themacvictror's Forum Posts

  • themacvictror

    Summarizing, the procedures are the same. The error that appears is that the console is not finding an index.html or have nothing to run. The fact that I'm using a PC to generate the files and android with coocon to view the ios application can be a problem? From what I saw in the Ludei site, I'll need a Mac to generate ipa. What would be the minimum configuration of a mini mac/os to use exclusively for that? Thanks.

    I think you should test on a real iDevice, with cocoonjs "player" installed.

    To use xcode and generate an IPA, any Mac (mini is ok) running OSX Mavericks, will be fine. But my advice is to take a new (or refurbished) Mac Mini, so you'll be sure it will be supported by OSX for at least 3-5 years. an i5 and 4-8Gb di Ram is quite ok.


  • RenatoB

    my procedure, before releasing anything to app store, is simpler : Just export to cocoonJS and import the .zip via itunes.

    Anyway i think the problem is due to some non supported components or plugins in cocoonJS.

    But to be sure, please make a demo of the non-working app, in a .capx file and share it.

    Otherwise we can only make guesses.


  • RenatoB

    better for you to share the .capx (one file project) to better check the problem.


  • RenatoB :

    make sure you don't use textbox or other components not implemented in cocoonjs (see doc to be sure).

    Anyway, always run selecting "accelerated Canvas/webgl".

    Then. running the app, tap in the corner of the screen (where fps are) and you'll be able to see log with all errors and warnings !


  • iTunes should be installed on your PC/MAC (you can try with iFunBox or similar, but my advice is to use iTunes)

    then, connect ipad on pc and, in iTUNES copy the exported .zip onto CocoonJS folder (in "app" tab).

    Tell me if i'm not clear about something.


  • Find the CocoonJS app in APPstore.

    Then, via itunes, copy the .zip exported app (c2->export->cocoonJS) in CocoonJS folder (look in app, in itunes, on the low part of screen)

    Tell me if you find it.


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  • Thanks ! So you did use the "system.pick object by evaluating "

    Very good implementation, exactly what i was looking for but couldn't figure

    i owe you one


  • Bump


  • LittleStain,

    i tried your solution (one sprite, with different animation frames. Thus i'm able to identify WICH frame is clicked.

    Everything works perfectly, but....when i do my zoom (remember, zooming is ON SPRITE, not ON ANIMATION FRAME), every frame of animation of that sprite will be zoomed.

    Poor result

    Is there any WORKING solution ? Is there someone could finally resolve my problem ?

    Do you need a new .capx ?

    here it is :

    and by the way, old question : I can i test PINCH in browser ???

    Thanks !


  • LittleStain

    What i should insert in zoomSheet substituting "hunter" ? a global variable ? or the animation index ?



  • LittleStain

    Thanks !

    ok, you're referring to the "background" sprites ? i'll do it

    And what about the "touch and select sprite" need ?


  • LittleStain

    I do have paid version (via steam....gulp...but it works well <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> ).

    Uhm...nice ideas !

    So, the ideas are :

    Group my sprites in a family (one or two families will be enough)

    And then how can i'll see which of my sprite is selected ?


    Use ONLY one (or two) sprite. With 80/90 frames of animation ?

    And then how can i can tell which animation of the same sprite is clicked ?

    (they will all be different, both in pictures and in size, is that a problem ?)

    Thanks, anyway i think i'm close ! Did you see my capx ?


  • LittleStain,

    thanks for the answer, but doesn't seems to practical. I'll have, in finished version, more than 80/90 sprites. So i have to do 90 events "on touched" ?

    And when i'm going to zoom/rotate, i'll have to do 90 "if 'is selected'" ??

    I saw i can save (in a global variable) the UID of sprite. Can then use this sayng something like "sprite with this UID, do that.----"



  • Bump !

    Lurked forum and docs, but still i haven't a clue :(
