often than every tick, unless you have many different object types...in which case your draw calls go way up...

  • Joannesalfa

    I'm not dev'ing more mobiles right now, but I've been following the discussion on mobile export with interest. Anyway, how is WizCanvas working for you? Faster than gameclosure? Or have you got it working yet? An open source/free solution would be great...

  • Having a strange thing happen, and have tested it in both chrome and firefox.

    If I spawn, say, 1000 moving objects of one type, I can see in the debugger that my draw calls are using about 4.5 percent of my cpu.

    However, if I clone that object so I have three identical copies, place them in a family, and spawn a 1000 of them, my draw calls go up to 15-17 percent (almost 3 times more...suspicious number...)

    I'll post a capx if no one can explain this, because everything I've read so far on the forum and in the manual suggests this shouldn't be happening. For example, this thread:

    Salient extract from the man himself:

    As far as C2 draw calls are concerned (when it asks a plugin to draw itself), it makes a single draw call for every single visible object on-screen, and that's it. Offscreen objects are not drawn, and objects set invisible are not drawn (although objects with opacity 0 are still drawn). It doesn't matter if objects use different or the same frames, are from different or the same object types, there is one draw call per visible instance.


  • See this:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/318/ho ... ng-screens

    First you see the default scirra loading bar, but just briefly. Then you have a loader layout, providing you added one. After that, the only thing which is not loaded completely is audio...and you can even force that to load if you wish.

  • You want Set object time scale. See here:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/67/del ... dependence

  • No, there isn't. You could modify the effect manually though, I think, but you'd have to dig into the code.

  • Multiplayer is coming, not here yet. Check blog, also here's a test page:


  • Sure, why not? Sound like a good idea. I'd take a look at some vertical scrolling space shooters, similar idea if you think about it.

  • This is a great, great idea! Will do it in the future for any posted examples.

    One idea:

    Should have an indicator on each page to say what version of C2 the example and capx is from.

  • I've really never done a lot of online multiplayer, except for losing a few hundred hours to quake live (had to delete it off my computer finally...really fun, but too distracting and addictive).

    That being said, racking my brains, the two games I'd love to see would be some kind of turn-based strategy like advance wars/fire emblem, and some kind of multiplayer bullet hell game. Now either of those would be awesome. Also, I've always thought something like a MMO 2d GTA would be really cool, but being able to really wreak havoc like destroying buildings, massive car pileups...just total chaos.

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  • Guess I've been lucky...no issues with 33 beta, upgrading to 33 stable right now. Hell, I didn't even have any issues with 32. Knock on wood...

  • Would be nice to have a global event search though. If your project has a lot of event sheets, it's tedious having to go to each one and search...

  • I've had an odd problem with the debugger in chrome where it will come up locked at 30fps. Doesn't matter what tab is up. Are you using chrome? That being said, it's not a common occurance; I can usually just bring it back up and it's back to 60. But a couple times I had to reboot...

  • jayderyu

    Thanks. I'm still learning my way around it myself.

    One of the things I'm trying to do now is figure out how to break up collision tests across a few ticks, instead of testing all at once. With the addition of col cells, col checks don't make sense anywhere but the top level now.

    So, the only way I've been able to figure to do it -- and I haven't even tried this yet, but in theory it should work -- is to create a family containing as many duplicate object as I have steps (so, if I want to test every second tick, two duplicates, every third tick, three duplicates, etc), then when I'm spawning these objects, call on the family to generate a random instance. I should end up with about an equal number of each.

    Then, I can have a separate col test for each duplicate object type, and use a timer to loop thru them, only doing one per tick.

    The advantage -- again, in theory -- is that the load on the engine should be more balanced. Lets say col check are taking 60 percent of the cpu when run. If I test every third tick:

    test all every third tick, cpu:

    10,10,70,10,10,70, etc...

    So my average would be okay, but a high hit every third which could cause stuttering on a weaker system. OR...

    test a third of objects(aprox), cycle every three ticks, cpu:

    30,30,30,30,30,30, etc...

    Anyway, all pontificating at this point...hope that all makes sense...anyone every tried this themselves?