TheRealDannyyy's Forum Posts

  • I have an idea that might be easier to make instead of a full native exporter.

    Ashley since you tend to look through all the CPU-bottlenecked games:

    [quote:3cdgil49]...please, link me to every example of CPU-bottlenecked games you can find. I want to investigate them...

    What about this, a build-in event debugger that checks for those, performance breaking events?

    So I mean a system that checks for mistakes like this for example:

    Tells the user that the events on line XX (in this case 4 & 5), can be optimized.

    And if the user wants those events to be optimized, the event debugger will change it to this for example:

    With this kind of system we could keep running on the HTML5 track and also make games with well performance.

    What do you guys think about that, Ashley what do you think about this kind of system?

  • There is already an android game showcased as "made with C2" example. (Click HERE)

    I don't want to be offensive with the following list but:

    • It has constant framedrops. (Mostly when objects are created into the layout)
    • Quiet long loading times between layouts. (Compared to a 3D game made with other engines)
    • Huge filesize (Because of the 3rd party wrapping)

    It is quiet hidden from the other "successful" games featured on the main page

    but I guess that is just how the webmaster choose it to be. (OR maybe on purpose?)

    I would like to hear a statement about that game from Ashley or the developer himself if possible.

    Maybe some words by Farias himself answering the following question for example:

    What do you think about the current methods of exporting, did you experience any issues?

    P.s. Before people start blaming my mobile device, I got a LG phone with 500mb ram free to use, quad core processor 1,5ghz and a quite good graphics card. (Nvida Tera)

  • TheRealDannyyy

    I'll be able to do that probably within a month or so. I have NDA over my head so I can't show anything from that game until it is finished and released to public

    Let's change it up a bit, can anyone else in the C2 community upload a smooth running android game for me to test please?

    It doesn't have to be uploaded to Google Play, you can also PM me the link to download it.

    (Once again I'm just curious about that, I dont want to support any of the groups here.)

  • >

    > 1. You have to prove that all of your games run 60 fps on every device - if at least 1% of all 177,817 registered users will say that your games run 60 fps on their devices, it will be enough.

    > 2. You have to prove that you are not the only one, who creates such games - show me at least 1% from 177,817 registered users who create such games.


    1. I don't think it's possible. I can't afford (yet!) to buy every single device that ever existed just to show you it works at 60fps

    2. Sure! Let me get back to you after I finish sending 177.817 PMs to all members.

    Could you upload any of your projects (that you want to be public) just to show of how smooth it runs on android devices please?

    I'm just curious about that, I dont want to support any of the groups currently. (Native / VS / Wrapper)

  • paradine

    Also if you didn't know - 3D runs way faster then 2D on all hardware (don't let me get started about this...).

    you should stop complaining and leave if you don't like c2. there's java. learn it and android sdk and build your game in androids native language. good luck with that.

    That sounds rude, anyway the most of us care about C2 and therefor we ask questions about comparisons, features additions etc. because we want C2 to improve and not to get everyone up to using different game engines.

    I still think native exporter would make a change, HOWEVER Ashley and his team will never be able to push out these updates as fast as many of us think.

    And while they would work on the native exporters, web technology will improve too, so at the end we might just get native exporters with the same strength as the current third party wrapper exporting methods.

    Also comparisons between Unity and C2 are not right, if you compare the team of Ashley (Scirra) and the Unity Team.

    So if we want to compare projects etc. with C2 we should consider that in future.

  • do a SSD consistency check , and fragmentation, and make sure u open c2 as administrator, it may cause problems, if ur using non administrator accounts or privileges, and also if ur HDD SDD has a slight bug of writing reading cache where c2 stores... thats what happens for me most of times... my hdds are almost dead ... still have plenty of space for bigger programs to run, the thing is .. a portion of the partition which by default on c2 is the C drive where u also have the windows most of times installed.. doesn't reads it fast enough or just could not read some data... that might be your problem, i think this is either a Hardware one or smthing blocks C2 ability to read the cached data. i cant see why it acts on ur side that way... ur RIG is pretty strong ... 5 times stronger then mine.. and i never had a full freeze on c2 my only freeze as i told before was when i was using AFFX which almost kills my computer by itself.. skype and teamviewer all at once then i opened c2 and yea no more memory... but in ur case thats not it.. i doubt will be a steam problem... or c2 steam platform problem... is something else to do... what programs are running in bg? can u run only C2 trough steam platform only? dont use firefox or other stuff opened.. make sure u dont have any bg software's.. CTRL ALT DEL task manager it ... then see if the sluggishness still happens.. maybe is steam trying to close other software's or bg processes... if ur in game mode.. but then... not sure if i might be right on any of the above points... and im pretty sure you already tried all those ... have no idea then really without a error report on crash ... to see what causes it we cant say .. really. we only can presume things goes wrong..

    As we said several times before, we all have quite good setups and pretty clean systems running.

    I don't think that we have a hardware problem since we all have kinda the same issue.

    Also if we are supposed to use Steam's offline mode while using C2 I see no point in using C2 over Steam then anyways.

    I really appreciate that you guys try to solve the problem but I think any suggestion according to hardware rigs should not be posted anymore.

    Please let's only post real fixes or workarounds in this report for the future, thank you very much!

  • Enjoy your new "Steam software", I have one more idea that came into my mind today about the sluggishness.

    Do you guys have "Mobile Previewing" enabled? (This thing)

  • nice to hear you solved the problem you had... but still continues after 1 day now? it might not bee steam or C2 ... but your hard drive ... is it almost full? what settings you have for caching things? how much space you have in the C2 auto save folder? is it OLD or new ? is it HDD or SSD?

    It is kinda weird, in the older versions (and I mean very old versions) this never happened to me.

    To be honest I never really noticed when this sluggishness started but I guess it has something to do with Steam, since I used the standalone version then.

    As I already said and Ashley confirmed, the steam version is the exact same version as the one available here so it has to be something with Steam.

    I cannot do more than updating all my drivers and OS to the latest version available.

    My HDD is fine and all of my hardware is up to date and powerfull enaugh.

    For my side of issues it is easy to handle so I dont see any reason to go on trying to find a fix, if it works it works.

  • Thank you for your response ASHLEY. I fully understand the way you're reasoning, without being able to reproduce the bug it's nearly impossible to find the cause. The good thing about this thread is that we have actually found a workaround. With the auto-save turned off I can work for a whole day straight feeling confident that Construct won't freeze. With auto-save turned on however I need to restart or force the application to shut once every 20 minutes. The strange thing that it doesn't matter which platform I use, the bug is always the same (even though my desktop computer cope with the slowdown a bit better).

    The Steam Overlay doesn't do anything in my experience, but I have disabled it as it is utterly useless in construct. I'm actually quite happy with the workaround, I can actually live with that. But I'm thinking about asking for a refund just to catch the attention of Steam support, and shed some light on the issue. It has been reported before, and we're a couple of people experiencing it (god knows how many, I waited almost a year before I reported)

    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction for a good workaround, as well as being committed in this thread.

    I will mostly likely go on working like I did before, at least I just have to minimize and reopen the window and everything works fine then.

    Thank you Ashley for the fast response, good luck on waiting for Valve to answer you. (Valve will take their time, like they always do...)

  • Auto-updates are nice, even though I have turned them off, because first I wan't to make sure that the installed plugins works with the new version.

    Ok then, Ashley I think we've found the bug.

    updated the description and all required information is given. (Teleport me there!)

    We hope you find and fix the bug as soon as you got a break from working on C3.

    Thanks for the fast response to all of my questions and thanks for reporting

    this else I would've just go on using C2 with this issue forever.

    (P.s. you can also add Windows 7 with the latest drivers and updates installed in the description, thx.)

  • Thank you g3nki and TheRealDannyyy!

    G3nki, could you test what TheRealDannyyy said about Steam Overlay affecting autosave, and post here?

    TheRealDannyyy, if i understand your point, there is no difference between Scirra and Steam versions, at least as regards the functionality of Construct 2, isn't it? Btw, which version do you have?

    Best wishes!

    The most of the disadvantages are true.

    I bought a personal license because I use Steam all the time and it also gives you the comfort not to check for updates every time you start C2, Steam autoupdates C2 for you at the same time as the update has been released here. (It even says that your C2 has been updated and asks you if you want to see the changelog.)

    You can also change to the beta of C2 at anytime by just a few clicks which is nice too.

    So if you are more the Steam guy like I am, I recommend the C2 version on Steam because from the game development side, it is exactly the same as on the website.

    However if you are up for sales and want to grab it cheaper than usual you should wait for a scirra store price drop which happens sometimes. (Christmas deals etc.)

  • >


    • You can't open up a steam game while Construct 2 is opened



    That is not true, you can play games and have C2 running all the time.

    (In the past were applications were introduced to Steam was a limit for that but they changed it about 2 weeks after that.)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • One last thing before giving this bug over to ASHLEY.

    In the past there were some bug reports about the Steam release where the Steam Overlay affected functions of C2, maybe

    the overlay is affecting the autosave function this time?

    I think you are using C2 more than I do currently, might want to test it out with disabling the Steam Overlay while autosave is enabled?

    (How to: Right click on C2 in your library > Click on propeties > Uncheck the checkbox which says "Activate Steam Overlay Ingame")

    If this is not "fixing" the bug either, we can be sure that this is a C2 bug and not Steam.

  • > I'm not sure about this but I think that autosaving might cause this, at least I enabled it and set it to every 5 min. and this issue for me at least seem to happen about every 5 min. I dont want to say that IT IS the autosave function but it might be? (I will test it and check if it is the autosave to make sure...)


    I tried it out this evening and once I disabled to autosave it actually works like a charm! (though still under evaluation) The autosave frequency could be an explanation to the different "stages of sluggishness" that I am experiencing.

    Please continue and share your experiences with this problem. Try out the "disable autosave"-workaround and share your thoughts about it, perhaps we can help Ashley isolate the bug.

    So I'm pretty sure now it is the autosave function for me at least.

    But there is a little more I think I found out about it, in bigger projects it tends to slutter more.

    I guess C2 autosave creates some sort of "trash" every time it autosaves the project which leads to more sluggish behavior and freezing. (The more it autosaves in a session the more sluggish it gets)

    1. Are you using a compressed .capx or do you save it as a project folder? (In my case project folder)

    2. Do you have a dual monitor setup? (just curious about that, maybe C2 has issues with this kind of setup)

    P.s. I still cannot explain why minimizing and reopening helps for me at least maybe it leads to some sort of "reset" but I'm not sure about that at the time.

  • The thing that bothers me is what C2 and/or Steam are acually doing to cause this issue?

    I mean a license check or something like that cannot cause so heavy lags or even freezing can it?

    I'm not sure about this but I think that autosaving might cause this, at least I enabled it and set it to every 5 min. and this issue for me at least seem to happen about every 5 min.

    I dont want to say that IT IS the autosave function but it might me? (I will test it and check if it is the autosave to make sure...)