theresa.mtka's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • I am teaching video game design course and following the same instructions as from the spring class. We are working on flip the monkey. We have just added collision points for the platform and now the flip sprite is very agitated at rest on the platform. The animation is a single image. There should really be no movement at all.

    Any suggestions? The setting of the platform collision points may be a red herring...


  • To clarify my original question - paraphrasing one of the responses above -

    space bar is pushed << event

    gun is coconut gun << sub event or condition?? or doesn't it matter?

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  • That makes sense. Thanks so much.

  • I'm working with high school students - 9th -12th grade. I'm wondering what the real distinction is between sub-events and conditions. The line appears a bit grey to me - I can see the condition being that flip is moving, or the idea that a sub-event where flip is moving is occuring. I'm looking for a way to understand this so that I can clearly describe it to students who may struggle with the difference.

    -Theresa Hendrickson

    Minnetonka Schools.

  • 4 posts