tiago_caterluci's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • The problem was making the enemy instances act independently and separately, after looking a lot here on the forum and not finding anything explaining how to do it, luckily I found a tutorial explaining how to create containers, which I, being new to construct, didn't know. , this solved the problem, now the instances work independently, just group the objects that are part of the instance that you want to have separate behaviors


  • It was so simple, why didn't anyone help me if the answer was containers?

    Good thing I found out on my own

  • Hi thanks for replying, the destroyed object is right, in case I want to destroy Felipe_Solido when the animation Idle_Morrer finished and this is not working

  • Why the destroy command doesn't work at the end of an animation?

    This is not working

  • What is the best way to make the enemy attack the player, in an 8-way top down game

  • Hire a designer to make the octopus and its tentacles separate, then animate it in a program with a bone system

  • The instances are already following the closest target, however I would like them to follow each one independently. As it is, both of them (or as many as there are) go to the target that is closest together

  • I need to program local multiplayer enemies, top, down system, in which the enemy chooses one of the players to attack when he is in the field of vision, but if there is more than one enemy in the layout, each one chooses a player to attack, example:

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  • Mahin and the revolt against machines

    In a dystopian future where machines have dominated humanity, Mahin, a tribute to the courageous Luiza Mahin who fought against slavery, embarks on a journey to save her robot friend, Sophie. Sophie was destroyed in an explosion, and Mahin needs to gather her pieces to repair her. However, along her journey, she discovers an even more sinister plan by the machines to eradicate humanity.

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  • In a dystopian future where machines have dominated humanity, Mahin, a tribute to the courageous Luiza Mahin who fought against slavery, embarks on a journey to save her robot friend, Sophie. Sophie was destroyed in an explosion, and Mahin needs to gather her pieces to repair her. However, along her journey, she discovers an even more sinister plan by the machines to eradicate humanity.

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  • 10 posts