theubie's Forum Posts

  • Capx?

  • Definitely a good start.

  • Quick and dirty prototype:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • The www works with long as your initiating url also has the www prefix. They have to match, otherwise it falls to your Access Origin rules.

  • Stomphoof You posted that you're on the free edition...this is where Families would be your friend.

    Without it, you have two directions that I would look into:

    1, you could create a local variable and set it with a choose action..I.e. choose('mob1','mob2','mob3','mob4'), then use 4 sub events to check to see if the local variable = mob1 or mob2, etc...then spawn your sprite.

    2, you could create 1 mob sprite and give it 4 different animations. Use the choose function to randomly set one of those animations, then check the sprite to see what animation is running and set any instance variables on the sprite to correct values (health/hp, movement speed, etc.)

    Again, this is a LOT easier in the licensed version using families.

  • To the point you made about the recent release notes: I'd much rather the developers of the game design software stick to adding functionality to help in creating games and let the people who write exporters and wrappers focus on exporting and wrapping html5 games more efficiently.

    Scirra's a small team, and they only have so many manhours to devote to various bug fixes, expansion of current capabilities and development of new capabilities for their IDE. Not all C2 developers develop for mobile platforms, however almost all C2 developers use the IDE for developing games. Yes, everyone would like to have their specific development need addressed right now. There is a list of things I'd love to see C2 able to do, but I know that 85% of them only would be beneficial to a handful of developers.

    In the end, your frustration is valid, but the way development in general and game development in specific works is that you use the tools that make your life easier until they've done all they can for you, then you get to work finding a solution for the challenges you face until you either get past those challenges, someone else comes up with a solution for you, or you give up.

    I hate to sound heartless, but that's the life of a developer.

  • Yup. We'd need to see a capx to know for sure what's going on. Just tired the exact event you described and it worked at intended.

  • Demo

    Simulation perfect? Nope, but it feels real enough for what I'm trying to achieve.

  • Right. Would have to take the absolute value. Also guess it would have to be relative to the other object's velocity as well, since there will be two moving bodies.

    delta(abs(x) + abs(y)) would get the relative velocity, then plug that into for both objects with their masses to figure out the force imparted on the other.

    That makes sense, for what little Physics I remember from 2 decades ago in the classroom.

    Edit: Also, before I make some poor physics major's head explode, I realize now after more research that I'm wanting momentum (P=mv) and not Force (F=ma).

    Right method, wrong formula.

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  • I'd like to base damage in an upcoming game with physics enabled objects for collisions between objects.

    I THINK I just need to multiply the velocity X by velocity Y by the Mass of the object to get a reasonable "force" for which to base my damage on...but my brain doesn't want to accept this as accurate.


  • -Have your layer setup fleshed out before making the first level of a game with many layouts. It's incredibly boring to mirror layer changes across 50+ levels. (@Ashley this seems something the engine could well improve upon.)

    I can't agree with this more. Your UI and controls should be finished before you even think of level design.

    And, yes, I would to see a "duplicate layer" feature.

  • Ajax is client initiated. Websockets would be the way to go, but that's another can of worms altogether. I'd suggest finding some good tutorials on Websockets before deciding to go down that route.

  • You can use the hash or query of the url to get data from outside of the app when it starts using the Brower Object

  • This somewhat false, although it takes a lot of backend work to do it right, and it's not for fast paced action games. I'm working on rewriting an online game I had running a couple of years ago in C2, and it's working great.

    Games that can live with Ajax calls as a primary means of playing can be done very easy in C2. Your C2 app becomes a UI container while the backend does all the work. It checks for updates from the server every x seconds, and when you click a button it sends that to the server for processing.

    A battleship style game could be done in this way...but again it's beyond the scope of C2 itself to pull this off, as most of the game itself is being computed on the server in whatever language you're using there.

  • It depends on your background, Ashley. As a programmer, I prefer to see some of the multiple conditions broken down into sub events, as I visualize it more like traditional if then else statements. It's that indent that makes it look right to me. ;P

    Dealt with too many languages that would throw an exception if you tried to read a property or value from a uninitialized or null variable, so it's so ingrained in me to check for the existence of something before I start manipulating it that it just feels wrong for me sometimes to load up conditions on the top level of an event.

    Old coding habits (and most of them are bad habits) die hard.