TiAm's Forum Posts

  • So, does C2 generate 'flagged' webstorage data, or not? If not, sounds like a case for Ashley.

  • Well, you may have sorted this out by now, but here goes:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/kt6za6yc6yzz1 ... .capx?dl=0

    Look for 'Tmod' to find some comments I left. A few other things I noticed:

    1. You are building you levels with TiledBG objects. Any reason why? Tilemap is a lot easier for this sort of thing.

    2. All the TiledBG objects have physics+solid. Again: why? Physics has a hell of an overhead if you don't need it (I don't see it referenced in your events anywhere).

    3. In one place you were using an animation frame as a condition to spawn an object (your player). This is a bad idea, as frames can be skipped, or stay onscreen longer than you intend. In your case, this occasionally led to 3 or 4 players being created on re-spawn. I patched it by inserting a 'trigger once' condition after it, but you should still re-jigger this logic.

    Oh, and while it's probably way overkill for your present project, there also magicam:


  • Wow, that's a bummer. But wait...do you mean it is possible to 'flag' webstorage content so this won't happen? Or am I misunderstanding you?

    If you mean we need to get Apple to change something in iOS...

  • Wow, that must have been incredible to see it running in a real arcade cabinet. Looks freaking amazing!

    Hope you do well on Steam!

  • IE 11 supports it since a while, just upside down

    Yup. That sounds like M$.

  • I basically agree with you. I sincerely hope Ashley is still working on such a command. But, I see render cells as a stepping stone, not a replacement. I also see it as a companion to a 'reload layout/layer' command.

    Yes, as you say, you would have to handle zone loading on a per-layer basis to get any benefit from render cells, but I still think it would be preferable in some circumstances.

    For example: I envisage a zelda style game with seamless transitions between all zones, where tilemaps and immobile objects (scenery, houses, that sort of thing) are simply spawned in and left alone. Render cells should take care of any overhead they might pose. Then, all that has to be spawned in are active objects, which can all be on their own layer (or 2 or 3 layers).

    On a slightly different note: what about the initial load? Let's say you have a massive layout with 30,000 objects in it. Now: what about mitigating the initial delay as those objects spawn in? And then, afterwards, we have to delete all but the ones right around us? Hmmm...

  • I don't think render cells + reset persisted objects is a replacement, but it's a start. Just brainstorming, but here goes:

    Think about a 'Reload Layout Zone' command. One of the problems will be avoiding a 'halt' every time a chunk is loaded/unloaded due to creating/destroying all those objects. One way to handle this is some sort of lazy loading; a 'timeToSpawn' setting perhaps. OTOH, what if we didn't have to create/destroy so many objects in the first place?

    One way to handle this would be to have another command: 'Reload Layer Zone'. This would only reload the objects on a particular layer, within a particular zone.

    This way, stationary objects (tilemaps, decorations, that sort of thing) can be put on their own layer w/ render cells enabled, and simply be left alone. The only objects that have to be spawned in/out are 'active' ones.


    Semi-OT: Somebody ought to bump that old 'Room Object' thread; some good stuff on there.

  • I don't know, but I'd be interested to hear some opinions. I've been trying to test my current project by installing the apk into the android sdk emulator, and while I managed to get it installed, it won't boot my game. Planning to install andy later tonight and give it a try.

  • newt

    Last time I checked, they're good with milk.

    Seriously, though, I think there was a C2 plugin that let you set normal cookies, but they aren't secure ie., the user can easily see and modify them (my hi scor iz 9,999,999,999,007!!!).

    So, that's a drawback.

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  • Looked into this a little, sounds like an interesting project. Unfortunately, it looks like this would be difficult data to get at from a javascript framework.

    There was a W3C recommendation back in 2009 for the Compass API, which included the fieldStrength attribute, a perfect fit for what you are doing.


    Unfortunately, it doesn't look like fieldStrength was exposed in any version of phonegap I can find. It doesn't look like CocoonJS implemented any compass features at all.

    Apparently, not all devices that offer compass data use a magnetometer either. However, all iPads, and all iPhones since the 3GS, do have true magnetometers. Many android devices have them, but some don't.

    Here are links to the low-level API documentation for magnetometer data on android and iOS:


    http://developer.android.com/guide/topi ... rs-pos-mag


    https://developer.apple.com/library/ios ... index.html

  • Guillermo

    Dunno. DL r191 and tell us.

  • Noticed that r191 included the following changelog notice:

    [quote:1mflhdmz]WebStorage: worked around crash caused by the fact Chrome Web Store apps have removed local storage support. WebStorage now does nothing in Chrome Web Store apps. We have requested that Google add support back.

    This seems like kind of a big deal.<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused">

    I can't test this myself ATM, but I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this or would be willing to confirm it?

    Here's Ashley's chromium bug report; please chime in if you are seeing the same issue:

    https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issu ... ?id=439027

  • Danwood

    Opacity...not sure about that one. Angle, yes, that seems like it might cancel it out, because you are 'moving' the object, or at least, the bounding box is changing (unless the object has symmetrical dimensions). Seems like the best thing to do is disable the behaviors as objects move on/offscreen.

    EDIT: whoops, guess Ashley stepped in while I was writing and gave a definitive answer.


    Does 'Is Onscreen' now take advantage of render cells? On a similar note, would there be a way to use render cells to provide a 'Pick by distance from point' command?

  • Danwood

    For more info on render cells, Ashley has a new, in depth blog post:

    https://www.scirra.com/blog/ashley/14/h ... cells-work