I use C2 and build apps in many ways and found Cocoonjs is the best for me, now I only care about how to remove Cocoonjs Splash screen. Payment account? when is it available? please give me some more information.
Hi Pode,
I still get stuck at building Android apps by Phonegap with iframe plugin. The iframe's content cannot display on android device. Help me please...
Thank you.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Hi Pode and every one, please help me on this situation. I try to build the demo capx to phonegap apps but failed. I run Pode's demo on browser is good, but after build to apk file and run on android device is failed. I try to change screen from portrait to landscape and see the iframe content in a tick moment. Please see and help me.
My apk file: