I have a strange problems with CocoonJS music/sound loading on Android telephone. I have tried many variants:
- Preload of 0,50,100% of my sound/music files
- Preload (by name) of 0,50,100% of my sound/music files
- Without preload and preload (by name) of sound/music files
- Moving background music file inside "Music" folder
- Moving background music file inside "Sounds" folder
- Preload of 3-4 important sounds file with preload of background music file
- Preload of 3-4 important sounds file without preload of background music file
- Preload of background music file as first file from list
- Preload of background music file as last file from list
Every time final result is "Random" loading of music/sound files on Android.
I found other peoples with the same problem:
I've been trying my game on using the
ludei Android CocconJs launcher on my Samsung GS2.
I am having similar audio problems as others have described. Sometimes I get audio, other times I don't. Often, I get audio late, e.g. a second or two after the event. (I don't have music.)
I also had an issue with sounds on Cocoonjs. Music doesn't play, and some sounds only start playing randomly after a period of time.
I have similar issue that others. The BG music starts, but the Sounds - in my case these are narrations - do not first time. In my stroybook the first time a page is displayed, the narration not starts, but the second time.
I would like to ask if there is any lenght/size limitation of the sound files? I'll try to preload the sounds...
I recorded video to show this problem with these settings:
No matter preloading or not, final result is random loading of music and sound effects.
YouTube Video:
Construct 2 r112
CocoonJS Launcher 1.2 for Android
Samsung Galaxy W I8150