Thndr's Forum Posts

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Hold down Platform Right or Left (Arrow keys)

    2. Press Platform jump (up)

    3. Make sure you held down Right or Left

    Observed result:

    Sprite goes up, then 90 degrees right/left. No jump arch or fall

    Expected result:

    Sprite goes up, starts going up right/left, then falls as per normal jump arch.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes/no

    Internet Explorer: yes/no

    Operating system & service pack: Windows 7 x64

    Construct 2 version: R120beta

  • I have a tile based game, and to save memory, I want to only render within a set area.

    For example, I have an array the level spawns tile locations from, and I only want to show the tiles between scrollx-12 and scrollx+12. I only want to spawn them when they are within the boundry and I want to have all other tiles destroyed outside of the boundry

    Currently I'm generating the entire level at layout start

    SYS>Start of layout

    foreground_array>for each XY element

    Sys:Creat object TILE at (background_array.CurY, background_array.CurX)

    While the size of tiles, each one is a sprite. The game should be lightweight even with the entire level generated at start, but I would like to do anything I can to make it optimized.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    After looking into it, set it a number value and still didn't stop, but then I added a Wait 0.1 to the beginning of the attack function and it made it work properly.

  • Currently working on a game where when on the ground the player stops moving and does the attack animation, then can either attack again or move afterwards.


    Currently while moving, it breaks the animation loop for attacking and thus prevents it from going through as I have it triggered on animation statuses.

    Idealy there would be a fraction of a second time between when the player gets control to attack VS the player gets control to move, however I'd probably go for a simpler solution if that is complicated.

  • Okay, I think I have it. Basically I'm surrounding what I want with the Destination Out mask sprite, then with WebGL Turned on and point sampling forcing texture.

    This way nothing gets blurred and it seems to work fine.

  • Sort of.

    Basically I created a rough outline here:

    There are three boxes with outlines. Red boxes should only appear in the first box, blue in the second, and green in the third. All three outline boxes need to be visible.

    Basically a layer mask around each 'box'.

    With force texture and destination in I can get it how I want it, but force texture also blurs any scaled sprite even when I have point-scaling enabled. Surely there's a simpler way to mask what I want effeciently

  • Okay, found a function called Blend Mode for layers and sprites, but I'm unsure if it's possible to do this.

    For the tutorial I want to have 3 seperate boxes, and each box uses ingame assets that should only appear in it's chosen box and shouldn't leave the borders (like a layer mask)

    However blend mode seems to leave everything black below or outside it, not transparent to the other layers.

  • I want to create a box that essentially only shows everything within the area of that box, so I can have it hover above the gameplay area, but outside of the box the sprites don't show.

    I plan on using this for tutorials, but without something similar to a "layer mask", I don't know where to begin.

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  • Thank you for your quick response

  • I was wondering, would it be possible for 2 projects to use the same resources?

    For instance: What if I have Game 1 and Game 2

    They both use the same tiles/sprites/sounds, but they're two different games.

    Can I set it up so it'll be like




  • Ah, okay then.

    You do still have the option to publish as a Offline PC app, but with a different method I assume? (not just Windows 8)

    Edit: Did some google-fu. Moving to node-webkit it seems would be replacing Awesomium, right?

    Edit2: beaten. Thanks for the quick replies ^__^

  • Well I assume they would have to put up Steam Workshop integration for "publish to Steam", unless you mean create a standalone executable that Steam would accept as an application to put on the marketplace. I assume the Awesomium wrapping would function for that.

    I want to know if Steam would have x64-bit versions and Beta releases of Construct 2 in the future as well.

  • Okay getting something weird now. Fixed all my previous issues so far, but CurY and CurX seem to be reversed using a CSV array. The X value has to be CurY and the Y value has to be CurX or else the level is on it's side.

  • Okay tried out some things and I figure I'm doing something wrong as it's not turning out how it should.

    using CSV2ARRAY plugin by Rex to make a tile array and then converting the value into the animation frame.

    The image is supposed to look like this:

    But it just cycles through the tiles until it gets the last one.

    EDIT: Forgot to turn animation speed off. Also had to adjust array tileplacement calculations.

  • Been playing around more with construct, and currently after looking at things unsure how I would go about making a level more smoothly than manually copying instances of a solid object.

    Read some things and heard about a CSV plugin being able to use an array to generate the level for a tileset, but also heard arguments against using all tiles due to performance issue.

    Would it be best to use a giant(depending on level size) tiled background image for all the "background" tiles and then have only the solid ones in an array to be generated?

    The software I use to generate my tiles is a great one called Pyxel Edit ( ) which has options to export the tileset as a png file along with a text or XML document of their placements

    Text format (no rotation/flip information as of yet, hopefully next update)

    XML format (includes rotation/flip information)

    (-1 means no tile placed there)

    Sorry if the post is a bit long winded, so I'll just reiterate things succinctly here:

    1) Performance wise: Better to use all tiles or tile-solids with a large background image?

    Edit:Apparently tiled backgrounds blur when resized while sprites do not, and sprites do no blur if webGL is enabled. So I guess all tile sprites is the way to go

    2) Instructions: How would I use a CSV file to make a level map ; or the XML file?