TheWyrm's Forum Posts

  • You can still export to it. Just read the build notes to find out how to activate it ->

  • OK, I was hoping it would magically work once added as a third party plugin in the XDK since Ejecta and PhoneGap are supported by C2 i.e. no engineering from you. I agree Cordova/PhoneGap is the best choice for long term goals. It's just hard to know what to do for releasing iOS games before we get there. Which is not helped by reports of a stall of iOS8 adoption -> However, early days still...

  • Anywho, I'll do some R&D and see what the results are over the weekend.

  • Ashley


    Hi guys, as you maybe both aware I have been searching for a solution for producing an app that runs well on pre-iOS8 environments. Ideally I was after something similar to crosswalk for iOS and I think I may have found it.

    I believe we can insert Ejecta as a plugin into Cordova. What's even better it has already been created by Wizcorp =>

    So if I'm not completely off base I am hoping this will essentially give us Ejecta performance for iOS7 and below, while giving us Cordova performance on iOS8 above.

    Does that sound right to you guys or have I read too much between the lines?

    P.S Here is an amazingly ***sarcasm detected*** detailed tutorial by Wizcorp

    EDIT: There is also a video along side that presentation, but it's in Japanese. However, it is worth jumping to the end as it shows a Three.js demo running ->

  • I had trouble finding keys when I did it =>

    That may or may not help...

  • ArcadEd I saw it on facebook but not here that I know about. Listened and liked it.

  • It's got some good ideas in there, but if it's easier perhaps you should just rename the old one legacy arcade and start a new one. Take over the bits and pieces you want and then just allow people to upload any html5 projects, while adding some community moderation. The more great games on the arcade the more attention scirra and c2 will get from the the public.

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    cesarzevil So I think some helpful advice would be that you need to clearly write out the question you need answering. Looking at the post that DUTOIT linked it feels more like you want people to fix your capx, but without knowing what you want to achieve.

    Again in this thread you haven't made the problem clear. You say you feel "deceived and cheated" but don't explain your reasoning. I think you're blaming customer support as your reason for leaving?

    In my experience the C2 community, Ashley and Tom have been exemplary at providing advice/help whenever I have needed it. You just need to be write your problem and your goal clearly to get the response you expect.

    To be clear this is not an attack, but just trying to give help on getting good feedback.

  • zenox98 I did do a search but didn't find anything related in the first couple of pages, so thanks for info and stepping up.

    Tom Hey, I think you're doing a great job, but what's the deal with the new arcade? When can we expect it to +1?

  • Hi,

    What is the reason for only allowing game uploads with certain plugins? I always want to upload but can't because I often include third party plugins for mobile development that I don't really want to delete and I also don't want to branch my project and have to maintain them both.

    Kind regards,


  • Aphrodite To be honest I have never tried Ejecta and that's because I have only heard bad things about it. So can't really comment as I have no idea if it supports ads, iap, etc. I will have to give it ago for myself. If it is a worthy candidate then great.

    I also believe that Scirra should not be responsible for bugs related to third party plugins. If bugs come up then the user should submit the bug with the third party. It's what I have done many times with CocoonjS and to date they have answered and fixed many of my issues.

    However, I completely disagree about exporting apps. It is what sold C2 to me and will be why many others bought a license. Without it I would probably be using GameSalad or GameMaker.

  • When the Ludei cloud console updated for the last update I assumed this was the new option added found at 'Projects / Services / Splashes'

    ludei I take it that isn't the case?

  • Here is my 2p. I agree in the long term phonegap/cordova will be great export paths, but at present the supported iOS export options are poor for older versions of iOS7 and below. I know a supporting factor for C2 to choose phonegap as its primary method to export to iOS was based on the quick speed of users upgrading to iOS7. However, iOS8 isn't being upgraded as quickly as iOS7 -> ... are-stats/ which concerns me as a developer for my short term* iOS releases.

    *short term - I am hoping at longest we will have to wait until the next round of phone releases/iOS9 update. Which is probably another year away. Which is LONG time to wait.

    What should developers do in the short term?

    As I see it CocoonJS works now (or it did for me) so that should be supported as much as it can without changing the core philosophy of Ludei or Scirra's development paths. This means Ludei should provide detailed setup instructions and tutorials that is supported by both Scirra and C2. For instance at present there is no way to to showing loading screens between layouts, which is a big no no in game development (Check the major console developers TRC/TCR/Lotcheck documentation). So by default it should be turned off until C2 is willing to make changes to support it, which in turn depends on if it is a change they are willing to make. In other words whatever is exported from C2 just needs to work to whichever method is supported.

    Scirra also need to remember that they state on their frontpage that they support publishing to iOS. Which attracts many developers to C2, me included. If they only want to support iOS8 then this should be stated on the front page. Otherwise I believe CocoonJS should be reinstated to provide full coverage. Yes, I know you have only depreciated the export option, but it leaves the question of if left unsupported how long will it continue to work?

  • Thanks. Ok, so knowing that I will find it easier to organize my layouts.

    Cheers again,


  • Thanks.

    To add to what stctr said you need to make sure nothing is selected in your layout as well. There is no right click option for editing z-order on a layer so you have to tick 'z-order bar' in the 'View' tab. Then select the layer.

    I have no idea what the z-order editor is showing when an object is selected, and why if selecting the layer is the correct method of operation why there isn't a right click option to invoke the z-order editor on the layer. Feels like a bug with a workaround to me.